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Robinson 1

Brianna Robinson
Ms. Woelke
4 May 2015

Reflection Essay
Reflection #1
Without having to look through my previous writings, my eleventh grade World Lit Paper
stands out as the most challenging, yet rewarding pieces of work that I'm most proud of. The
World Lit Paper was an assignment that made up a portion of what was required for the IB HL
English exit exam. We had to create a topic to write about on one of the three books that we had
read during the first semester. We were given ample freedom for this paper, as long as our topic
was unique and directed towards the novel we chose. With over four other classes given the same
assignment, finding an original topic to discuss was difficult. My topic was How the Theme of
Fortune in a Successful Prince Determines the Prosperity of the People in The Prince. The
World Lit Paper consumed much of my time and effort in order to impress not only my teacher,
but the reader who would have determined whether I had passed this portion of the IB English
exam or not. I take pride in how much my writing has improved over the years. This essay
demonstrated my capabilities and talent on a higher level. My World Lit Paper marked the
turning point in my writing career, where I was finally content with handing in my writing

Reflection #2

Robinson 2
As I've progressed over the years, trending in reading, writing, speaking, and language
has gradually improved with my overall performance in class. Language and speaking are
consistent throughout high school. As I transition to my senior year in high school, I see less
inconsistent grades that spontaneously change in these two categories. As for reading and
writing, my grades jumped from different areas, although my overall average increased every
year. Sophomore and junior year is where I stumbled the most in these categories based on the
scores that I received and the limited number of trends that exist. My tenth and eleventh grade
English class were both accelerated, which may have contributed to the rough start that I had in
these classes. Reading and understanding a text has always been a challenge that I've faced in all
subject areas. As I've gained more skills in analyzing the text, my grade has reflected this new
understanding. Not being able to initially grasp the context of piece might be a reason for the
random shifts in my grades. The trends in all categories lean closer to the A range for each
semester. As a whole, I have been able to maintain the same standards in these four areas of
learning, although I've progressed at different accelerations when I look at them separately.

Reflection #3
Maintaining my portfolio at Great Oak was far from my list of tasks that were of higher
priorities. Although my portfolio is in good condition for the most part, I struggled to keep my
papers in order after the English department reduced the categories to only writing, speaking,
reading, and language. My English teachers were accustomed to the older methods, so they didn't
emphasize placing the papers in the right category. Other teachers didn't specify where papers
should be placed, especially if the assignment could fit in more than one area. I also failed to put
more effort in getting my papers in the correct section, since I didn't find it convenient to hole

Robinson 3
punch typed-essays or prompts. By not doing so, a large number of papers are stuffed into the
pockets in my portfolio. As a student, my portfolio mirrors the way I work in class. I may not
give my all in assignments, but I will do enough to make the grade tat I desire. My work habits
are sloppy and prolonged at times, although I maintain the structure of my work and study.
Overall, my portfolio reflects my ambition to do better, as well as the potential that I have to
succeed as a student if I put the time to work harder and more diligently.

Reflection #4
Great Oak High School has laid the foundation for me to succeed in the high paced level
of a college classroom setting. The IB Program and AP courses offered at Great Oak sets our
school apart from others in our district, in that, this school offers more rigorous classes that meet
the standards of students who perform at a higher level than others. The competitive drive of the
students here to excel in their classes, push me to push the limits of what I consider as doing my
best. Academics isn't the only advantage that Great Oak offers its students, the spirit on campus
allows us to feel passionate about issues that matter and get more involved in our community.
Our spirit weeks designed to end the stigma on mental illnesses or raise awareness on certain
diseases is one of the many ways, in which the school utilizes its power to educate our student
body. Without these activities, Great Oak's students wouldn't be involved in events, such as
H.U.G.S. Club or Miss Spectacular, to support the students at our school in the special education
program that we hold. Great Oak's desire to help the community in these aspects and build a
more united student body through academics and clubs is the stepping stool for entering an even
larger community of students at the University of California Santa Barbara.

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