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Book Report

Respectable, Mr.Gampang Nurtjahyo our English lecture, my dear friends, distinguished

quests, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Good afternoon, Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Allah SWT, for His blessing so I
could stand hire before you, Ladies and Gentlemen to deliver my book report.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the book that I to report here entitle Jangan Tolak Cintaku Its written
by Wibi Aregawa, and publish by Maqom Instuisi Media, in Yogyakarta in 2010. The book
consist of 204 pages and 20 chapters.
The book tells about
live in this world we have to try to grow the love in our heart so that life becomes more
beautiful.Because every Human have a love, they not only like an affection but also dont
wanna hurt.You can imagine that love seems like a loaf of cake, so you can keep a loaf of
cake inside of your heart for God.because God not only gives an affection but also blessing
for every Human. So we have to make love inside our heart for the best future.Because love
In my opinion, that book is very useful for you because the content of this book can makes
your hearts happy and peace although you have mani trouble in your life.Thats why I wanna
recommend this book to read.
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, thats all of my presentation, thanks for giving time to me and
see you next time.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.



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