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How was the universe form

How universe will ended

Through reaserch, scientist has made a very important discovery to how the
universe was formed. Scientists believed that before the universe was formed,
there was nothing. There was no land, no air, no water, and there were no stars;
there was even no space. But inside that nothingness, there was a tiny dot. The dot
was so little that its hard for an eye to see. Inside that tiny dot, theres an
incredible amount of energy and matter that are squeezed together. The universe
was formed when this tiny dot exploded 15 billion years ago. The matters and
energy from that thiny dot are scattered around. Pieces of matter joined together
and forms the stars, the sun, earth and all other planets. Scientist calls this the
big bang theory.

The scientist found several theory to how the universe will end. the main theories
on how the universe will end is the big rip theory and the big crunch theory. The
Big Rip theory follows the rules of general relativity. It claims that the Universe
will continually expand at an accelerated pace until it leads to everything getting
ripped and torn apart. As for the big crunch theory, it claims that the universe
could end as it began. In this scenario, the gravity has enough energy to slow the
universes expansion and to start moving towards each other. In the end all matters
will be just like before. A tiny dot saturated with large amounts of energy and

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