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at focus on protecting the communication of vehicles withAfter thgives an optimi

s of E-safety Ve(EVITA), a project co-funded by

communication. Moreover, the SHE does not provide all the
2) EVITA Project: The objectives of E-safety Vehicle Intrusionmmunication. Moreo
ver, the SHE does not provide all the
security features. For those and others reasons, many solutions
available today on the market do not make use of this module.
2) EVITA Project: The objectives of E-safety Vehicle Intrusion
is, HIS group developed a hardware module calledapplication ensure different sec
security features. For those and others reasons, many solutions
available today on the market do not make use of this module.
2) EVITA Project: The objectives of E-safety Vehicle Intrusion
is, HIS group developed a hardware module called
Secure Hardware Extension (SHE), that together with a software
application ensure different security aspects. The SHE
was the ?rst attempt to create a standard solution to solve the
security problem in the automotive environment, however the
at focus on protecting the communication of vehicles withAfter thgives an optimi
s of E-safety Ve(EVITA), a project co-funded by
ed to Car to Car (C2C)
cotion. Moreover, the SHE does not provide all the
security features. For those and others reasons, many solutions
available today on the market do not make use of this module.
SHE gives an optimized solution limited to Car to Car (C2C)
communication. Moreover, the SHE does not provide all the
security features. For those and others reasons, many solutions
available today on the market do not make use of this module.
2) EVITA Project: The objectives of E-safety Vehicle Intrusion
proTected Application (EVITA), a project co-funded by
the European Commission, are to design, to verify, and to prototype
After this, HIS group developed a hardware module called
Secure Hardware Extension (SHE), that together with a software
application ensure different security aspects. The SHE
was the ?rst attempt to create a standard solution to solve the
security problem in the automotive environment, however the
SHE gives an
an architecture for automotive on-board networks where
security-relevant components are protected against tampering
and sensitive data are protected against compromise. Thus,
EVITA provides a basis for the secure deployment of electronic
safety aids based on vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure
communication. Focussing on on-board network
protection, EVITA complements other e-safety related projects
that focus on protecting the communication of vehicles with
This paper presents the ?rst attempt at fusing data
from inertial and vision depth sensors within the framework
of a hidden Markov model for the application of hand gesture
recognition. The data fusion approach introduced in this paper
is general purpose in the sense that it can be used for recognition
of various body movements. It is shown that the fusion of data
from the vision depth and inertial sensors act in a complementary
manner leading to a more robust recognition outcome compared
with the situations when each sensor is used individually on its
own. The obtained recognition rates for the single hand gestures
in the Microsoft MSR data set indicate that our fusion approach
provides improved recognition in real-time and under realistic

the outside. Based on the security requirements and the

automotive constraints, they designed a secure on-board architecture,
which includes a Hardware Secure Module (HSM),
and secure on-board communications protocols. The security
functions are partitioned between software and hardware. The
root of trust is placed in the HSM that should be realised as
extension of automotive microcontrollers. As a result of the
EVITA analysis, in table II, is shown which algorithms have
to be implemented through the HSM for different levels of
security, compared with the SHE features.
The AES cipher is almost identical to the block cipher
Rijndael [5]. The Rijndael block and key size vary between
128, 192 and 256 bits. However, the AES standard only calls
for a block size of 128 bits. Hence, only Rijndael with block length of 128 bits
is known as the AES algorithm.
AES consists of so-called layers. Each layer manipulates all
128 bits of the data path. The data path is also referred as the state of the al
gorithm. There are only three different
types of layers. Each round, with the exception of the ?rst,
consists of all three layers as shown in ?gure 1: the plaintedenoted as x, the c
ipher text as y and the number of rounds
as n
, which are 10 for AES-128. Moreover, the last round n
does not make use of the MixColumn transformation, which
makes the encryption and decryption scheme symmetric. Each
transformation is brie?y described below.
Key Addition layer: A 128-bit round key, or sub kewhich has been derived from t
he main key in the keschedule, is XORed to the state.
Byte Substitution layer: Each element of the state non-linearly transformed usi
ng lookup tables with special
mathematical properties. This introduces confusion to the
data, i.e., it assures that changes in individual state bits
propagate quickly across the data path.
ShiftRows layer: it permutes the data on a byte level.
MixColumn layer: it is a matrix operation, which combines
(mixes) blocks of four bytes.
ShiftRows and MixColumn transformations perform diffusion
principle over all state bits.
For each round, Key Addition layer exploits a different sub

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