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Term 2 - What are we learning about in Prep?


looking at pictures and picture books (narratives)

learning about the parts of a narrative: title,

beginning (introduction of characters and setting of
the story), middle (what happened and a problem
occurs) and ending (which includes a resolution)

explore Dreamtime stories

develop letter sound knowledge- phonemic awareness

Jolly Phonics program continued

sight words as per Jolly Phonics program and list


annotated drawings and paintings


fine motor program

Speaking and Listening

Show and tell presentations What is special about my house? (Geography)

Something special about my family history (History)
Something special from my parents/grandparents
past (History)
What is my favourite season and why? (Science)
The World Around Us Weather

respond to questions about the weather

using their senses to make observations and to
explore how changes in the weather affect them

link the changes in the daily weather to the way they

modify their behaviour and dress for different

represent their ideas and share their observations

and ideas about the weather through discussions and

learn how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

concepts of time and weather

patterns explain how things happen in the world

around them.

MJR- Making Jesus Real continued

explore the wonder of Gods creation

recognise and celebrate aspects of the natural world

around us

discover and explore responsibilities we have in

caring for creation

What is prayer?

explore different ways to pray; through word,

action, music, silence, images, symbols and nature



Integrated Arts

2 hours Integrated Arts per week with Mrs Gray

includes dance, drama, music, visual

arts and media

and Physical Education

30 minute lesson every week with Mrs Davidson
Cross Country training
30 minute Gymnastics lesson every
week with Dance Fever instructors
Perceptual motor program

continue to explore numbers to 20

continue to identify attributes of objects, including

length, mass, capacity and time, and sort and classify
objects based on their attributes

continue to sort, describe and name familiar 2-D

shapes and 3-D objects, and describe the position
and movement of these objects

recognise and make patterns

investigate ordinal numbers

explore time through days of the week, day and

night and clocks

collect data and represent it in the form of graphs

Mathletics and Rainbow Maths

Stories of the Past

explore family histories

listen to stories from the past

learn how stories from the past are communicated

discover how the past is different from the present

engage with oral traditions, paintings and music from

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

What makes a place special?

identify and describe the features of our school and

local community

discuss how places provide people with their basic


identify the places that Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander people belong to and why they are
important to them

discover different ways we can contribute towards

caring for our community

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