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Training and Development

Training and Performance

Baheejah Lumumba
Siena Heights University

Training and Development

Organizational Analysis
The purpose of organizational analysis is to determine those organizational factors that
either facilitate or inhibit training effectiveness. Aamodt,( 2010) (p.258) McCabe, (2001) found
A properly conducted organizational analysis will focus on the goals the organization wants to
achieve, extent to which training will help achieve those goals, and the organizations ability to
conduct training (e.g., finances, physical space, time.)
The needs analysis is the first step in developing an employee training system. However, to
understand how to align training with strategy, it is first necessary to understand the strategic
planning process. (Blanchard & Thacker 2010 p.28) My- purpose, is to develop an employee
customer service training program, using motivation and performance for employees in divisions
within store and online service. A retail business, should assume that their customers have
experienced some of the best that retail has to offer especially, in regards to receiving great
customer service.
Nothing surprises shoppers anymore because they expect more and pay attention to every
detail. Customers judge the stores presentation, the merchandise, sales associates, and customer
service experience. Ultimately a customer decides the worth of a businesss product: and service.
Thus, providing excellent customer service is one of the best ways that can add to a companys
value. Retailers who conduct surveys, polls, and self- assessments may find it easier to stay in
tune with their customers needs.
Penttila, (2009) found companies that find creative ways to add value to their products,
services, and help customers solve problems will succeed. When doing a customer service
training needs assessment managers should ask employees what would help them provide better

Training and Development

customer service; employees should get opinions from customers about their experiences with
Strengths and Weaknesses
Once the vision and mission of the business have been defined managers can turn their
attention to assessing the businesss strengths and weaknesses by clarification of human resource
planning. HRPS is a business planning system designed to provide quality data to enhance
individual and organizational decision making in all aspects of human resource management
(Blanchard, & Thacker, 2010) p.55
Employee behavior is especially, important in the service industry establishments such as
Neiman Marcus, their mission statement is to promote quality merchandize and superior
customer service. However, this is not always the case. If a customer is confronted by a customer
service representative who is rude and unprepared to discuss products and services it can lead to
a bad experience for the customer.
The store is depended on exceptional customer service making them dependent on their
employees attitude motivation-and on human resource management. According to (customer
service score Neiman Marcus is ranked # 176 out of the 791 companies that have a
scoreboard rating with an overall score of 47.85 % out of a possible 200 based upon 82 rating.
This score rates Neiman Marcus customer service and customer support as disappointing.
Positive comments 13
There are 13 positive comments out of 82 (total comments is 15.85%) Issue resolution 1.8
% - Reach ability 3.7%- Cancellation 2.6 % - Friendless 4.0% and Product knowledge 3.9 %
overall rating 47.85. Training is often ignored as a strategic initiative because managers do not
have a clear model for making decisions about whether training activities will lead to a

Training and Development

competitive advantage ( Blanchard, & Thacker 2010) p.49 As competition demands better
services: Neiman Marcus is require to service their customers better. With training points and
presenting material I can help employees to see the overall picture.
Training Material Includes.
. How to be tactful
. How to build strong customer relationships
. How to prevent customers from walking away with a problem
. How to make customers feel welcomed and come back.
. How to show employees that customer service benefits them.
(Blanchard & Thacker 2010,) found an open communication system must be established
between the training function and the training providers so that both parties can access the
needed information. I plan to direct the employees attention to important aspects of the job they
should be aware of e.g., ( in training customer service representatives about how to handle
incoming calls, alerting them to the different type of calls they may encounter and how to
recognize such calls.
How to courteously put a caller on hold.
How to handle an angry customer.
How to effectively use the voice mail.
Providing training and information ahead of time may help employees reduce expectations
about events and actions; which are likely to occur on the job and with less stress. Although,
Victor Vrooms (1964) Expectancy theory expects people to be rational decision makers who
analyze the benefits and cost of the possible courses of action workers become motivated and
exert effort when they believe that their efforts will result in an improved performance; their

Training and Development

performance will be recognized, and rewarded: and- the monetary rewards that are offered are
valuable and desirable. However, Locke & Latham (2002) found that goal setting is important
for motivation.
People tend to perform better and are more productive when they are given specific goals
especially, the difficult goals they set for themselves or others. It increases their goal-related
choice, efforts, and persistence it also increases productivity and brings reward and satisfaction.
People will then begin to take on new challenges such as decision making, and more
Human Resource, Department.
According to (Blanchard & Thacker 2010) human resource departments use competency
models for training because the system provides information on individual managers in terms of
what positions they need, what training they have received and their performance levels related
to the competencies, and of specific interest to the human resource departments. (P.119) The
human resource management must take responsibility for clearly defining how management
should be treating employees, and make sure employees have the tools required to contest unfair
practices and represent the interest of employees.
A competency is a cluster of knowledge, skills, and ability that differentiates high
performers from average performers. (Blanchard & Thacker, 2010) found organizations that
uses competencies makes it easier to identify the emotional aspects of work performance
especially, for a meeting customers expectations.(p.116) when a competency is developed a
demonstration of how the competencies are understood should show (understanding the
customer needs, translate goals to the organization, and gain trust of the customers. (p.117)

