The Following Is A Sample of The Lesson Plan Format Used by The University

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The following is a sample of the Lesson Plan format used by the University.
Lesson Topic/Focus:

Writing to instruct



AusVELS Domain(s):


Year level(s):


AusVELS strand (s):

Discipline Based Learning

Lesson duration:

60 minutes

AusVELS sub-strand(s):


AusVELS Dimension(s) or
Religious Education

Literature- (ACELT1618)

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s):
For students to create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts or real-life experience
students have experience in innovative ways.
At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that: they can incorporate or
adapt aspects of real-life experiences in innovative ways, such as writing to instruct.
At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of: writing
to instruct by providing directions to guide another student from one point to another on a map.

Collecting work samples

Learning conversations

Assessment grid

How students will

be assessed

Success criteria for


Assessment criteria for analysis:


Students can provide clear, concise directions using appropriate terminology

Students can articulate reasoning strategies

Directions are correct in directing from one position on a map to another

Teaching focus:
The pre-service teacher's teaching skill for observation by Associate Teacher:
- Providing clear directions and expectations

Teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.
Clear, loud voice

Background to the learning:

References for teacher background knowledge
- Ability to use a map
- Map of Sunraysia
- Google maps
B. Identify students current knowledge
- Writing to instruct
Lesson resources:

What students will be

assessed on to inform
future teaching and
learning opportunities

List the resources, materials, equipment and titles of books used in the presentation of the
lesson/activity. Present a summary of your whiteboard or overhead presentation or attach to the back
page of your lesson plan a sample of your handouts where appropriate.
Lesson content:
5 mins
Motivation and tuning in strategies to revise current knowledge, to gain insights into what the
students already understand, to engage the students or to introduce new learning; list the key
questions to use
- Brainstorm words you might use to instruct:
o Turn left at/turn right at
o Go straight at/down

20 mins
Explore/elaborate/restructure/develop the concepts, understandings, skills or attitudes;
teaching and learning strategies that will be used to achieve this; summarise (list instructions)
approaches or activities to be used; list the key questions to use
As a group choose children to follow the directions to get from A to B. Repeat this 3-4 times
asking guiding questions such as:
o Where is the destination?
o How do you know that?
o How can you check?

Consolidation, practice, extension

25 mins
Assign work tasks, which apply the concepts, skills, understanding and/or attitudes; ways of
extending the learning of ideas/understandings; ways of scaffolding learning for students who
require extra assistance
Have children go off individually with a map to find destinations from A to B
Have children write directions from different places
Have children work in pairs and give their directions for their partner to answer. Checking if
they can follow your directions to the correct destination
Scaffold students learning by having them work in mixed-ability pairs
Also scaffold learning by providing more examples for students to answer



10 mins
Summarise the key issues in the lesson; list the strategies employed to determine what the
students have learnt; questions that will be posed to support the students reflection on
Have students return to the floor
Ask 4 students to come to the front of the classroom and share their instructions. Have other
students see if they can follow the correct directions.

Lesson/activity transition:
This is the activity required to terminate the first lesson/activity and to initiate the next lesson/activity. A
lesson/activity transition is not to be confused with a lesson/activity conclusion.
Step 1: Pack away materials and return to original position
Step 2: Tidy the room
Step 3: Put chairs up
Step 4: Sitting on the floor, ready for prayer, focus children and home time

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