Buck Tales: Read Across America Week Psychology Class Interacts With Pre K Lock in

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Buck Tales



by: Alanna Tripp and Hannah Bowes

On March 2 March 5 Bucktail High School

celebrated Read Across America Week with
the help of reading teacher Miss. Nevling.
From Monday to Thursday each day had a
different theme. Monday was red and white
day, Tuesday was pajama day, wacky
Wednesday, and finally on Thursday a color
war between grades and a door decorating
contest. Each day wasbasedonthethemeof
a Doctor Seuss book.Theweekalsoincluded
students from the high school going over to
the elementary school to read to the younger
students. I wanted to bring positive attention
to reading since I am a reading teacher and
also add a fun aspect to readingsincealotof
kids say they dont like it, stated Miss
Nevling. Bucktails Read Across America
Week was a huge success and hopefully will




by: Maria Morgan and Shae Cowfer

It was a night to remember at Bucktail Area

High School. Twelve hours packed full of fun
and memories. Theclassof2015hostedthe
3rd annual LockIn that was held Friday,
March 13th from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM and
featured volleyball, basketball and dodgeball
tournaments along with, card games, movies
and ping pong. The money raised from this
event is going towards the senior trip. They
will be going to West Virginia to white water
raft, zip line and enjoyanicelasthoorahwith
each other. The night would not have beena
Mr. and Mrs. Dickey, Mr. Probst, Miss. Hile
and the security officers for dedicating their


is made up of 11thand12thgraders.Asthey
diligently worked day inanddayouttocreate
childrens books, they were finally able to
present them to students in the head start
and preK programs at Bucktail High School
ranged in age from35yearsold.Theproject
consisted of each high school student
creating their own childrens book with blank
pages for the childrentothenillustrate.While
reading the books, the psychology class
assessed the children. Theactivitycompared
age range to their drawings and attention
spans. It was a great way to interactandsee
how the human mind works in younger


The Lady Bucks shared the spotlight

Wednesday, February 11th with cancer
survivors. The night was of course about
finishing the season strong for the playoff
bound Bucks, but more importantly it was
about sharingthemomentwiththecommunity
in honoring those who have lost, fought, and
are still fighting the tragic battle. There were
pink shirts sold to color the crowd and even
cards fellow fans bought in honor of their
loved ones. All of the proceeds were being
donated straight to the Relay for Life team at
presentation at halftime to explain what they
do and how it began 10 yearsago.Allinall, it
was a night to remember, to see our
community in the rural town of Renovo, come
out and support when it is much needed and
appreciated.The Lady Bucks ended the night
winning 6720, but theydidnt just playtowin,
they playedforallofthepeoplewhohave and


by Braden Foley

Bucktail Area High School is a school where

there is always something being created or
added to increase positivity and encourage
students to stay on a good path. One way
this is being done is the reinstatement of the
SADD Club. The SADD Club or Students
Against Destructive Decisions is a club
whose purposeis toEmpoweryoungpeople
to successfullyuseandcreateleadershipand
advocacy skills. While negativity and things
that can ruin someones life surround the
world, the SADD club is there to teach
students that these things are not something
that you really want to turn to. While main
focuses of the SADD club are substance
abuse and alcohol, other topics this club
encompasses are violence, suicide and
HIV/AIDS. This alliance is known nationally
and plays a lead role in the prevention of
effectively steering students in the right

by Ebonee Spriggs

by Anna Cowfer

by: Maria Morgan and Shae Cowfer

Hannah Bowesrecentlytraveledtostates,on
February 21st. She received 8th place on
vault, 11th on beam, and 10th in the all
Moon Area High School in Pittsburgh. Even
with her rigorous practice and competing
schedule, Hannah isabletobalancehertime
so she is still able to maintain good grades.
Her Central Mountain High School
teammates did just as well. Mary Ballard got
10th on beam in the gold division. Jessica
Hefferan got7thintheallaroundcompetition.
Courtney Britt and Tory May competed in
silver and did very well. All together the girls
did an awesomejob.Thegirlslookforwardto
going to states next year. Hannah said,She
is so proud of her teammates and all of their

Created in March, the Bucktailchapterofthis
by Paige Sockman
club is headed by Doug Conway, a local
pastor in the Renovo Area. He has accepted
the challenge tohelpleadchildrenin theright
direction. Members of the club envision a
school where young people make positive
decisions that advance their health and
safety. New members are always


