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Act IV Scene I

-----Iago and Othello enter the locker bay----Iago- So what do ya think?
Othello- About what?
Iago- You know friends with benefits? Without offending your boyfriend or girlfriend of
Othello- Thats cheating! How could you do that without meaning to offend your boyfriend or
girlfriend?!? Thats almost hypocritical!!!!
Iago- Ok then, well say I gave my girlfriend a bracelet, she should be able to give it anyone
she pleases without harm because its no longer mine but hers
Othello- Give it to anyone? What like her virginity??!!
Iago- you dont know that, but about that bracelet...
Othello- I wish I could just forget about it, but he had it, how? I gave it to her
Iago- So what? Hey what if I told you that he really did hook up with Desdemona? or that I
heard him talking about it. stupid people always talk about cheating when their guilty.
Othello- Did he tell you something?
Iago- I mean I dont know, he might have...
Othello-What? what did he say?
Iago- you know that theyve gone out and stuff
Othello- Gone out, like dates?
Iago- just out, on a date, to each others houses, anywhere It doesn't matter
Othello-thats disgusting! the bracelet, his stories..,. I could kill him for this! Shes not like
that but he said...Is it possible??
-----othello faints----Iago- Othello! Come on are you Okay?? this is bad...
------cassio walks in----how are you cassio?
Cassio- whats wrong?
Iago-Othello fainted, this is the second time, he fainted yesterday too.
Cassio-take him to the nurse
Iago- Nah, hell wake up, I think we should just leave him alone, hell be crazy when he
wakes up, you should go Ill talk to you later. Hes waking up now!
-----Cassio leaves----How are you Othello? Did you hurt your head?
Othello- Are you mocking me??
Iago- no! of course not!! why would you think that??
Othello-my life sucks!!
Iago- Well thats high school for you, I mean lets be honest, not everyone here is a saint
Othello- did he say that he did it?
Iago- Calm down, be patient, while you were passed out from anger-- which is rather
embarrassing I might add--- cassio came to talk to me and made fun of you. But Ill get him
to confess all the details of his relationship with your girlfriend you just have to pay attention
to how he acts and be calm
Othello- As calm as I can be because Im not feeling the whole calmness thing right now
Iago- Of course you will. now go hide, hes coming back
-----Othello leaves-----

Ill ask Cassio about Bianca, the girl is obsessed with Cassio,but he laughs whenever
someone brings her up
-----Cassio starts walking in----While Cassios laughing Othello will go crazy!!! he will be so jealous and take everything
does and says the wrong way! It will be so easy. how are you Co-captain of the
basketball team?

Part 2:
Cassio- Dude dont call me that, you know I got kicked off the team. Man you have no idea
how bad I want to get my position back
Iago: Don't worry man, just keep working your magic on Desdemona and Othello is sure to
let you back on. *announcement sounds* Too bad its not Bianca you're having to
convince, chick would put you back on in a heart beat.
Cassio: She is so easy! Ha!
Othello: Hes laughing already!?!?
Iago: But to be honest, its like she were actually in love with you
Cassio: I know right!?!? Of all the girls Ive been with, it ridiculous how much she seems to
actually love me. Shes too easy!
Othello: Now hes trying to deny it and laughing about it!
Iago: she tells everyone that you are going to go to college together and that you're going
to marry her!!
Cassio- thats funny, shes not exactly the kind of girl id want to marry, shes cool but she
likes me way too much
Iago- thats what she says not me
Cassio- shes so obsessed with me,I dont even love her and i definitely didnt promise to
marry her
Othello- hell say it now, hell say that hes dating my girlfriend
Cassio- you know shes probably nearby right now, that chick follows me everywhere! the
other day some friends and I walked to sonic and she comes running up to me and hugs me
and hangs on me, she just would not leave me alone.
Othello- she was probably telling him how much she loved him
Cassio- Im gonna have to dump the chick shes too easy and a little crazy I mean I dont
even really know if were dating

