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The purpose of this report is to suggest what kind of videos the university should

buy. I would recommend buying videos which talk about the different careers the
university has.
Although the university has a good environment where students can study
comfortably, there are some tools that are missing; one of them is the audio-visual
tool. Students need to learn in a different way how the life of a common worker is
and the best way we can do this is showing them videos about it.
What videos are the ideal ones the university should add to its gallery?
Videos showing experiences of people who have finished their studies at different
universities can be very helpful for students. A common career has many
specializations so the university should have more videos about this topic. Also, we
should have more videos about the courses students take during the whole career.
There are some courses that need this kind of material to be more dynamic and
help students to learn easily.

In conclusion I suggest that the university should buy more videos which are
related to the different career courses. These videos will help student to develop
their skills and learn in a more effective way.

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