Theme 1

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Theme One Vocabulary and Literature Terms [Vocabulary [Literary Terms . Impromptu Symbol i Tentatively Theme Tremor Character Commence Main Character Eerie Personal Essay Legacy ‘Analogy Crux Stereotype ‘Anonymous Short Story Enfeebled Setting Gloat Conflict Sophisticated Tone | Meager ‘Synonyms Taunt Style Tirade Context Sacred Context Clues Awe Danamic Character S Stately cssom Formal €ssoy ‘Unseemly _—— 1. The main reason that Greg wants to join the Scorpions is that the boys on the tear. . he feels safe when he is with them. 4. all of his frends would ook up to him, _—— 2. Greg's father seems to believe that Greg is. a. rude. selfish b. stupid. 4. iesponsible _—— 3. When Greg's father talks about his childhood, Greg feels a. gully. jealous. b, bored. 4. sympathetic. ___— 4 At first, Lemon Brown believes that Greg a. is lost, b. is his son 1 isa threat to him, —— 5. Lemon's career as a blues singer started going downhill when a. he got old. b, he moved to Harlem. his harmonica was damaged. 6. Alter spending the afternoon with Lemon, Greg feels The Treasure of Lemon Brown page 4 Name____. 8. Av example ofan eesie storys a a. fairytale, b. biography. © ghost story. i 9. You commence your day when you a, wake up. b. make plans. c go tosleep. —— 10. Vihich ofthe following isan example ofa tremor? a. howing ». shivering c. disobedience TI, A person behaves tentatively when he or she is a. bored. b. unsure curious, 12. An impromptu performance is one that is a. popular. B. pootly done. not rehearsed . no one was depending on him. In the boxes, answer each question by listing two or three ideas from the story. tened to face his fate. “Brery man gota treasure. You don't know that, you must be a fool” ', too embarrassed to face his father. more capable of dealing with his father. 4. ready to make a complete break from his father. 4 J 7. The theme of this story is LEAST tied to the idea of a. how love is shown. b. who one's fiends are. c. what true “treasure” is, 4. what is worthy of pride. iB What does this statement reveal about Lemon Brown? 14, What might this statement teach Greg? about his relationship with his father? FS When she wes very young Seal Belived that the people she ew were Dictionary of Japanese-American Terms p 2s American only if they a. were white b. spoke English. Name. looked like her. dhad been born in America When Sasaki says that her new neighbor was REALLY Nihonjin,” she means that the neighbor a. was bor in Jay b. did not speak English. c had a purely Japanese heritage. 4. behaved in traditional Japanese ways, 5. Sasaki believes tat she would not have had nightmares about her grandfather it! he had been —— 6. What could you use to convey information? a. kinder to her. a, aletter b. a thought library ’, more Americanized. —— 7 Aword that means the opposite of painstakingly is more fama to her a. slowly. b. carelessly. c. lweriously d. more of a stranger to her. . According to Sasaki its tracitional in Japan that when an act of kindness is received, one must repay it by a. expressing gratitude in writing. D. expressing gratitude face-o-ace doing the same thing for another person in need. —— 8. An intricate plan is one that is a. secret ». complicated. extremely dever, —— 9. Which of the following can emulate a human voice? a. a parrot . amicwophone ——_c. a tape recorder ——— 10. Which of the following actions isthe opposite of showing humility? di. being kind in some way to the giver or the giver’ family. a. failing b. stealing bragging ‘According to Sasaki the people who had been intemed in camps viewed the past - In each small box, write a word or phrase that describes Sasaki. In the large boxes, a a sign of things to come. jot down two or three phrases to support your choice. b. a burden tobe discarded a a . an important source of pride. Sasaki... hich is evesed by .