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Candidates Name:

Ports and Maritime Organization

Seafarer's Examination and Certification Directorate
Exams Code: MBL
Subject : Maritime Business & Law
Rank : Master (GT>3000)

Date: 1392.02.28
Time allowed: 2.5 Hrs
(Pass marks: 55)

Q.1) - a) - Briefly describe the Certificate of Registry and information contained in

this certificate.
(10 marks)
b) - Outline your course of action if you discover that the Certificate of Registry on
(10 marks)
board your vessel is lost and could not be found.

Q.2) - Vessel encountered heavy seas and spray on deck, you fear water ingress in to
cargo holds. Explain your action at sea in order to safe guard owners interests as for
legal issues. Upon arrival at discharge port, you come to know considerable amount of
your grain cargo has been damaged as a result of sea water ingress in to holds,
(20 marks)
State your legal actions.

Q.3)a) - What are the main functions of a B/L.

(7 marks)

b) - Describe the terms Laydays and Weather working days .

(6 marks)

c) - What precautions shall be observed prior signing of a B/L.

(7 marks)

Q.4) - a) - Describe the purpose and application of general average.

(10 marks)

b) - Explain the ship owner liability with respect of general average in case of
(10 marks)
necessity to jettison deck cargo.

Q.5) - Describe following under international convention 1989 salvage

a) - Duties and rights of salvor
b) - Special compensation

(10 marks)
(10 marks)

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