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Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the lesson

YeaEun Schwartz
April 6th 2015
Preschool of America Market St., New York, NY
Pre-K- ages 3-4
Ms. Iris
Classroom Number

This lesson is:


Vdfbf Super Seal Class

Community Helpers: What Tools Will They Need? (Classifying tools according to occupation)
Mathematics and Social studies: Children will be developing their classification skills while
building a better understanding of the different roles each community helper plays.
Children will sort the community helper tools and discuss how the tools are used.
A new concept/activity

A continuation of a previous lesson/activity

Classifying the tools will build strong classification skills. Discussing the use of each of the tools
will help the children better understand the roles of different community helpers.
15 min

Objective(s) of the activity

Given instruction on the roles of community helpers, students will demonstrate understanding
of the different tools needed for different occupations and sort them accordingly.

Connections to standards

Language Objectives

Standard Area - Math: Mathematics (NYS P-12 Common Core) Grade Band - Math.P-8: Prekindergarten - Eighth
Grade Grade Level - PK: Prekindergarten Domain - PK.MD: Measurement and Data Cluster - Sort objects and count
the number of objects in each category. Standard PK.MD.2:
Standard Area - SS: Social Studies Academic Level - SS.E: Elementary Standard - SS.E.3: Geography Key Idea SS.E.3.1: Geography Performance Indicator SS.E.3.1A:

This lessons language focus will be on vocabulary acquisition. The children will be learning new
words for the various tools used by different professionals such as stethoscope and rolling pin.

Resources/materials needed:

Technology inclusion (if

Procedures (step by step)

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Cut out tools: stethoscope, medicine, x-ray, shot, fire hose, fire truck, smoke mask, ax,
rolling pin, flour and sugar, oven, white board, pencils and paper, books, tool belt, tool box,
hammer, wrench
Cut outs of community helpers: doctor, firefighter, baker, teacher, construction worker
Chart with spaces for community helpers on top and tools on bottom
None for this lesson

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation)

Begin by telling the class that some helpers in the community have come to visit. Introduce and
review the community helpers and stick them in the top portion of the graph. Have the helpers
say hello to the children. Tell the children that the helpers have a problem and need their help.
Explain that all the helpers tools have been mixed up and need to be sorted.
Instruction/Mini Lesson
Pull out a tool from a box or bag and introduce it to the children. Ask who they think it belongs
to. Stick it on the chart beneath the correct helper and discuss how each tool is used by the
corresponding helper.
Guided Participation
Have each child have a turn pulling out an object from the bag and sorting the tool. Discuss as a
class how each tool is used. Try to elicit as many understandings of the tool before explaining it.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
When all the tools have been sorted, count the tools for each helper and briefly compare the
amounts. Review the names of all the tools once more before having the helpers say thank you.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Method of assessing childrens Pre-assessment

Assessment of Student
Assessment of Childrens
understanding of
Before introducing the
During center time have a similar Language Learning
activity, ask the students
sorting activity available in the
Review the names of the
during center time to sort
social studies center. Observe
tools during the next class
various objects by color or
whether the children are able to and see if the children can
shape. Once the children
successfully sort the tools by
recall the vocabulary. If
demonstrate a good
some children have not
understanding of classification
grasped the vocabulary,
with concrete objects, then
find some books that use
classification with more
the vocabulary in context
abstract objects and be
and review the words.
Plans for differentiated
Supporting children with
Supporting English Language Learners
identified delays or
This lesson will be good for ELL students because each tool is
clearly pronounced and practiced as a group. However some
For children with delays, have vocabulary is more difficult and will need to be reintroduced in
them team up with a friend
a variety of contexts such as book, centers and throughout the
when sorting an item or with day.
the teacher. Allow for more
time and use positive
reinforcement throughout the
Follow up/Extension activities Find various books about the doctors, teachers, firefighters, construction workers, and bakers
and search for some of the tools used in the stories. Discuss the importance of each community
helper and brainstorm some other tools these helpers might use.
Any additional information

that would be helpful for the
observer to know

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning

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