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Genetically Modified Babies and the War between Science and Ethics
Honors British Literature
Mr. E. Tawes

Seymone Brown
April 15, 2015

Genetically Modified Babies

Genetically Modified Babies and the War between Science and Ethics

The new discovery generating the idea of giving individuals the opportunity to choose the
traits their child receives is better known as designer babies or genetically modified babies, has
had many positive and negative effects, but can cause many ethical and scientific issues. This
idea leads to the rise of many debates of whether or not this new scientific discovery is ethical or
unethical. The newly found procedure of designing a baby is a great advancement for science.
The line must be drawn here, as shown in the book Frankenstein, this advancement in science
can attempt to make a perfect human, but the final result of the human created may not be the
one imagined in their mind. What happens when the product does not match the parent's
expectation of what they wanted, or the genetic disease that the parents were trying to avoid
develops in the child? As demonstrated in Frankenstein, when Victor was creating his creature,
His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful (Shelley, 1818/2010, p.
48). But once he brought his creation to life it was, A mummy again endured with animation
could not be so hideous as that wretch. I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then,
but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as
even Dante could not conceive (Shelley, 1818/2010, p. 49). Engineering the characteristics of a
baby through the alterations of their genes is a choice that the parents must not take lightly. In
reference to the creation of Victors creature, once created, he could not reconfigure the steps to
either enhance or return back to normal.
Many parents have been attempting to create genetically modified babies since as early as
the 1990s, often brought up with the topic of human cloning. Back then creating their own baby
was only a thought in the back of parents minds. Now, parents are able to detect fetal DNA,
choose embryos through in vitro fertilization and have a mothers defective mitochondria

Genetically Modified Babies

replaced with healthy mitochondria from a donor egg. With these new advancements come many
issues that arise, one being the types of technologies used to modify the childs DNA and the
other being the designer baby itself. Other ethical questions that may arise are that people are
trying to be like God by creating their own child and debates on how the defective embryos are
disposed of.
The idea of designing their own baby was once a thought in peoples minds, today it is
now a possibility. With there being so many genetic diseases or disorders that can be passed from
parent to child, having the opportunity to change whether or not their child receives that trait is a
huge step in scientific technologies. This procedure would cause there to be modifications in
every cell of any children produced from this procedure, also altering the DNA of future children
produced. While the procedure may prevent the genetic disease or disorder from spreading to
future generations, it may cease genetic variation or develop a different type of genetic disorder
or disease to occur.
As explained by Cussins and Darnovsky (2014), those of us who oppose on social and
policy grounds are not arguing that it would in itself create enhanced humans with specialized
traits. Yes, that do oppose the use of genetic modification are not only concerned about the safety
of the child being produced but they also are concerned that if this procedure becomes a popular
choice for parents wanting to produce offspring that every child may look the same. Because of
parents wanting to have the ideal child that has great athletic ability, high intelligence, as well as
good looks. Taking away from the purpose of genetic modification because the parents are using
the procedure for physical and mental attributes, by doing this it takes away opportunities for
parents that may need to go through the procedure to help their baby avoid a hereditary disease
or disorder. Genetic reconfiguration is not only a risky procedure, but also a very challenging one
as well. Society as a whole has mixed views on the idea of genetically modifying babies.
Many arguments against genetically modified babies are viewed as how dangerous this

Genetically Modified Babies

may be for the child and how this may limit the amount of variation between people. As Hagler
(2015) acknowledged , legal and ethical issues regarding designer babies are compounded by the
lack of official consensus and government regulation on the subject, showing how although there
are not many serious debates on whether or not parents would like to design their own babies.
Other dangers of this procedure may include whether or not the child will be born healthy, or if
cellular disruptions occur and if later can cause problems for not only the parents but the child.
Parents may also abort babies that are not closely matched to their perfect DNA make up. As
well as the question of what will be done to the embryos who carry the genetic disease or
disorder? There are too many negative implications from this process. The negative factor
outweighs any positive aspect to the creation of genetically modified babies.

Others may believe that parents are trying to be like God when creating their own child.
From this, parents may feel as if it is their fault that their child is not the way they imagined the
perfect child may be. In Frankenstein, Victor is ashamed to have created such a hideous monster
that was not similar to the one that he imagined. Somewhat similar to how God creates us in his
image and often feels hurt when we sin against him, or how God created us, and we are not
content in how we look and make many artificial changes to our appearance. As Victor
(1818/2010) said, I had worked hard for nearly two years for the sole purpose of infusing life
into an inanimate body. For this I deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an
ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream
vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart (Shelley, 1818/2010, p. 48).
Other issues that could possibly arise from genetically babies are conflicts between the
new designer babies and naturally produced babies. Which could also lead to the alienation felt
of parents that were able to afford the procedure to prevent their child from having to deal with a
genetic disease or disorder? In Frankenstein, Victor isolated himself while creating his creature

Genetically Modified Babies

and then ignored his creature when it did not come out the way that he wanted it. Parents could
possibly give up their child because they do not want to deal with the genetic disorder that they
were trying to avoid, because they were unaware of any complication that occurred during the
process of completing the genetic modification.
The procedure has been tested at the Oregon Health and Science University, producing
five macaque monkeys. Although the monkeys do appear to be healthy, the effects on subsequent
generations may not be known for years. The researchers have noted differences from working
on the macaques zygote and the human zygote, and noticed abnormalities in in the fertilized
human zygote not seen in the macaque zygote. Lead researcher Shoukhrat Mitalipov (2014)
stated that It looks like human oocytes are more sensitive.
Given these many valid points genetically modified babies can have a large effect on
upcoming generations. If genetic modification becomes popular enough to start procedures,
many other health risks would have to be considered if everyone has the same type of modified
gene and a virus spreads. Or as a result of killing a certain gene a new virus is created
unknowingly; and an outbreak similar to that of the Bubonic Plague occurs where there is no
sure cure and large amounts of people are killed. The number of people diagnosed as well as
dying from cancer decreases because of the termination of a gene that cause the formation of
certain cancers. The amount of children diagnosed with diabetes is decreased because their
mother and father decided for their child to not receive that disease and also eliminate the gene
for obesity; in which causes people to live longer healthier and happier lives. Much research will
have to be performed before this process becomes an ideal choice for families.

Genetically Modified Babies

Moyer, M. W. (2014). Infant Possibilities. Popular Science, 285(2), 50-85
CUSSINS, J., & DARNOVSKY, M. (2014). Why Worry About Genetically Modified Babies
Genewatch, 27(3), 16
Peters, J. (2011). Designer Babies. Booklist, 108(3), 68.
Hagler, G. M. (2015). Designer Baby. Salem Press Encyclopedia,
Baird, S. L. (2007). Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options? (cover
story).Technology Teacher, 66(7), 12-16.

Genetically Modified Babies

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