Part 3:
Iago: Dude shut up she is coming!
------------Bianca Enters----------Cassio: can smell her coming with all that cheap hoe perfume
--to Bianca-- Why are you following me around?
Bianca: What the heck? I shouldve know better than to take that bracelet from you. I
found it in my car, I have noooo idea where it came from.. yeah right! Stupidest story I
have ever heard and I cant believe I actually fell for it! Probably just some symbol of love
from one of your other sluts hu? Just give it back to her I want nothing to do with it!
Cassio:Oh come on Bianca! I didnt mean anything!
Othello: thats Desdemonas bracelet!! thats the one I gave her, why does cassios slut
have it??
Bianca: If you still want to have dinner with me tonight fine, but if not, even better
Cassio: Bianca.
--Bianca exits---

Part 4:
Iago: well go get her, shes gonna tell the whole school
Cassio: yeah I gotta go shell make this all seem worse than it is
Iago: are you still going to go to dinner with her
Cassio: well I have to now itll look bad if I dont
Iago: Hey if I run into you before or during your dinner Ill come talk with you so you dont
have to spend so much time with her
Cassio: that would be soo great
Iago: of course go get her! Hurry
---Exit Cassio----

scene change: Now they move to the pod

-----Othello walks in----Othello: Ill kill him I swear!
Iago: did you see how he laughed at her, and on top of that he gave the bracelet to his
other girlfriend, hes not even loyal to your girlfriend
Othello: but shes such a good, nice girl
Iago: Dude focus! Dont forget, she cheated on you
Othello: Id kill her but shes so good at everything she does and shes so nice
Iago: too nice sometimes
Othello: Thats what makes this so sad Iago
Iago: forgive her if you want but she cheated on you sooo.
Othello: she cheated on me with my best friend Im gonna kill her
Iago: thats a little extreme, but hey shes horrible so ill help you kill her if youd like
Othello: I have a date with her tonight, Ill poison her drink or her food when were at the
Iago: no dont poison her thats too sloppy and where would you get the poison? why dont
you strangle her in your car or at her house or something instead.
Othello: thats a good Idea, ok so Ill strangle her.
Iago: Dont worry about Cassio Ill kill him for you, you just need to focus on killing
Othello: Thanks, you're a great friend.. Oh crap its almost time for the game, coach will
kill me if im late again
Iago: the Head coach just got back from his vacation yesterday and I heard that the school
board spoke with her, do you know why they would have to talk to her?
-----walk down hallway to gym and run into Desdemona and Lodovica----Othello: Hey coach!! how was your trip?
Lodovica: Good afternoon Othello.The school board wants me to give you this letter.
Othello: what's this mean, why are they giving me a letter?
Desdemona: Open it! Is it good news?
Iago: Its good to see you coach, hope you had a great trip
Lodovica: Thank is Cassio?
Iago: Oh well, you know, hes alright I guess
Desdemona: well othello and him got into kind of a big argument and now they wont speak
to each other, but maybe you could help fix it and make them friends again!
Othello: you sure you really want that Desdemona?
Desdemona: excuse me? what do you mean?

