Year 7 Project - Ancient Egypt

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Year 7 Project — Ancient Egypt This project is divided into two (2) seetions:- © Part One - Individual Research © Part Two - Group Model Part One - Everyone must do their own individual research consisting of the following: (a) A map of Africa indicating where Egypt is. (b) A map of Egypt indicating where the following are : © Cairo the Nile River «the Red Sea + the Mediterranean Sea + the Sphinx and Great Pyramids (©) Answer four (4) questions on your group's area of research in sentence form. Part Two - Your small group will work together to construct a model related to the area of research chosen by you. Assessment: This will be based on a rubric and focus on your work both as an individual and in a group. Individual ~ you must have completed Parts a, b and c to the best of our ability. It must be neatly presented and clearly indicate that you have researched the topic. You should include a bibliography, which shows the sources or references you have used to gather information. Remember the more you put in the more you'll get. Group - As a team you must select and produce a model as outlined on your research sheet. Decisions must be made together and everybody must be included and must also participate in the construction. The model must look good and clearly reflect a part of Ancient Egyptian civilisation. ‘The groups must ORALLY present their research area to the class. As you are the only students investigating this area, you will be the teacher for that section. Your oral presentation should include information from your individual research along with your model. Group Topic - 1 - FARMING Individual Research questions - everybody in your group must complete all four (4) of these questions in ‘paragraphs of at least 8+ sentences. 1. Describe in detail the work farmers did 2. What tools did farmers use? Describe these in detail eg. a shadoof 3. What crops and animals were raised? Provide detail and in sentences. 4, What other information have you discovered about farming? Group task - as a team you are to complete one of the following: © Construct a model of a farm scene © Make a shadoof and/or other farm tools © Design a calendar for farmers © Construct a side-view model of farming areas along the Nile Group Topie - 2 ~ CLOTHES, COSMETICS AND JEWELLERY Individual Research Questions - everybody in the group must complete all four (4) of these questions in paragraphs of at least 8+ sentences, 1. Describe in detail men’s and women's costumes 2. What hairstyles and make-up were popular? 3. What was Egyptian jewellery like? 4. What other information have you managed (o learn about this topic? Group task - as a team you are to complete one of the following: Dress a doll in Egyptian style ‘* Make some realistic-looking jewellery ‘© Make some model head-dresses © Make an Egyptian outfit Group Topic - 3 - DEATH Individual Research Questions - everybody in the group must complete all four (4) of these questions in paragraphs of at least 8+ sentences. 1. Describe in detail what the Egyptians believed happened after a person died 2. How were bodies preserved? Why? 3. Where and with what were important people buried? 4. What other information have you discovered about death? Group task - as a team you are to choose and complete one of the following: © Make a model of a pyramid(s) © Make a model of a burial chamber such a Tutenkamen’s tomb * Make a mummy, placed in an elaborate Egyptian coffin * Construct a ‘mummification’ display of necessary equipment - body, salt, bandages, eanopic Jars, coffin, mask, s Group Topic - 4 - PHAROAHS es, salt water, oils etc Individual Research Questions - everybody in the group must complete all four (4) of these questions i ‘paragraphs of at least 8+ sentences. 1. Deseribe in detail the life of a Pharoah 2. Draw and describe the crowns worn by the Pharoah 3. Discuss a famous Pharaoh 4. What other information have you managed to learn about this topi Group task - as a team you are to choose and complete one of the following: © Dress a doll asa Pharaoh © Make a cut-out of a life-size Pharoah © Construct a royal scene * Make a model of a palace or Sphinx, which guards the Pharoah’s tomb Group Topic - 5 - RELIGION Individual Research Questions - everybody in your group must complete all four (4) in paragraphs of at least 8+ sentences. 1, Describe four (4) gods or goddesses worshipped by the Egyptians 2. What did priests do? 3. What was a temple like? 4. What other information have you managed to learn about this topic? Group task - as a team choose and complete one of the following. ‘© Construct statues of the Gods © Construct a model of a temple © Construct a religious scene © Make a display of sacred animals

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