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Chapter 10.

The Learner and the Educational Process

Jimin Cheon

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

After this lesson, students will be able to

10.1 understand the definition of education and its important components.

10.2 articulate an understanding of the role of education in the larger society.
10.3 define a learner, a teacher, and what it means to learn within the larger educational settings.

10.1 What is education?

The process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, especially by
formal schooling; teaching; training.

To sum it up, it is the process of the inculcation of knowledge

Inculcation: to cause (something) to be learned by (someone) by repeating it again and again

This definition presupposes:

A source of knowledge
A substance of material called knowledge
A receptor

In educational settings, they are interpreted as:

The teacher
Information, ideas, instructional content
The learner

In this process, The teacher-learner relationship is indispensable.

Multicultural education plays a big role in this process.

The teacher approaches students through his/her cultural lenses.
The students approach the teacher through their cultural lenses.

If connection between the teacher and the students fails to happen, educational process is shorthanded.

10.1 B.F.Skinners Limitations

B.F. Skinner defines it as the culture of the intellect.

It is something that happens within the realm of the intellect or the mind.

The acquisition of skills is considered as education and the application of knowledge is considered as

His definition only deals with the product or the fruit of the whole educational process.
It does not fully explain the whole process of education.

10.2 Platos Allegory

The learners share a lot of similarities with Platos prisoners.

They are limited in knowledge and ideas about the world of reality.
The educational process is supposed to unlock learners from that prison and release them into the
world of reality.

Education is an empowering process of transporting the students from the world of ignorance to

The learners are persuaded to engage the realities and face the flaws of their perception.

Unchaining and persuading these prisoners to step outside can only be done by the one who has earned the
trust and confidence.

10.2 The larger society

The goal of education has to be:

to produce new and altered human persons significantly different from who they were before
entering the educational process.

Education must restructure and reorient the students to become socially informed and civically
responsible citizens.

One critical flaw of American education system has been and still is:
Imparting knowledge without attempt to develop socially informed, harmonious, and respectful
citizens in this diverse society.

Most American children come to school ignorant of the world around them.
Teachers education them in the imprisonment of their minds and in small homogeneous communities.
Students must be exposed to the diverse world outside of their communities.
Multicultural education is essential American education system to produce worldly citizens.

10.3 Who is the learner?

Learn: to acquire or receive education.

To absorb: soaking something up

To digest: chewing and swallowing

To conceive: being impregnated by accepting something from someone else
To contract: getting an infection (medical term)

Once the learner accepts the substance it becomes his or her own possession, no longer the teachers.

To learn is to
Accept modifications, intellectual or otherwise, for more enriching experiences and
Accept to change ones perspective or direction for the better.
Grow richer and taller in quality of life a well as in intellectual capacity.

Through education, we teach not only academic disciplines but

4)mutual coexistence

with multicultural education as the center.

A learner is one who is on a journey of self-actualization and self-realization.

A learner opens the self up to the intrusion of new and foreign ideas and concepts.

A learner hopes that he or she will have access to some rules and resources that will increase the quality
of his or her own life.

A learner is motivated not only by the teacher but also his or her own dreams and aspirations.

A learner has clear goals and expectations along with the goals and expectations that the teacher has set.

10.3 Who is the teacher?

The transmission or presentation of information is not synonymous with teaching.

Teaching: imparting knowledge

It must effect a change in personality and perspective for both teacher and the student.

Teachers must feel competent and confident about the knowledge they are imparting to the students.

Teacher is like the first prisoner released from the cave.

The job is to convince others (the students) that there is more to reality than what they know.

It takes a culturally and socially well-adjusted to impart life-transforming multicultural education.

The prisoner (the teacher) must be persuasive enough to get other prisoners seriously and gain
credibility for his or her ideas.

A teacher needs both:

The possession of information

The possession of effective communication skills and methods

The teacher:
Cultivates the knowledge of

The learners
Learning can take place without a teacher..
However, teachers expedite and strengthen the process of learning.

Teachers must not reproduce him or herself.

Teachers must help the learners to discover how to fully actualize him or herself.

To teach is to bring learners to the point at which they can begin asking the right question.


The classroom presents us with a laboratory for viewing the possible demonstrations of the fullest
extent of human potentials as well as the lowest depth of human failure. (Domnwachukwu)

As teachers, we should set our goals to teach student to become successful and self-actualized citizens,
and strive to become one ourselves as well.

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