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The B & B Report

Isabella Tomasek & Brandon Kramer

Buzzing sound as hosts enter.

(theme song plays, walk in
and sit at desks)
Good evening! Welcome to
the B & B report! Im
Brandon Kramer and Im
Bella Tomasek.
Tonight we would like to turn
your attention to North Korea.
Over the years, North Korea
has become a major place
filled with interesting news,
just like its leader, Kim Jong
--shows picture of leader-As always, theres more
happening there that we know
of at the moment, but during

this segment, we will let you

know everything that we
actually do know, starting
with the Sony Hack.
So as you know, Sonys
computer system was hacked
recently. Thankfully, the FBI
did an investigation, not
NBAs Dennis Rodman.
--shows picture of Dennis
Rodman -It turns out that the whole
reason why they did it was
because of Sony making the
movie, the Interview.
According to Kim Jong Un
and the North Korean
government, the U.S.
government was behind the
making of the movie.
Of course, when confronted,
they denied everything.
-Kind of like how Kim Jong

Un denied his people were

You know Im very, very
interested in the history of your
young nation.

--Play movie clip

Later on, the Guardians of
Peace claimed responsibility
for the Sony hack. According
to Obama, it was an act of
--Show picture of Obama

Does this thing still run?

There were threats of a 9/11

style attack if the movie was
put in theaters, thank god, or
else the country might blow
up from fireworks.
On another note, the U.S. put
sanctions against North
Korea. In their mind, they
thought they were repugnant
and hostile. The funny thing is
that the sanctions only target
leaders in North Koreas
government. The sanctions

dont allow them to access

property and enter the U.S.,
nothing super major, unless of
course Kim Jong Un wants to
watch another basketball
game with Dennis Rodman.
And in food news, youve had
enough to eat today.

--show picture of Dennis

Rodman and Kim Jong Un

In NBA action, Kim Jong Un

won the championship today.

For now, we shall report the

food news and weather from
over in North Korea.
And in sports, here is Scott

I dont know about all of

Dont take this the wrong

And on that note, were back.

Recently, the UN has pressed
for Kim Jong Un and the
North Korean government to
stop kidnapping people. Were
not really sure if its
kidnapping or not. A lot of
North Koreans seem to
worship Kim and also believe
he doesnt pee or poo. Hate

to break it to you, but

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