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Jaycie Haynes

Position Paper

Mr. Lindow
British Literature
May 6, 2015

Position Paper

The question proposed is, What is Truth?. Gathering facts, and theories from science,
philosophers, novels, and the Bible we can come to our own definition of what truth really
means to us.
Diving into the English definition of truth it is, that which is true or in accordance with
fact or reality. This gives us a baseline for what the worldly view on truth is. Looking at truth
without taking in my Spirituality or relationship with God I can find truth to be something based
solely on fact, and proven scientifically information. For example, I believe that there is some
form of evolution. Not the theory that human beings have developed into what we are today
over millions of years, rather the part that science can prove. We can prove that nature can
evolve, or adapt to their environments. Chernobyl, where the biggest nuclear meltdown
occurred in 1986 that cause evacuations of 300,000 people is now today one of the biggest
wildlife sanctuaries in the world. (Are Animals Near Chernobyl Mutating or Thriving?) I myself
can not prove this, but science can and has done so through facts and studies. What
adaptations have these animals gone through over the years to make it permissible to live
where even today not many people populate? This is what I believe to be evolution in a simple
form. I find this to be fact, because scientifically it can be proven.
I also consider historical events to be true, even though I was not present for the events
recorded. The signing of the Declaration of Independence, The Civil War, the assassination of
John F. Kennedy are just some events I know to be fact- truth, even though I was not present to
see for myself.
Religious events have been know to be proven through science. In Genesis chapter 6
God commanded Noah to build an ark as He was going to send a flood upon the earth. We
cannot scientifically prove that Noah was commanded by God to build The Ark, but through

science we can see the changes in the Earth's biological structure and we are able to prove that
something like The Flood actually happened. There are also mentions of a flood within other
groups of people from ancient times, and religious groups that documented a time of continual
rain, or a flood. Some discoveries of artifacts in places that wouldnt be possible without a great
flood are also evidence of the great event. Even though it cant be proven that Noah and his
family existed or that God commanded him to build the ark we can see the proof that a flood
occurred on Earth.
I also believe The Flood happened because I believe in God's Word, the Bible. In
Genesis 6:8 Noah found favor with the Lord, and in verse 6:13 He commanded Noah to build
the Ark. As I stated previously, the building of the ark can not be proven scientifically, but
because of my religious belief as a Christian I know that it happened. The 21st Century society
focuses more on pro science and proof rather than focusing on religion that is splattered across
the history all over the world. I am a Christian because I feel like God has called me to be His
child even though almost every inch of todays society tells me not to believe in God. I have
faith, and have my own proof that God is real, and talking to me on a daily basis. I have
experienced the worst parts of human flaws in my four years of high school. Im not saying the
flaws of humans such as greed, lies, betrayal that are seen due to human interaction, rather the
flaws within our bodies- things I dont wish to elaborate on. But, I have also experienced the
best parts of being alive; happiness, joy, love from family and friends, the simple pleasures of
feeling Gods presence in a situation. That is my truth.
C.S Lewis in his book Mere Christianity is able to ask questions that even the best
Christian struggle with answering. His truth focuses on what knowledge we have to base our
belief that our world is unjust, or wrong if we dont have any experience to compare it to. Lewis
was originally an atheist before his conversion to Christianity. He used his past beliefs on truth
to answer his own questions on Christianity. After reading a few things he wrote, one particular
section stood out to me above the rest, If men scoffed and doubted authority as much as they

do religion, they would never believe anything ever again. This goes back to todays society.
More people are inclined to believe authority, and media rather than religion. If people doubted
authority and todays truth as much as they do religion, nobody would believe in anything.
My truth is based on many things; science, religion, and philosophers. I believe science
because of proven facts, religion because I am Gods child, and I gather my thoughts from
philosophers. All of these things define my views on what truth is.

Mycio, Mary. "Are Animals Near Chernobyl Mutating or Thriving?" N.p., n.d. Web. May
Lewis, C.S. "C. S. Lewis on Epistemology." By Faith We Understand. N.p., 29 July 2012.
Web. May. 2015

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