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How to add FAQ item

1. Go to Site Actions -> Edit Page:

2. Click on Add a Web Part:

3. Search for a folder Teva Shared and choose WPFaq. Click Add:


Go to Site actions -> View all site settings:

5. Under Lists, click on FAQ Definition:

6. And copy the following part of the URL:

7. Go back to the site where you have created your WPFaq web part, click on
triangle beside it and choose Edit Web Part:

8. New window will open and you have to scroll up to see it:

9. Under Custom Settings, you will find Custom Faq List field.

10.Delete entry in that field and paste your part of the link from 6.step. Click

11.You can delete now the Test FAQ item if you go to Site Actions -> Edit Page.
Click on triangle beside it and choose Delete:

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