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Computers: Power Point Assignment

All About Me
Your assignment is to create an All About Me
presentation on Power Point! This is a great way to both
practice using Microsoft PowerPoint and to tell me about
yourself! The criteria are listed below

----- Criteria (10 marks total) ----Minimum of 7 slides (7 marks)

1. 1st slide (1 mark) your name and picture of yourself.
2. 2nd slide (1 mark) a timeline of your life (minimum of 5
things). In other words, a timeline of major events from the
day you were born until now.
3. 3rd slide (1 mark) 3 words that describe you (use pictures if
4. 4th slide (1 mark) what do you like to do in your spare time?
In other words, what are your favorite sports, activities, and
5. 5th slide (1 mark) who is your mentor and hero? You can
have more than one.
6. 6th slide (1 mark) What do you want to be when you grow
up and why?
7. 7th slide (1 mark) If you could live anywhere in the world,
where would it be and why?
Are there titles for each slide? (Yes = 1 mark)
Are there pictures on each slide? (Yes = 1 mark)

The WOW Factor: Have you added more slides and or

added some cool background designs and transitions?
(Yes = 1 mark)

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