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My comparative study will focus on the

photography of two photographers that take

photos of people who are hurt in one way or
another due to issues caused by both humans
and ones that naturally occurred.

Comparative Study
Marco Zangana

Paul Calhoun
Paul Calhoun is a photographer from
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Took a series of photographs during his visit
to Georgia in September, 2004.
He went in order to teach the georgian
street children how to do photography.

Paul Calhouns Orphanage 13

While he was there he took pictures of these
street children.
(His work )
He named this photo
Orphanage 13.

Analyzing Orphanage 13
This photograph is in black and white which
adds a more dramatic effect to it.
It shows how many orphans are made due
to many issues.
The orphans were there because of either
natural disasters or because of other

Paul Calhouns Orphans

Took another photo of orphans while he was
in Georgia.
He named it
Paul Calhouns

Analyzing Orphans
The photo shows that even orphans, who
have lost many things in their life, can find
themselves through sports.
It is black and white which emphasizes the
dramatic effect

Damon Winter
Damon Winter is another photographer that
specializes in documentary, editorial, and
travel photography.
He is a New York based Photographer.
Also he won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009

Damon Winters Work

Damon Winters photo
The woman in this
photo is a survivor of
the Haiti earthquake.
She has lost
something due to a
natural cause

Comparing Paul Calhoun and

Damon Winter
Both Paul Calhoun and Damon Winter are
astonishing photographers that photograph
issues in the world.
Both have traveled the world to find these
issues a then photograph them in order to
spread them to the rest of the world.

Comparing Their Works

In both of their photos they
convey different yet similar
Damons photo shows the
impact of the Haiti
earthquake on the person.
Pauls photo shows what the
earthquake could lead to.

The Impact of Their Works

Pauls work impacts the rest of the world by
showing what the aftermath of these
naturally occurring disasters and the
conflicts created by humans.
Damon shows the emotional impact these
disasters have on people which allows the
world to sympathize.

Comparing Pauls Orphans

This photo shows
how orphans who
have lost
everything due to a
disaster can still
find new friends
and entertainment.

Wrapping the Photos together

Together all these photos make a timeline of
sorts. Starting with Damons photo which is
from right after the disaster. Then to Pauls
Orphanage 13 that shows how the orphans
are gathered and put into an Orphanage.
Then Pauls other photo Orphans shows
how they can find new things in life even
though they lost everything.

"Bridge Over the Ocean." Bridge Over the
Ocean. Web. 17 May 2015.
"Damon Winter." Wikipedia. Wikimedia
Foundation. Web. 17 May 2015.
"Damon Winter." Damon Winter. Web. 17 May

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