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Several landscape architects are working together on a large project for a

shopping mall. Each architect has a unique set of ideas for how the area
around the mall should be designed. When they meet, conflict ensues. The
architects bring together their differing ideas and expertise to create what
they all agree is an exceptional design.
How is this conflict best classified?
A. Personal dispute.
B. Substantive dispute.
C. Substantive disagreement.
D. Personal disagreement.

The management team of a multinational transport company and union
representatives are in conflict regarding the percentage of salary increases
for staff. This has been an ongoing argument and has led to union members
deciding to strike.
How is this conflict best classified?
A. Substantive disagreement.
B. Personal disagreement.
C. Personal dispute.
D. Substantive dispute.

Conflict Situations
Conflict is dynamic.
Substantive disagreement is mostly positive.

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Topic 2: Responding to Conflict in the

Respond appropriately to a given conflict situation.

Responding to Conflict



Responding to Conflict - Example

Follow along as Sarah, an engineer, and Tina, a marketing executive,
use different response styles as they discuss the issue.
Sarah: I think your suggestions are interesting but I wonder if we could
put our heads together now and come up with a design that we both can
accept something that satisfies both sides. A lot of expertise exists in
both departments, so if we bring that together we may find an even
better solution.
Tina: You have to redesign the product according to our specifications.
As is, we won't be able to market it to our customer base. In future,
please try to consider the role of Marketing and stop creating elaborate
designs that don't appeal to our base.

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