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Competency 1

Integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives.

How I will integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspective while working
with infants and toddlers. I will refer to all the awesome information provided to me on the
culturally sensitive child care YouTube video: 1. Provide culturally consistent care. Child care
should be in harmony with what goes on at home. Don't try to teach culture... Reflect the child
home context. 2. Work toward representative staffing (when possible, hire staff who come from
the cultural background that you observe for infants and toddlers). 3. Create small groups. All
infants benefit when they receive care in a small group. 4. Use the home language. (If no staff
member speaks the language, find an interpreter to aid communication with the family). 5. Make
environments relevant. (Reflect children and their families) 6. Uncover your cultural beliefs
(where do you struggle with bias and prejudice... Think deeply so you can overcome this
tendency that all people face) your values are reflected in every routine. 7. be open to the
perspectives of others. There are many approaches to childrearing. 8. Seek out culture and family
information. Gathering information is an essential part of culturally sensitive care. 9. Clarify
values. Sometimes regular communication with a family breaks down due to a
misunderstanding.10. Negotiate Cultural conflicts. Thank win-win. No enemy preoccupation.
Handle conflict.
Through love and acceptance the highest quality and culturally sensitive care can be achieved.
Integrating the children's home culture into the classroom will help children feel more at ease
and accepted. Providing the infants and toddlers activities that represent their familys culture
will help support anti-bias and diversity throughout the program. Creating a close relationship

with each child family is very important, it will help to learn about their culture and provide
ideas to integrate the familys culture within the classroom environment and daily routine.
Incorporating various cultures and teaching the children that everyone is different outside but the
same inside can help young children learn to accept people who look different. Make sure that
each child knows they are special and important, it will help them with their own selfacceptance.

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