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Anthony Pereira, Alayza Roberson, Joselinne Herrera, Shannon Wynne

Long Beach, California, 90813

Ever feel nostalgia creeping in on you, feeling like going back to the good old days but you really
cannot unless you conjure up old memories? Well now you can pull your platform shoes out the closet,
grow back your fro, and pop that collar because at Fluxx, we offer the perfect destination to party like its
1985. It is a throwback of all the major artistic triumphs of the 70s-80s era. We at JARS.INC want to
offer opportunities that we do not necessarily have in this generation such as disco dances, groovy music,
cheesy names, and flat out good vibes, with the addition of offering anyone to come out and create new
visions for us as a community. This is a nightclub project that needs at the least $70,000 to birth a wonder
of blasts from the past for interior designs, music, dance floor, etc. Fluxx will reach out to all people who
are fonder of the past than of this era and offers an escape to just groove your heart out and expose your
mind to creativity.
As an organization, JARS.INC will strive to use our club as a means to serve the local arts
community as well as the city of Long Beach. One way that we will serve the art community is by
fostering the commissioning, development, and production of new art. The interior design of Fluxx will
be changed regularly and, rather than hiring professional interior decorators, these design changes will be
orchestrated by young artists from the community. Said artists will have the option of being paid for this
work or to have their efforts signed off as service learning hours or community service. Fluxx will also
regularly hold special nights aside from regular club days to allow for active engagement and
participation from the arts community. These days will be reserved for, but not limited to: exhibitions for
arts in all mediums, dance performances, performances from local bands and solo artists, poetry and
spoken word readings, and any other art-based activity approved by the CEOS. As we are a time period
club, there will be several film showings of 70s-80s era cinema. Because we wish to give back to the art
community as much as possible, Fluxx will have several opportunities for mentorship and apprenticeship
for young artists. We will work actively with local arts businesses and professionals to give local artists
and in depth view of the business side of creative and performance art as well as giving the professionals
the chance to teach through lectures and symposia. JARS.INC will also be doing the great honor of taking
on interns and exposing them to the art of running a business!
With art being a huge part of the community, Fluxx and JARS.INC will introduce charitable,
knowledgeable, and recreational events from time to time to offer a more open organization to the public
like block parties, First Fridays, festivals, etc. And rather than being just a typical generations nightclub,
we will offer other themes to the clubs guests and take in requests that will benefit us and the community.
Giving back to the public and helping striving artists is what we will soar in this establishment and by
meeting these goals we will not only surpass that, but also begin a new arts movement! To engage is to
succeed. Not only will we offer social medial promotions but we will interact with the public with a
hands-on approach to spread the word that we are taking in artists of all kinds of talents to help open the
world to new abilities! We serve a purpose, for those with dreams to begin their journey, and it will take a
very strong passion on their part to penetrate the values of what we are as an open business.

In order to own an entertainment property, we have to acquire the mandatory supplies. As a

priority, listed is what needs to be handled first: rent, lease, legal fees, insurance, cash reserves, point of
sales, and opening salaries. All this comes down to a minimum total cost of $34,000. This will account for
startup money to simply own the property. The second purchase includes $10,000 max part of the
property: the interior design and equipment such as lighting, audio, stage sets, and lasers, a small kitchen
will be needed but not significantly for we will not serve large portions, signage: door exits, property
name, etc., fire enterprises: fire alarms, extinguishers, etc., and bar. And lastly, the grand opening, this part
comes down to a minimal of about $46,000 with a total of about $80,000 to invest in a nightclub. These
are reasonable pricing for startup owners, not too high nor too low. Further upgrades will be done as a
result of successful business. As entrepreneurs, we look forward to making a successful entertainment
business, and bring attention to anyone who thrives in the arts!
With the supportable funds given to our establishment, we will create goals and open up dreams
to upcoming artist, actors, dancers, writers, poets, and more and hopefully inspire more residents to find
their talent and go for it! Not only will this be an entertaining and hip nightclub, we will offer something
different to give back for all we succeed in. It will truly benefit us as a whole, because, as artists, we are
advocates of creativity and the significance of expressing talent through drawings, spoken words, and
movements of the body. This is our passion; everyone has an art or artistic passion.
We at JARS.INC are open to many, so there are no limitations to what we can do; the skys not
the limit for us for we go beyond the limit. Fluxx will be the savior for artists. A visionary for unlimited
creativity with an infinite capacity for enjoyment. And the successes of the immense assortment of artists
coming in and out of our club will lead back to us, spreading our outlooks and bringing a new vision to
the world.

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