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owe THE M.W. KELLOGS COMPANY “ain vec «8 | DESIGN MANUAL-PIPING MECHANICAL | 1 JFi1 venricat_vesseis 2311 GENERAL STATEMENT This manual subject provides design information concerning the supporting tna guiding af a1] piping connec.ed to vereical vessel noszles The structural design of supports and guides, and the structures, are provided by the Vessel Design Group. fonever, the Tecation on the vessel fd tne design criteria fs calculated by Piping Mechanical and Indicated on the Piping Planning Dranings to. achieve’ the praper pipe stress enalysisy pipe HexibiTity and vessel nozzie Toading 2312 VESSEL EXPANSION (FOR UNLINED VESSELS) ‘The thermal expension aovenents of vessel nozzles due to pracess eaperstures must be celcuTated in order to accurately anelyze the connecting piping. The thermal expansion movenent of any elevation on 3 ‘eretcal vessel {3 the skirt axial thera expansion, plus, the summation Of the axial thernal expansion of all of the constant fomparature vessel Shell zones below the subject elevation. The radial thernal expansion ovenent 15 based on the vessel radius at the desired elevation end the ‘cesT Zone temperature Ww D124 Vertical Skirt Expansion The axial or vertical movement of the loner vessel tangent line due to the skirt! thermal expansion Ts calculated by using the average temperature of the’ suire (zee exanple bolow) and the skirt Raighes Examle: calculate the average tenperature of the skirt Give the folowing condition T= 6000F n= ig'o ter KAT (skirt is fully insulated) Step 1, catevlate Keh* 110 Step 2. Enter the Chart_no. 2 at the point along the Bottom Tine where Rie N/'VEis 10, "Then fove vartically 89 the gaint i Where the curve fg ineersected. Then move Horizontally to fhe left to find the temperature correction factor = F'*, which in this example fs equal to 0.22. DESIGN MANUAL - PIPING MECHANICAL | FOR DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE one THEM. W. KELLOGG COMPANY ol vec es | DESIGN MANUAL- PIPING MECHANICAL | 3 38 tt step 3. AT = 1 = 700F « s300F step 4. ATE =F AT ©0.22 + 520+ 116.60F use 1170F eo 5. he Ath T00F « 117 + 700F « 1878F [235 Wee sna) thermat expansion i The exia] or vertical thermal expansion of the vatsel shell fron the loner tangent Tine Ys\to Be based on the vessel outlet noszTe fovations and design tenoeratures.. The vessel shell tanperature between tho. adjacent futiet nozzles fs calculated as the average of the design tenperstures of hose tno nozales. The “design temperature” should be ased mish caution iS'vassels ahere the design eanperature may De the Tovest in the le. “Wessel growth Detween adjacent outlee nozzles is the Aistunce (change in elevation for vertieal growth and vessel radius for radial growth) times tha expansion rate {in/fe) for that veusel experstur tone, fhe total vertical growth st any elevation Ts the seiet growth plus the summation of vertical growth ¢n each constant temperature rene fel be the Subject elevation. zutzc er Vessel Growth Example 1507 _¢ gy. 115+" Tk. £2. 1080" 500'F 208. EL. /0!'-0"

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