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School of Education Portfolio

University of Wisconsin Platteville

Artifact Reflection
Title of Experience/Artifact:

Classroom Management Plan

Date Experience Completed:

Fall 2014

Describe your educational experience/artifact:

For this standard I chose to pick my classroom management artifact that shows my
understanding in the classroom environment. My classroom management artifact is made up of
different aspects that I would want my classroom to follow. For instance; creating a safe learning
environment for my classroom is based on Skinner's behavior modification theory. Also in my
classroom management plan is my behavioral rules, boundaries, equipment use, cues and more.
All of these topics make up my classroom management plan.

Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment

I align this artifact with Standard Five: Environment: Teachers know how to manage a
classroom. The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior
to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self-motivation.
I aligned this artifact with this standard because I believe both go hand in hand and are
exactly the same. My classroom management plan shows that teachers know how to manage a
classroom as well as understanding motivation and behavior to create a learning environment
suitable for the students. I included all of the aspects of standard five in my classroom
management plan where I go into further detail of each topic. For instance for behavioral rules I
have : Always treat others how you want to be treated, Wearing proper attire is important for
physical activity, Eyes and ears on the teacher, Show respect by listening and cooperating with
classmates, Smile and give compliments to others. Also some non-instructional methods that I
have in my classroom management plan include: entering/exiting the gymnasium,
starting/stopping cues, defining boundaries, and taking attendance.

UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions Alignment

KSD2.c. MANAGES CLASSROOM PROCEDURES, The candidate values and has the
ability to manage self-motivated students and instructional groups who are productively and
independently working at all times with classroom transitions and routines occurring smoothly.
The teacher, volunteers, paraprofessionals and students share the responsibility for the classroom
I aligned this KSD with my artifact because my classroom management plan goes hand in
hand with the KSD listed above. I manage classroom procedures in my classroom management
plan by listing all the rules that the students should follow if not there are consequences. Also
having students share responsibilities with the equipment on how to use it and to put the
equipment away. All of the topics listed above are important when making a classroom
management plan and all teachers should have one.

Explain what you learned about teaching/learning from this experience:

I learned new information that will greatly help when I become a future educator. Having
a classroom management plan will make a set of guidelines for students to know and follow
within the classroom. These guidelines will not only help the students but they will help the
teacher as well. I believe this classroom management plan has helped me greatly when teaching
to students because it gives me a set of guidelines to always keep in mind when I am teaching
and I plan to use my classroom management plan when I have a classroom of my own.
Some examples of how my classroom management plan has helped me was in my student
teaching classrooms. Some ways it has helped include in my elementary classroom at Eagle
Bluff. My first time teaching on my own it was good to have some guidelines that would help me
manage my classroom. Such as for equipment use, I make sure the students were able to get the
equipment out to use but when it was time to go I made sure the students had jobs in which the
equipment was put away correctly and efficiently. Second example of how my classroom
management plan has helped me would be during my second half of student teaching in the
middle school. I had to group the students and some ways in my classroom management plan on
grouping I would have the students get with a partner then I would have one partner sit and other
stand. The standing partner would go to one side while the other partner would go to the other.
These are a few examples of how I have used my classroom management plans in student

Explain what you learned about yourself as a prospective educator as a result of this

The thing that I learned about myself as a prospective educator from my classroom
management plans is that my classroom management plan is unique in its own way. All teachers
may have different ways of teaching, which mean their classroom management plans may be
different as well. My classroom management plan tells a lot about myself as a teacher on how I
want my classroom to be ran. The way I will have my classroom set up will be mainly focused
on the aspects in my classroom management plan. I plan to have my classroom organized with a
lot of the rules listed in my classroom management plan. This will help me as a teacher for things
to go smoothly and have a set of directions for my students to follow such as cues, equipment
use, grouping, safety, equipment use and many more. Overall I believe that this artifact has
helped me in many of different ways and will continue to help me as a prospective future

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