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Her name is Louise I didn

t intend to, but I liked her,

because she was so plain
and so honest, and because
she made Daddy laugh, and
me, too... (p.212) Billie Jo
goes from being bitter to
being happy.

Billie Jo says,I am so
filled with bitterness, it
comes from the dust, it
comes from the silence
of my father, it comes
from the absence of Ma.
I forgot I was even playing
in front of the packed Palace
Theatre. I dropped right
inside the music and didnt
feel anything (p.132)

My father and I, we cant

soothe each other, Im too
young, hes too old, and we
dont know how to talk
anymore if we ever did. (p.

Billie Jo

it hurts like the parched

earth with each note. I dont
say, one chord and my
hands scream with pain for
days.(p.135) Billie Jo gets
so into the music and she
went from no pain to the
most pain.
...I call him Daddy for the
first time since Ma died, and
we walk home, together,
talking. (p. 205) Billie Jo
and her father had a distant
relationship for awhile but
they begin to grow closer

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