Management Plan

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A school discipline plan must provide opportunities to do what is most

effective and best for each unique situation and for each unique child.

Consistency means that when there is a problem, it will be addressed; and that when
there is misbehavior, it will be addressed. Consistency does not mean that everyone will
react in the same way. ~ Jim Fay
Classroom management and discipline are about creating an environment that allows students to succeed socially,
emotionally, and academically. Students should be given choices that give them the opportunity to follow directions and
routines. A discipline plan comes into play when a student fails to follow directions appropriately. Each student is
responsible for his or her own behavior, and when one continues to fail to make appropriate choices a discipline plan will
be developed. Each disciplinary situation will be dealt with based on the individual and the situation. This assures that
each student will be seen as a unique individual and that the discipline given will best fit their situation.
R U L E S & P R O C E D U R E S :!

Rules and procedures are a set of guidelines that organize a classroom for academic success. Students will be taught how to
responsibly follow procedures which provide them with clear expectations. The plan for not following rules and procedures will
be discussed to students so that they understand and accept it as reasonable. Rules and procedures help maintain an excellent
environment where student learning and teacher instruction can take place.
R E M I N D E R S :!

Students are given the opportunity to make choices. The expectations are clear to both the students and the teacher; when
failing to meet expectations students are given a reminder or warning. I will provide students with both written and oral
feedback to guide them in following the given rules and procedures in our classroom. This method of management encourages
and reminds students to maintain good behavior.
P R O B L E M - S O L V I N G :!

Problem solving is when the student has to develop an action plan to solve the problem. When a student receives a final
warning they will discuss an action plan that teaches the students responsibility, problem solving, and self-discipline ~ Harry
Wong. The student will be asked the following questions:
~ Whats the problem?
~ Whats causing the problem?
~ What plan will you use to solve the
C O N S E Q U E N C E :!

A consequence is not a punishment it is the result of a final warning. Students are given the responsibility of CHOICE and when
making inappropriate actions or choices it results in consequences. The students and I work cooperatively to devise a discipline
plan. I will discuss and solve problems with the student. The student is provided with choices which help lead the teacher and
student to an agreement on the action plan that will take place.
R E WA R D S :!

When good work is done the student will receive a reward or positive consequence. Students will receive daily praise for good
behavior. Students will be rewarded individually, as a small group, and as a whole class. This motivates students to be successful
as an individual and with their peers.
B E C O N S I S T E N T :!

Classroom rules and procedures will be consistently enforced to maintain the classroom environment for learning and
instruction. This assures that students and the teacher will be held accountable for the expectations of following rules and
procedures. It is both the duty of the student and teacher to work cooperatively in developing an optimal classroom learning

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