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Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses
evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly
the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts
practice to meet the needs of each learner.
9(a) The teacher engages in ongoing learning opportunities to
develop knowledge and skills in order to provide all learners
with engaging curriculum and learning experiences based on
local and state standards.
Artifact 1: As a student teacher I attended all Data Team meetings to
learn how the cooperating teacher and the other grade level teachers
work together to plan for their SLOs. I used a few assessments for the
SLO data.
Reflection: I was able to engage in ongoing professional learning and
study the way the teachers used pre and post assessments to find the
student evidence. My experience in being able to attend the Data
team meeting was a great chance for me to see how it is done. As a
new teacher going in I will now know what to expect and how to gather
my data. It was fun because I slowly but surely caught on and was able
to even participate in the data team meeting with the other teachers
and the data leaders. The data team leaders helped to guide the
grade level teachers through the whole process of collecting the data,
how to write the SLO out, and how to submit the SLO on to the teacher
PDE (Web portal).
I think that the data team was a great team of exceptional
professionals who have helped all the teachers understand the system

and how better themselves as teachers to prepare and plan for their
Attending all the data team meetings helped me to see the
importance of their role and using them as a resource. I learned an
abundance of great tools on SLO writing and record keeping, and how
to grow as a teacher and simply learn the tasks that are now
necessarily for teachers to provide. As a first year teacher and in my
future, I will have had some experience in being able to work with
other professionals on their SLOs.

Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

(part 2)
9(b) The teacher engages in meaningful and appropriate
professional learning experiences aligned with his/her own
needs and the needs of the learners, school, and system.
9(c) Independently and in collaboration with colleagues, the
teacher uses a variety of data (e.g., systematic observation,
information about learners, research) to evaluate the
outcomes of teaching and learning and to adapt planning and

Artifact 2: I attended all Wednesday after school faculty meetings, an

all day professional teacher development meeting, as well as all Kid
talk meeting with the school counselors. As a student teacher I was
able to attend all meetings and learn from other professionals. I had
the chance to work with school counselors and to be able to find what
students need the most to help them in their learning. I used this kid
talk information about students to provide a learning experience that
was meaningful to all students.

Reflection: I had a wonderful experience being able to consistently

collaborate with other professionals, other teachers, and even the
school counselors. I have found that as a teacher I already miss being
the student myself and learning all new things I could in a classroom
setting with a professor. Now I am learning everyday from teaching my
students. When I collaborate with my colleagues I learn from the
professionals. The greatest example of how to have an engaging and
meaningful experience for all students I learned from Kid Talk. In the
Kid Talk meetings we discussed all students one by one with the
counselors and teacher. We would talk about all their personalities and
how they each learn differently. Students that have personality
differences were discussed on how we can better accommodate them
and their learning in the classroom. Students that have different needs
were discussed and ideas were then applied. Data was kept for the
students that were accommodated to see if there was improvement
I worked collaboratively with grade level teachers to discuss
what assessments would be best to collect data from students and
record it. As a grade level we discussed their progress from the
beginning with the pre-assessment and post-assessment to see their
improvement. This data was used to prepare a variety of lessons to
help in engaging lessons and as the teacher to evaluate the outcomes
of the assessments to make learning more meaningful.

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