After years of hard work, sweat, and injuries,

these two amazing seniors finally hit

infrequent milestones. Our very own Maria

Morgan and Demetri Probst, have hit goals
Student Council will be hosting Donkey that have been a dream for a long time. In
girls basketball, Maria has broken four
Wednesday, April 8th at 7:00pm. Presale records in the past three years, including
being the first sophomore to reach 1,000
points. Maria has also broken the otherthree
just recently record at (
continued on pg 2)

Even though being recently created, the

SADD club is already starting to bring
positive activities to the school. The week of
March 16th to the 20th will be thestartofthe
beneficial effects of the club.March 18th will
be the start of Kick Butts day, which is an
antitobacco and tobacco free activities
campaign. Bucktail students are encouraged
to join.Thestudentbodyiseagertoseewhat
exciting opportunities this club will bring to

by Hannah Bowes

Youth Leadership is a program designed to


by Braden Foley

Sweat flowing, music blaring, and people

wanting to change themselves for the better
are all sights and sounds of the new fitness
center in Bucktail Area High School. This
major changetothegymwillbenefitthewhole
community. The center is part of a grant that
Keystone Central has received to better the
lives of many. As part of the appropriately
rationed out, $280,000, Bucktail has received
many state of theartmachinesthatjustabout
anybody can puttouse.Thesenewmachines
may be overwhelming to someone who has
never used something like them before.
Which is why there will be supervision of
workouts and use of theequipment fromLHU
students majoring in the fitness area. Scott
Bair, the physical education teacher at
Bucktail, and asked him about his thoughts
wait to use this in his gym classes. He
believes that the biggest impact that this
center will have is the improvement of activity
in the community,staff,andstudents.Hesays
it may even decrease our obesity level. Now
commodities like this do not come without
stipulations, there are many things that the
district has to provide in order to keep this
grant. They must show improvement of
activity status and five out of six students
must fall in a Healthy Fitness Level. Over
one years time there must be a certain
percentage ofstudentswithadecreasedBMI.
These demands could be hard to attain, but
with the help of the center, everyone is
optimistic.Tentatively, the center will be open
to the public on February 23rd. It is already
available to students and faculty Therewillbe
schedules as to who can work out at certain
times, allowing everyone to get the workout
Bair also added that one negative of
this is that it won't be big enough to fulfill the
needs of everybody. There is much
excitement surrounding this topic and
everyone is eagerly awaiting this new


(continued from middle page 1)

Bucktail (boys and

girls), scored her 2,000th career point, and

broke the alltime scoring record in Clinton
County, previously held by Jessica
Zinoble.Senior year is always a bittersweet
moment for anyone, but this year has been
my favorite year of basketball by far. Not
because oftherecords,butbecausewehave
been workingreallyhardandtheresultshave
shown. Maria stated. The girls team is
with the best record in program history,175.
This wasntallBucktailhadtoofferthiswinter
Demetri Probst has always been an amazing
wrestler at Bucktail, however,with no current
wrestling program, there was a coop
agreement made between Central Mountain
and Bucktail. For the pasttwoyears,Demetri
has had to travel for practices and matches,
but this hasnt hindered his drive or love of
the sport. He recently achieved his 100th
career win onJanuary22,2015.Youarethe
only person on Earth who can use your
ability, stated Demetri. This is the advice he
would give to those who are striving to
achieve their future goals. Currently,
Demetris record is 267, and he isnt
finished. His goal is to finish his high school
career placing at the state tournament in

(continued from right page 1)

teens. The group of

sophomores meets once a month for

sessions at different establishments. This
year the members are Ebonne Spriggs,
Renee Werts, Hailey Risley, Emalea Mills,
Alanna Tripp, and Hannah Bowes. The
advisors of theBucktailYouthLeadershipare
Gwen Bechdel and Bobby Jo Simcox. Over
the past few months the group has been to
farms to learn about different cultures or
lifestyles, the STEPbuildinginLockHavento
learn about social networking, and the
Renovo Fire Department to learn about the
history of Renovo. Each member isrequired
to complete a community service project.
This year, the girls have chosen to do a
somewhat larger project together. They will
be sending care packages to active service
men overseas for Easter. They have been
accepting donations or money from the
public, and will continue until February 23rd.
if you would like to donate, please contact a
member of Youth Leadership or drop your
donation off at Bucktail Area High School in

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