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GOOD TASK Liou Réscourres Teacher column ur NEEDS aC acher-columa pil ae Remember: a{Code Break a) pulows oF | stratesies and pedagogy for learning. ‘Assessment for learning: ion 4: 4100 ABSTRACT Setting up activity 1: - will give yeG an unidentified shape. Talk amongst your group ‘* Give students a blank cut out outline and discuss what you think {WiSshape could Be Is it an animal, a country or of Antarctica. HO, even part of a bigger country? + Ask students what they think this b. Once your teacher has revealed the answer write the following inside your shape might be? Give students a RRoaS map, “When I think of Antarctica, I imagine..." discuss with your group and minute to discuss amongst their Fog aim to come up with at least 25 words, pictures or phrases. group. Now, you need to categorise all terms that relate by Setting up activity 2: wetey ithem, highlighting or adding a symbol eg, + Graffiti Wall: determining previous Kc THLE, ax learning |. After you have linked all of your terms, consider why you put * Vocab exercises SCAFFOLDEL |_. these terms together and write a sentence explaining your decision. Eg, all XK 00 APibe, ACH these terms are related because they have to do with water. COMPLI tare PEOPLE AN UAL S- HIST=E yy | Remembering Activity Option 2: Creating a Graffiti Wall about Antarctica yy arehy Resources needed: iN using the 2-4-6 strategy Blank map of Antarctica a. You will be given a ‘scroll’ or instructions how to make one by joining CLA: * Dictionaries together four sheets of paper. Take five minutes to write everything you + Paper, glue (3 pages per student) know about Antarctica. Since your scroll will contribute to making a Graffiti . Wall, be inventive with how you will record your knowledge on Antarctica. Try to be a graffiti artist. b. After five minutes find one other person in your class and compare notes. Add to your original notes anything you consider interesting (use a different colour pen). After two minutes, team up with another pair; compare notes and add to your list using a different colour pen again. After five minutes form a group of six with people you have not worked with, and discuss the information you all have collected. This is your last chance to add interesting | information to your scroll using a different (yet again) colour pen. c. Display your scroll at a place to be determined by your teacher, The class will vote on the ‘best’ scroll based on artistic value and interesting info. The winner will receive a Graffiti Artist’s Award, ne POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ; Your teacher will now read out some questions about Antarctica. In your groups discuss and record the correct answer. . Wellington Secondary College Curriculum Planning tool Humanities a” 7 . Antarctica is the largest continent. (F) SECONDARY LESSON PLAN YEAR LEVEL & SUBJECT: Year 7 Humanities DATE: NO. OF STUDENTS: LESSON DURATION: TOPIC/FOCUS: Introduction to Antarctica ‘AusVELS STATEMENTS: Develop geographical questions to investigate and plan an inquiry (ACHGS040) Record and represent data in different forms, for example, maps, plans, graphs, tables, sketches and diagrams (ACHGS042) GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (INCLUDE LINK TO AusVELS): The students will be able to: Distinguish between the ‘fact and fiction’ of Antarctica Use Geospatial skills to locate significant landmarks (ie: South Pole, Research facilities) SUMMARY OF RESOURCES REQUIRED: Antarctica prompt sheet, Large butcher sheets LESSON PROCEDURE | 15 minutes ‘Opening Present students with an Antarctica ‘what do you already know?’ Prompt sheet. Individual work Without using computers to research, ask students to fill out what they think is right. As well as this ask students to locate the south pole on the map. Some will believe polar bears and eskimos live there 15 | minutes Go through each image asking individuals for responses to each image. Correct any misnomers about Antarctica ie: eskimos do not live there, polar bears are not in Antarctica. The population is 0 etc. 30 minutes Large butcher paper sheets 35 minutes Hienemann Lesson Development: ‘As we can see there’s a lot about ‘Antarctica that we probably don’t know. But let’s write down 25 words individually that come to mind when thinking the word Antarctica. Ask students to link certain terms together for example ice - glacier ~ frozen are all related to water Animals- lack of people are all related to ecosystem ete. Table the board into categories People, Animals, History, Enviroment, ‘Take responses asking particular individuals and writing answers on the board, also asking them what similar phrases they had to Antarctica After filling the board with responses make note to the class what we know most about Antarctica and what we need to learn about. (Probably History and Enviroment) Group mind map task

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