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Passion Lesson: The Culture of Portland

Kristen Reiter

SS.2.3. Identify and describe community celebrations, symbols and traditions and explain
why they are important to some people.
SS.2.9. Describe physical and human characteristics of the community.
SS.2.18. Identify local businesses and the goods and services they produce.
2.W.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing
about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g.,
because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or

The study of culture and of ones own community is significant, but it is also meaningful
to learn about other cultures and traditions. This lesson would serve as an introduction into a
deeper study of the culture of the school and the surrounding community. I made this a lesson
about Portland because that is the area in which I grew up. This lesson provides a variety of
aspects in a community and how they contribute to the overall culture. This is a chance for me to
share part of my culture with my students to bring myself into the classroom. The students can
connect to and expand on my culture and compare it to their own.

Students will be able to, in a class discussion state several aspects of the Portland culture.
Students will be able to compare and contrast their own culture with that of Portland in a
few sentences.
Students will be able to give their own definition of culture.

Students journals, sheets of papers with parts of Portland culture, large sheet of butcher
Time: 10 min.
Assessment / Modification:

Students who are also from Portland or are familiar with the Portland culture are
encouraged to share their own experiences or practices with the group. They can also
write their own statement about Portland culture for the poster during the
stereotype/reality activity.


Open: What is culture?

Discuss what culture means and the various aspects that are involved with culture.
Discuss the difference between individual culture and the culture of a community
or city.
Share some of my personal cultural traditions or symbols from Portland.
Body: Learn about Portlands culture
Explain the stereotype/reality matching activity.
Preface with the fact that these stereotypes and realities are what I have seen and
heard from various people throughout Portland, but they do not apply to all people
from Portland. This is just a general culture.
Hand out the cards with the statements.
Students think independently for 30 seconds whether their card is a stereotype or
Students talk to a partner about their decision.
Students sort their cards onto the poster.
Discussion about the information on the poster. Any corrections?
Explain the meaning of the various aspects of Portlands culture and how some of
the stereotypes came about.
Discuss the aspects involved with Portlands culture, such as the involvement of
local business or the occurrence of celebrations or symbols.
Close: Compare and contrast students culture with that of Portland.
Students write a few sentences in their journal to compare and contrast their own
culture or the culture of thee town to the culture of Portland.
Discuss the similarities and differences between Portland culture and the culture
of the town. Some students can share what they wrote during the discussion.

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