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CM e 2 1 0 0

Quick guide for installation

M o u n t i ng

Ov er v i ew

M ount the CM e2100, connect the antenna to the SM A connector,

(torque should be finger tight) and connect 230 VAC. Do not
m ount the antenna in a m etallic cabinet. Connect m eters via M Bus 2-wire to the pin term inal of the product. A m axim um of 8
m eters can be connected to the M -Bus 2-wire bus. For
installations with m ore than 8 m eters, an M -Bus extender should
be used.

Below is an overview of the label and the product.

Lab el
Verify that the inform ation on the label m atches the inform ation
on the product (CM e2100).

Sen d SM S c o m m and
Send an SM S with the text install n [profile] to the telephone
num ber on the label which cam e with the product. n should be
replaced w ith the num ber of m eters to be installed and [profile]
should be replaced with a custom er specific profile if custom
settings are desired. If no profile is set, the product will use default
The following SM S response will be received im m ediately:
From :CM e2100(000600xxxx)
install started

After approxim ately 90 seconds the following SM S will be

The installation was SUCCESSFUL.
Expected devices found.
Signal: y of 10
Device(s): n
After another 30 seconds a final SM S will be received:
From :CM e2100(000600xxxx)
Tim e/configuration w as synchronized.
Product will reboot.
In the above response is
xxxx = serial num ber
y = signal strength
zzzzz = m eter num ber


Serial num ber

Telephone num ber

In an approved installation, the signal strength should be at least

3. M ake sure that the correct m eter num ber is shown in the SM S
response. Attach the label to the w ork order.
The installation is now com pleted.
If y o u h av e an y p r o b l em o r q u est i o n , p l ease c o n t ac t
El v ac o t ec h n i c al su p p o r t : +4 6 3 0 0 4 3 4 3 0 0 .

Elvaco AB Kungsbacka Telephone: +46 300-30 250 Fax: +46 300-184 40

Quick guide CMe2100 installation

Version: 1.0

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