Training and Development

Several studies have shown that there are theories, resources, and concepts available for
managers to train, develop, and motivate their staff, however, I found a few interesting theories
that I would like to include in my department training.
Scalon Plan
Scalon plan is an effective way managers can ensure employee commitment they are
synchronizing the organizations goals with the employees. Scalon philosophy assumes that
managers and workers should rid themselves of the us and them mentality - which keeps
employees from developing a sense of ownership in the company instead employees will begin
to understands that economic rewards are contingent on honest cooperation.
(Strauss & Sayles 2009) found conditions on the Scalon plan a success: one of which is the
reducing cost, and fostering a sense of sharing and cooperation among employees. Another
feature of the plan is the companys mission or purpose, it must clearly be articulated, and
employees must understand how the business operates in terms of customers, prices, and cost.
Soon after the Scalon plan there were more incentive plans developed for engaging and
motivating the employee known today as the gainsharing plan.
Gainsharing Plan.
The gainsharing plan is an incentive plan that engages employees in a common effort; to
achieve productivity objectives,-and share in gains. Aamodt ( 2010) states gainsharing plans are
effective. To make more effective, constant feed-back is provided to employees on how current
performance is in relation to the goal. (p.346) However, employee involvement is required so
that the employees actually doing the jobs are encouraged to suggest ideas. Gainsharing success
depends on having a two-way communication rather than just goal setting, and top-down
directives. Although these concepts are groundbreaking today, managers that do not pay attention

Training and Development

to their people and connected relationships can destroy trust- and risk the chance of lacking
motivation. A manager must be able to set the tone and character of the organization by the
behaviors they demonstrate.
. Set appropriate expectations.
. Communicate with transparency.
. Reward behavior.
Therefore, mangers should be vigilant and encourage employees to become productive and
learn the job required of them. An effective manager can help by having the proper training
program available. The moment a manager select and trains employees, it is important that the
employee can do their job with motivation. According to Locke & Latham (2002) it was found
that employee skill and ability is separate from motivation because one has nothing to do with
the other that increased motivation results in increased job performances.
Blanchard & Thacker (2010) found motivation as the direction, persistence, and amount of
effort expended by an individual to achieve a specific outcome: (what needs the person is trying
to satisfy what type of activities the person engages in to satisfy the need.(p.63) Aamodt (2010)
found work motivation and job satisfaction are determined by the discrepancy between what we
want, value, and expect because when people are intrinsically motivated, they seek to perform
well because they either enjoy performing the task or enjoy the challenge of completing the
task. (p. 326-327) Motivations can and do change in a person. According to Blanchard &
Thacker (2010) found motivations is goal-directed, and derived from both personal needs and
the decision processes used to satisfy those needs. Needs theories attempt to describe the types of
needs people have, their relative importance, and how they are related to one another (p.64) The

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theory is based on the idea that employees will be satisfied with jobs that satisfy their needs;
while several studies have been conducted on the needs theory the ERG model is one that is
widely used.
ERG Theory
According to Blanchard & Thacker (2010) Clayton Alderfrer developed the theory of
motivation called ERG the initials represent the three basic needs of theory: existence,
relatedness, and growth (p.64) According to Aamodt (2010) Alderfrer theory explains why a
higher- level need does not become more important once a lower-level need has been satisfied
especially, when other factors are involved (e.g., company policy, or nature of the job. Because,
of the level to the next path the employee becomes frustrated and places more importance of the
previous level (p.331) It is often through a job analysis that a manager can determine the
standards to be achieved and the specific duties to be performed.
Job analysis
Job analysis information is used for designing training and development programs,
According to (SHRM 2012) the job analysis process begins when the analyst collects
information about the nature of the work and the specific tasks to be done, the human resource
department can help discover unassigned duties and produce information on job requirements;
this information is then used for developing job descriptions. Aamodt (2010) says training
would be difficult unless the requirements of the job are known p.37.
A well thought out job description provides managers and employees a report on what is
expected of them and is a tool to measure,- and manage the performance of each employee,- and
department as a whole. It also gives managers the opportunity to think about how the new hires
will be trained. This is be done by conducting a training needs analysis which is a systematic

