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The article Remix Literacy and Fan Compositions by Kayle D.

Stedman a Professor in
University of South Florida. Argued that remixes are to be taken more seriously and that they
should be a form of literacy because its a completely different form of reading/composing
writing. The author advance his argument by bringing up Professional Articles, using survey
research and providing a follow up on the survey takers to find out why they answer the question
like they did. The purpose of this article is to one show how remixes are important, how to talk
about fans in writing and show an analyses methods that can be use in other research. The
intended audiences is composition scholar because remix is a different type of scholarly writing.
The significance of Stedman work is that it show a methods of researching people that actual
work, which is using surveys in thriving social media and them following up on the people that
answer these surveys. Also to show how remixes is a form of writing that should be taking more
Keywords & Passages:
Remixes, Popular Culture, Fandom, Literacy, Surveys
Passage 3: Methodology, Passage 5: Remix literacy and the composition classroom, Passage 4.3:
Remixing fiction, and the limits of fan research

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