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Escuela Bsica Angel Calderon Muoz

English II term Evaluation

I Quimestre 2014-2015
Student`s Name: ______________________ Date: ______________
Teachers Name:
Course: 5th Basic
1. Put the alternatives in the correct blanks.(4pts)(1pt. each correct
What is your name?

When is your birthday?

What grade are you

How old are you?

My name is Laura

I am in 5th grade

I am ten years old

My birthday is on April 13

3. Look at the pictures and complete the description (2 pts.)( 1 each

correct answer)

1. She has_________,________ hair

2.-She has _________,___________hair

4. Complete the gaps with the correct word (3 pts)(0.5 pt. each correct
Go to the movies
Listen to music
Play Video Games

Watch TV

a) When you like something very much example: its your ___________music
b) When you go to the cinema to watch a film


c) When you turn on your TV to watch your favorite program _____________

d) When you hear your favorite music


e) When you enjoy your time playing games


f) Before an exam you feel ____________________

5. Answer the following questions. (1pts)(0.5 pt. each correct answer)
1.-What do you like to do? ____

2. - Who is your best friend? ____

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