-- di an injustice that must bé remembered. in My Two Dads page 18 Name, Think about 1. When the author wes young it seme to her that the most unusual ting about | g math career in sey Then te " her father was his ‘two or three words or phrases in each box a. past profession, to describe the author's “two dads.” b. cuture, 4. way of dressing d a __— 2. How did the author fee! about being Korean when she was growing up? a. tmade her feel proud b. ttdidr't concem her much, if tall c Itmade her feel diferent from everyone ele. 12. The American Father 4. ft made her feel confused about who she was. £5 In Korea, what surprises the author about her fther? a. how Korean he seems , how well he remembers the past how well he knows his way around 4. how affectionate he is with his relatives 4, The author's cousins do not laugh at her story about the department store because a. they rely go shopping, b. they don't have the same sense of hurnor she uses the wrong word for “restroom.” | ( dd. she cant tll the story in an understandable way. Po 5. Hearing about her father’s struggles to survive the North Korean invasion of Seoul ‘makes the author feel a. proud of her father for surviving. a b. angry with her father for not telling her before. 1B. The Korean Father confused about wiat kind of person her father is. d. ashamed of herself for not appreciating her father's sacrifices. 6. What increases the most during the author’ trip to Korea? a, her appreciation of Korean food , her understanding of her childhood her admiretion for the Korean people d. her knowledge of the Korean language 1. Aword that means the opposite of subsequent is a. quickly. b. previous. importantly. 8. You couid express a feeling of indifference by saying a. "Nol" b, "Me, too!” c “Sowhat” —— 8. A smug person is likely to a. breg. b. complain «doze off —— 10. A word that means the opposite of brazen is a. shyly. ». seriously. happily. Il. If A occurred exactly at noon, and B occurred simultaneously, when did B occur? ‘a, before noon b. atnoon ¢ after noon syewo_“Zt owoy e ynouym ajdoad aqunsap pyno> vem sesesyd 40 spuom Suptat Aa 5 | wo ajenuaduen yu axp uo xoq ayy Uy ,Ssajowwoy aug, Jo adAjoara}s aU Parepasse uaaq aney yexp seseind 20 spiom sqm “yo] 249 Wo YO aXp Ul mean ‘Te ynoiqym wewom e 51 a9}, S@ Ypns ‘sjeyep a1p wo syesqua>u0> pue ajdoad S52] -aluoy oj paydde ,saxoms peoag, aup 328105 pnoys ajdoad yewp swsaBns wajpuin | -pawow 3 “palog °q, ops *e | au nok vat payqeayue 2} oy Ay SOUL Bye NOR “OL —— snabuop 2 “Ago “4 “pads *e «3 snowfuouo yo aysoddo ayy ueaus ueD Ye puoM y “6 a ge e6ed SSO|SLUOH sayons peoug “IL "oud oy sem sump ayy Bun 0} uosas wy SBR LPN “L _ 2ovanbasue> exo} ayy, > ROW ayo Eay UR, “4 sy xno 0} Suyueat segs sey eu aseayd y “B —~ Jogo afa snok > anueMoye INO. seuuip snok “@ ' {foe sno jo wed paapisuon aq pynoo Suusoyjos aif 30 UPI L Jouuny 0 25495 © UM “P saueqsip yu “a Supuesepun yu aBonino ya -e siaypys ul Budays 0 2013s 349 Uo BuLdaays Jayaid Aew sowoy yay adoad yup 29p!axp oh puodsst uaypurnd s20P MOH “9 “BuiBuopaq Jo 369s ® 5]92} “P “Ayue} 42Y 10 Sty UpIA SLD “pury Ayewiou sq “RIS Spuy “e Uuosiad easayy aneid e ueoUs oy auioy piom axy sasn wapuInD “§ —~ “aqoyy @ Suiney ynoge Ypnut se a1eD JOU OP “P Bu} se apeid atlas aig ut Aeys OU OP “asjuo1dwoo oy Sum se YOu ax“ ‘sgol Buipuy ajqnog aw aney “e ‘Aepoy ajdoad {ey 9 saussapuy jo ypwos8 at Jo} Uoseas sow eeu soAaoq waPUIND “, —~ “pom wapous ap uo Aol Jo a0unos uO aug axe KOK. “P “fas s pyom au yo ypnu jo asrie at axe Aat, -ssaulddey 40} weuoduss axe Aa “q ‘yenyuins 4 Auessanau aue Aatj, 2 {suoods pjoy yey siamesp ue si@UIIP USIP ‘seid se ypns sway poyasnoy Aseupuo yo anys anayq JOU aly S20P YM“ ‘saxo 0} 2gaujeduuss “p @arDas pue Addey “q “ay ul yssanons “> “dramas Pay by syeur yoy uo ssTo0j a BUY Uno BY Oge SANNA LPUINO UBYNA Z ———~ -enpuxpur ue se aoueuod “aroypratuos AI “ssojpusoy auionaq sey“ -snoyaBuep JOU S| "2 US Auags ax Jo 2u0} aig aBueyp 0 suaddey YAN “PL Ls ann yo aun 2p afueyp 0 suaddey rey “| (sauetp avo} aug 3yO33d snl Sumuaddey 51 EU “st “duyeam