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Unit 6 Parent Letter:

How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas,
feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect
on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Central Idea:

A powerful piece of art engages

the audience and invites a
Key Concepts:

Vocabulary List

Function- How does work?





- Abstract


- Paintings



- Interpretation

- Create









- Aesthetic

Perspective- What are the points of view?

Reflection- How do we know?
Related Concepts:

Teacher Questions:
1. How do people express themselves
through the arts?
2. What different opinions do people
have about art?
3. How does traditional art impact
culture and society?
An Inquiry into

During our inquiry this unit, we will be

focusing on the following learner profile
traits, attitudes and transdisiplinary skills

-Ways in which people express

themselves through visual art
-Artistic viewpoints
-Traditional artwork around
the world

Learner Profiles
Communicators: We understand and express ideas and
information confidently and creatively in more than
one language and in a variety of modes of communication.
We work effectively and willingly in collaboration with
Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness
and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.
We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Tolerance: Being Sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and
being responsive to the needs of others.
Commitment: Being committed to their own learning, preserving and showing
self-discipline and responsibility.
Independence: Thinking and acting independently, making their own judgments
based on reasoned argument, and being able to defend their judgments.

Transdisciplinary Skills
Social Skills:
Respecting Others: Listening sensitively to others; making decisions based on fairness
and equality; recognizing that others beliefs, viewpoint, religions and ideas may
differ from ones own; stating ones opinion without hurting others.
Research Skills:
Formulating Questions: Identifying something one wants or needs to know and ask
compelling and relevant questions that can be researched.
Observing: Using all the sense to notice relevant details.
Thinking Skills:
Metacognition: Analyzing ones own and others thought processes; thinking about how
one thinks and how one learns.
Synthesis: Combining parts to create holes; creating designing, developing and
Communication Skills:
Viewing: Interpreting and analyzing visuals and multimedia; understanding the ways in
which images and language interact to convey ideas, values and beliefs; making
informed choices about personal viewing experiences.
Self-management Skills:
Gross Motor: Exhibiting skills in which groups of large muscles are used and the
factor of strength is primary.
Codes of Behavior: Knowing and applying appropriate rules or operating procedures
of groups of people.

Learning Objectives:
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or
appeal to the senses.
With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate
Writing Content and Conventions:
With guidance and support focus on a topic needed by revising and
With guidance and support explore a variety of digital tools to produce
and publish writing.
Write poetry that describes actions, feelings and thoughts using
descriptive language.
Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word
Speaking and Listening:
Create audio recording of stories or poems, add drawings or other visual
displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to
clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Learning Objectives:

Add and subtract within 1000 using aids

Independently identify, sort and order coins and notes.
Identify and create symmetrical patterns
Identify, describe and model congruency in 2D shapes
Combine and transform 2D shapes to make another shape.
Locate features on a grid using coordinates
Sort and label objects into sets of two or more attributes and record
this using pictures, symbols or numbers.

Learning Objectives and Skills:
-Identify and describe different brain states when we express ourselves
- Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored
Social Studies
Learning Objectives and Skills:
-Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society in
relation to art.
-Identify and describe different mediums artists can use to express themselves.
- Analyze different perspectives on art.
- Recognize traditional artwork and discuss its significance.
- Create a piece of art which successfully engages an audience
Specialist Outcomes
Learning Objectives: In Unit 6-The students will be able to:

Raise Autism awareness in the community

Participate in the longest painting of children's self-portraits holding hands to
represent their own uniqueness and give them opportunity to express their
Practice human figure and self-portrait drawing from observation and
photograph references
Reflect on uniqueness of every individual

How We Express Ourselves Unit of inquiry: Reflection As part of the Autism
Awareness campaign, students will be involved in the drawing of the longest painting
in the world in an attempt to break Guinness World Record that will be later given to
the Dubai Autism Center as well help create greater awareness in the region (with
permission from parents).
The painting will run for over 8 km in length and will require every child who
participates to draw a full body self-portrait.

Learning Objectives: In Unit 6- The students will be able to:

Demonstrate their learning through a concert performance

Read and play rhythms with quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rests on
the xylophone
Understand and discuss the purpose of Program Music
Combine musical elements (pitch and rhythm) in composition and performance


Concert Preparation- Discussin Percussion and I Wanna Make Music

Play/Compose Call and Response music on the xylophone
Begin exploring pitch on the xylophone- Scales
Connection to How We Express Ourselves- Function: music as a means of
communication, Program Music

Learning Objectives: In Unit 6 - The students will be able to:
Movement Composition:

Respond to music and movement

Understand and develop sequences
Express their creativity through dance.

How to Help at Home

Talk about art, and spend some time at home making your own art! Look at some art
and discuss with your child how it makes you feel and why.
Also, here are some really fun websites to check out at home- suggestions from our
IT coach here at GIS
Use a photo from a library to turn them into an abstract painting.

Looking forward to learning together,

The Grade Two Team

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