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Forrest Gump

By Carter Maxcy

Present-day Forrest sits on a bench and recites his life story to anybody who will listen. He
compares life to a box of chocolates; you never know what youre going to get.

As a child Forrest is burdened by leg braces, until his friend Jennie encourages him to break
free from the braces to escape bullies.

Run Forrest!

After school Forrest joins the army, where he befriends Bubba. They agree to start a shrimping
business together. During a battle Forrest saves 4 men, including Lieutenant Dan, and earns
himself the medal of honor. He could not save Bubba.

Lieutenant Dan loses his legs from his wounds suffered in the war, and blames Forrest. Forrest is
reunited with Jenny at a peace rally who, but she leaves him again with her Black Panther affiliated

After Forrest is discharged from the army, he buys a shrimping boat to keep his promise to Bubba.
Lieutenant Dan becomes Forrests first mate.


Hurricane Carmen hits as Forrest and Lieutenant Dan are at Sea. Their ship is the only one at the port to


Lieutenant Dan and Forrest use this opportunity to dominate the shrimping business.


Lieutenant Dan invests the profits into a fruit company named Apple. Both he and Forrest quickly
become millionaires. Forrest gives a large portion to Bubbas mother, who immediately faints from shock.

Jenny returns to Forrest, and he proposes to her. She turns him down and leaves the next morning.

Forrest does not take this rejection well, and decides to go for a run. He continues this run for three
years, venturing all around America and attracting a large fan base.

One day Forrest stopped running and returned home to find a letter from none other than

I saw you running on
TV, come by and visit
me. We need to
catch up.


Forrest goes to see Jenny to find that she has a son, whose name is also Forrest. Little Forrest is very

Forrest and Jenny get married. Lieutenant Dan shows up to their wedding, having just received prosthetic

Lieutenant Dan! You got magic legs!

Jenny becomes very ill from a virus. She dies on a Saturday.

Jenny Gump

July 16th 1945

March 22nd 1982

Beloved Mother,
Wife, and Friend

Forrest and little Forrest prepare for his first day of school. The story ends with Forrest waiting for little
Forrest to come home, proud of what he has become.

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