s1 ays Bu\gawos Jo paureyse 529) ‘P ‘eUgoU J2l pleMoy sa8ue sasiaudeo 2 “hog e ssauduit 0} SUEM “q -Bupuep sholua “2 way jo auo Avo yeu, _L430xa skem Buumoyoy 2tp Jo ye Uae ave sepUEYD, Jo JUIN BAA PLE IO, L —— 1pm Asan apvep pjnoa “p —_‘rygneaq payoo} “q “yo Buoys sem 2° HRM payoo| 2 ays yey) Buy _g asm auep ay payen oy ajdoad ax sou yxy SOUS OFEUEU By 9 — ‘uu jo yno sua ays “p ‘afro, 245 °q au 00} 51 34S > “PASOP S| MOIS ALB “e 2 SIMD ‘wand JHA INOgE s.ins-ra¥ yay JOT” 2 SOUS Ang YUSAOp JARO SOTEUEU 3K, SEPUEYD, Ul “S§ suopsanb aig somsue ‘omy 0 soUayUaS w pur ‘suena asaIp Jo uo as004 “aSuEIp 04 Aioys ayy Jo auoy atp asme> yem sayyneg pue saIROW,, UI S]UOAD ayy noge YUN, (tpea swuiod 9 “10 Suiod zt) BueNjeag pue Bupyesdiezuy ayanue 2 aysneiKo “q vpsdn -e stone ouye 1 apelg@ w seBeBue oy uosiad yz) -—— | ‘sowreu Sue > ‘painjou-poob > ‘mynuayd “q ‘pur "e 53 96peu jo aysoddo ayy sueaw 3249 plow y “91 —— ‘dn-umoid > ‘dswnp “9 “Ays 2 Ajensrun suraas Aem payeonsiydos e ut saneyaq oun pip Y ° —— ‘passeuequia spe > ‘wusqns -q “searp -e (OyM Buoouos s SuruUIM rnoge syeO}8 OUR UOsiad y *g —— WEN 02-8 19 86ed SejQUeYD B aIYBneq pue 1aUjOW) Uuoseno yepads @ “p —_AouaBiowa ue -q aon 30 989409 saeday 109 {uo} x0q 1e80 axp uy AouOU axp umes Uaaq OUIOWY SN Sey YUM “e — “Bupuep “4 sap? -soueieaddesip uappns “p ‘ouny jo asuas > oge aouep ayy sd u29q pey ‘sayy ays Aoq ay NU LR HANGIN aNIOA “E —— -yayjaq mod8 sued aug ayeU “P HOA Yuna ayequnuion > “ao yo puns Joy day “4 “ayyjoa uo ypu e Aeyd “2 ‘oy sapso ut queyd Jay 0} sey ouaroyy “SY ‘sDUep alp sSye BLOW! AXA LQ "Z —— ‘ajgexdanne Aaseq snp ‘Bulgseueque “q yoo Inq pam > “payiad “e ago aduep ay Jo} ssaup ay Spada ayo, ‘apeus oUBIOWY uy saydde ApUeD aup ayF] “L ——— s|[ alle # elle8 3 ||P z "| Le 5 4 poquuts ay 9 ey "Beg aupppaul ap Ow and J ali a Buwow ayoquuls sig sey a8es ap e.g I NOK UED WOK “Pip nod se pasomsue nok Ay Aya ue z1 suonsonb samsue 0} a>uayuas yoys © aim Buneaus ayoquus sug sey wou aig 249 jp NOK UED now LL abed Beg a ‘WEN “2uinua6 *> “Apuay °q -edoid "e $1 Ausaasun jo aysoddo ayy sueaw yeup puom y “1 —— uosud e 9 aged e “9 weg ee “padsai e218 -q wos * ‘guna 0} peas pjnow nos ‘nok oy passes araM Bunyauuos yg —— “nok passeuequia “> “nook pasnyuon “q ‘nok pasnwie “e 2e4p uonenyse oy Assays peal o} Api Sou aq now no, —— ‘uenssau a4) uo any 0} pausnas SoM aH “P “auoy s uveyy ye yal uBaq sey aq] > “auoy Susana e oy auc sey a} °q “palp sey aye zedpuery 0} pauaddey sey yeym ‘A1oys au Jo pua ayy kg “9 —— ‘s01 papaouspnus auios a8 -p Ble) fexpaws Bas °q “Beg aupipaui ayy uo ssed > —_SSoUJBUO) plone “e 0} 5] uonenasal ayy sanea| edpuese Jeu Uoseau wew ay) s — Suypuesiapun yy “P aoudins yu °q ssaupes ym “> sa8ue (ime wary Aq passes -sequie Buraq Jo preye st unseW ex aBpaynoUy axp a peas edpueID SBOP MoH “iy — sys Ajeas ou 5 edpuesg -sauoys 5 edpueyy Aq paiog aq jum Aayt “> edpuery °q edpuein *e “Uiy Jo paureyse S1 ULEW f “wojsm> xnols SUMO} S| “s| Mey) yt ains you S}“q ‘paysneype Se edpuesy ‘aone9q uy BuiBBny jo prays puey s.usEWy sayeUs edpuesN ‘Sue Uody ~Z— ‘ssouanpajaid “p pauerewe > “Lag YG Suumoyoy atp yo ye yum jenuse s,edpuesT oy spuodsa: unveyy “1 —— uot wer Re ay 2 Theme One Short Answer Questions Name, 1. What do you think Greg's relationship with his father will be like in the future? Use details from the story to explain your answer. 2. Quindelen says that “Homes have stopped being homes. Now they are real estate.” What do you think she sees as the difference between homes and realestate? Use details from the story to explain your answer. 3. Do you think Mrs. Moreno makes the right decision about the money she has been saving? Why or why not? 4. Cisenros chose to leave the quotation marks out of the story Chanclas. What effect does this style choice have on you as a reader? 5. In what ways is Martin a dynamic character? How does he change from the beginning of the story to the end? What is the reason for the change?

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