Othello: (ignores question begins reading paper out loud) To Othello we are sorry to inform
you that, due to poor sportsmanship and the complaints of other athletes and their parents
you have been suspended from the basketball team for the remainder of the season.
Lodovica: ...but you were saying desdemona.What's going on between Othello and
Desdemona- they are in a terrible fight and Im trying to get them to be friends again
because I love Othello and Cassio is a good friend of mine, I hate to see them fight.
Othello- (throws paper at the ground and hits the wall) Crap!!!!
Desdemona- whats wrong?
-----Othello and Desdemona speak----Lodovica: Maybe he is upset by the letter. I think I think they want Cassio to take his
place as Captain.
Desdemona- Oh well thats not bad, hes been so stressed lately maybe this will be good for
Othello- Oh course youd think that, and your precious Cassio get my place too.
Desdemona- excuse me!
Othello- you're happy that I lost my part on the team?
Desdemona- Othello.. of course im not happy its just...
-----Othello grabs her arms and pushes her down----Desdemona- What did I do to you??
Lodovica- I cant believe this, apologize to her now!
Othello- Why would I apologize to her, shes not worth my time Go away Desdemona...
Desdemona- Im sorry for whatever I did wrong
-----Desdemona walks away----Lodovica- shes such a nice girl, come on get her back here and apologize to her, she
didnt deserve that.
Othello- get back here now!!!
Desdemona- Yes?
Othello- Well coach what do you want me to say to her, or why dont you just say it for me.
Lodovica- Excuse me, Is that how you speak with an adult?
Othello- you're the one who told me to get her to come back, im obviously not going to
apologize, so what do want with her? You're right she is a nice girl, but she can leave now.
And its okay Ill leave the team, i dont care. Why are you still here Desdemona, can't
you tell when youre not wanted?
-----Desdemona runs off crying----I hope your trip was great, ill see at the game tonight, but Ill follow the rules I wont play.
Good bye.
-----Othello storms off after Desdemona----Lodovica- What happened to him Iago? he was so kind when he joined the team, was the
best kid here. What could have happened to change him soo much? Ive only been gone
three weeks.
Iago- well hes changed a lot
Lodovica-I cant believe that hes so different, or that he would abuse his girlfriend in front
of me, or at all. Is this normal?
Iago- Well hes had lots of stress lately, but Im afraid that this is normal behavior for him, he
is always mad at her. But she refuses to dump him,... she loves him too much. Ya know?
Lodovica- Are you sure that its not just the letter that upset him? I never thought that he
could hurt Desdemona

Iago- Oh I don't know, I cant tell you, it would be wrong of me to tell you about their
relationship but im to good to lie about him. You just watch him if hes really a bad kid youll
Lodovica- I cant believe I was wrong about him, and I thought he was such a good kid too.
------Lodovica walks out and scene ends----Othello:
Senior and captain of Varsity Basketball team
Girlfriend = Desdemona
used to be best friends with Cassio until Iago, whom he trusts, tricks him into
thinking Cassio stole his Girlfriend
very jealous
suspicious of Desdemona because she lost the bracelet he gave her and he
knows Cassio has it
used to be best friends with Othello until Othello benched him for threatening
to beat up a ref over a bad call. wants his friend back so he went to Iago for
advice who told him that he needed to talk to Desdemona and not Othello
listens to Iago's advice
former co-captain of the basketball team
In an on and off relationship with boycrazy Bianca
Found a bracelet in his car after practice and gave it to Bianca
in on and off relationship with Cassio
promiscuous girl of the school
boycrazy and often referred to as a slut since its rumored she has more than
one boyfriend
in love with Cassio but he doesnt love her
very jealous, suspects Cassio of cheating because of the bracelet he gave her
loves Othello and would never cheat on him, doesn't understand why he has
recently become so angry at her.
framed for cheating on Othello with Cassio by Iago
friends with Iagos wife Emilia. Emilia stole Desdemonas bracelet to give to
Iago because he had asked her a lot to get it for him
Coach of the basketball team
spent last three weeks on vacation
put Othello, Cassio, and Iago on the team
gave Othello title of team captain and let him chose the positions of the other
recently given a call from the school board condemning Othellos behavior and
giving him a letter to give to Othello suspending Othello from the team.

Othello- Courtney
bianca- promiscuous girl of the school
Cassio- Kerstin
iago- didnt make team (because othello chose cassio)
Desdemona- Kerstin
cassio- varsity bff with othello
Iago- Amu
othello- varsity team captain
Lodovica- Camila
desdemona- super cute innocent joco white girl
Bianca- Camila
Lodovica- coach of basketball team
Lodovica- dress clothes, suit, fancy
Cassio- basketball clothes hat shorts mustache swag
Othello- basketball clothes
Iago- nerdy clothes but not overly nerdy
Bianca- sort of showy stuff

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