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Survey #1 Results

Number of entries collected

Gifts and souvenirs: 17

Trip: 19


Flag Selling: 7

Class Souvenir

11 said yes

4 said no

2 had no definite answer

Souvenirs proposed by classmates

1. pencil with marks on it

2. key ring with signatures

3. notebook with signatures and encouragements

4. photo with signatures

5. bookmark

Souvenirs proposed by classmates

6. pen

7. pencil case

8. puzzle

9. key chains that can join together to make the words 3G

10. CDs with pics and videos and sharings

11. cup with class photo on it

Gifts to form teachers

15 said yes

2 said no

Suggestions of gifts

1. photo album (e.g P of the teachers)

2. pencils with mark on it

3. each person prepares unique gifts

4. chocolate

5. card

6. cups having our photos on them

7. a bottle with our class logo printed on it

8. CD with videos and pics and sharing

Other opinions

Mr. A: Not too pricey (below $100)

Mr. B: Any gift to class teachers is fine except food

Mr. C: As cheap as possible

Ms D: sth one can always use

Ms E: better be free

Current decision

We will use the remaining class fund to fund this programme as all of you eith
er agreed or said whatever, sidan etc.

Buying the souvenirs will not be compulsory

Trip Dates

9 preferred 21/6

10 preferred 20/6

12 preferred 19/6

6 preferred 18/6

Trip Destination

10 voted BBQ

8 voted Disneyland

10 voted Ocean Park


4 voted $101-250

2 voted $251-500

1 voted $51-100

1 voted $0

6 were fine with any prices

Party Dates

13 preferred 18/6

17 preferred 19/6

10 preferred 20/6

13 preferred 21/6

Party venue suggestions

1. outdoor (BBQ? Beach? Ocean Park? Stanley?Picnic?)

2. 3G classroom

3. Somebodys home/clubhouse

4. McDonalds

5. Hotpot @ Chinese restaurants (i.e. )

Invite FTs or not?

9 said yes

14 said no

Conclusion: depending on what kind of party it is (i.e. if we hold it in classroo

m then we can probably invite them)

Party Content Suggestions

Have fun


Fool around


Photo recap

Memory recalling

Fun games (e.g. "truth or dare" including feelings and memories of the class,
, playing card games)


sharing 7 photos of everyone (as suggested by Ms X)


Flag Selling

7 said yes

Will approach you later

Thanks for support!

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