Training and Development

method for determining what caused performance to be less than expected or required
Blanchard & Thacker (2010) p. 96.
Training needs analysis
The first step in training is to determine what training, if any, is required Training is
essential for an organization because it ensures that employees have the knowledge and skills
necessary to perform the job Amodt (2010) (p.284) Jaeger (2011) discovered that the frequency
of training is an important factor in making programs effective. Train too little- and employees
do not grasp the concepts; train too much or too long, and they become fatigue. However, if the
training is interesting, employees may be motivated to learn new task.
Inge & Vann Seggelen-Damen (2013) found people are motivated either intrinsically or
extrinsically: they want to experience with experiences they find thought provoking an acquire
the responsibility to learn more. Employees must be given the opportunity to apply what they
have learned that are consistent with those of the company. There are three types of a needs
analysis: organizational, task, and person analysis.
An organizational analysis focuses on the strategies of the organization, the resources in the
organization, the allocation of these resources Blanchard & Thacker (2010) (p.103) The
purpose of the task analysis is to identify the tasks performed by each employee, the conditions
under which these task are performed and the competencies ( e.g., knowledge, skills, abilities)
needed to perform Aamodt (2010 ) (p.286) Person analysis is the process of identifying the
employee who need training and determining the areas in which each individual employee needs
to be trained. Aamodt, (2010) (p.287) However, if you are getting ready to make organizational
changes or create a new position, writing a job description is an opportunity to examine your
team or organization as a whole because having a job description will make the task of finding,

Training and Development

interviewing, and hiring the right person much easier.

Job description
The job description is the basis for solid performance management you can measure how an
employee is doing against expectations and help an employee get back on track Aamodt (2010)
found a job description should contain eight sections: job title, brief summary, work activities,
tools and equipment used, work context, performance standards, compensation information, and
personal requirements (p.39-40) If done properly it can help to improve employee morale and
enhance communication amongst staff.
Sustaining a companys culture begins with the hiring process. It must focus on hiring the
right employees who share the values of the organization can enhance a companys competitive
position by improving its ability to attract: and retain quality workers, by which they can grow.
Progressive companies encourages; their employees by allowing them to become empowered
mainly, because empowerment challenges workers to make the most of their knowledge and
Customer Service
A customer service representative responsibility to customers is to ensure good customer
service: to be heard: to educate about products and service; and to provide honest, accurate
information. Currently my organization training consists of web based training which includes
training in sexual harassment, organization health and hazards (OSHA) protect our property
(POP There are no training excises on customer service,- or in sales. The companys biggest
concern is in pop training: an entire week is put aside in training for both on-line and in store
learning. I work in customer service and I have put together a plan that will help resolve some of
the issues the employees face. Earlier in this paper I mentioned the scores that the company

Training and Development

currently received and provided training material, now this is my overall summary on improving
customer service.
Neiman Marcus customer service training.
Action Plan
Improve off-task behavior: Uses store phones to make personal calls, let distractions,
interruptions keep you from working.
Maintain being polite.
Dont come to work under the influence of Alcohol or drugs.
Accepts schedule changes when necessary; offer to stay when the store is extremely
Online support
Monitor wait time, and solicit customer feedback.
Be able to track merchandize with accuracy.
Take action to solve problems.
Follow up on customers complaints, make training a priority.
Training effects to measure
Evaluate the trainees reaction to the progress.
Learning test: to determine whether the principles, skills, and facts they were
supposed to learn.
Behavior: Are employees in the store complaint department more courteous toward
disgruntled customers than previously?
Was the goal achieved in terms of training did the number of customer complaints about
employees drop?

Training and Development

Best Service
Should include and anticipate and solve customer problems, by taking responsibility for
Customer responsiveness that saves customers shopping time,- and anxiety.
Clearly exceeds the customer expectations by providing the added value of customer
Person analysis
Is based on the recognition that not every employee needs further training for ever task
performed. To determine the individual training needs for each employee, person analysis uses
surveys, interviews, appraisal scores, and knowledge test (Aamodt 2010) p.287. In addition,
these sessions above focus on skills specifically important to the job.
Customer service is the heart of most businesses, organizations and managers must
recognize their role in training and development. They must provide feedback,-positive and
negative, and reward employees for performing their jobs well. In addition, companies should be
proactive by choosing the right training tools that will have the most impact on their training.
The overall objective should be to improve the employee performance and improve the
individuals effectiveness.

Training and Development

Aamodt, G. M. (2010) Industrial Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach (7th ed.)
Belmont, CA, Cengage Learning (p. 37, 258, 286,331,-346)
Blanchard, N. P. & Thacker, W. J. (2010) Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices
(4th ed.) Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ
Inge, C. M. & Vann Seggelen-Damen (March 2013) Reflective Personality: Identifying cognitive
Style and cognitive complexity, Current Psychology 32. P.82 Retrieved from
Jaeger, J. (September 2011) Building an effective training program: Compliance week no.89:
(p.46) Retrieved from
Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002) Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and
task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American Psychologist, no.57 (p.) 705-717
McCabe, M. J. (2001) The money pit: The RMA Journal, no.83 (10) 18-19
Penttila, C. (2009) Evolve, Build a social media hiring strategy: Entrepreneur July
Retrieved from
Strauss, G. & Sayles, R.L.(2009) The Scanlon plan: Some organization problems. Human
organization society for applied anthropology (vol.) 16 (no.3) Fad 1957 Organization
(p.15) Retrieved Jan 6 (2009) from
SHRM (2014) How to conduct a training need assessment: Permissions Retrieved from
Vroom, V. H.(1964) Work and Motivation: Wiley, New York, NY
Customer Service Score Board: Retrieved from

Training and Development

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