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SEMINAR TOPIC: Mock Presidents Council Meeting
1. What were the significant learning points for you in this seminar?
This was an incredible opportunity to be assigned a role within
the Presidents Council. Two participants were assigned to a
senior leader and were presented a situation to bring to the
table. It gave me a perspective of each role and the role
responsibilities that each has as part of the College. I was
assigned, with Stephen Shirey, Chief Legal Consel and Vice
President for Human Resources, AKA Brian Shirey. Stephen and I
had the opportunity to review our scenerio and meet with Brian
to get an overview of his role and gain insight to the processes
that guide decision making within the College.
We broke up into two groups and held a Mock Presidents Council
Meeting. Then we met as a group with our leadership and shared
the dynamics of the meetings. We received feedback and more
indepth information from each of the leaders on the strategies
and actions that move the agenda formats.
2. In what ways is each learning point supportive of or relevant to
your ideas about leadership?
Each role exemplifies leadership. Strong leadership with a
common mission and vision are critical to success. Each
member provided feedback and further explanation of their role
3. Identify a way to apply each of these learning points to your
current role at the College.
These learning points can be applied in my current role by
continuing to work within the College guidelines, working within
my job role, and utilizing my resources to assure that I support
the College image.

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