Results Parentsurveysclassc

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Data Analysis Summary

Serina Chavez, Mikayla Elliot, Emily Davis

How do parents feel about current physical education, activity and
nutrition that students receive at HTHNC?
Appendix Link:
How often do you think your student participates in physical activity
at school?

Minimum: none
Maximum: 2 or more
Q1: 30-60 minutes
Median: 30-60 minutes
Q3: 1-2 hours
Mean: N/A (all amounts are ranges)
Standard Deviation: N/A (all amounts are ranges)
Note: The majority of people noted that their child at High Tech receives 3060 minutes of physical activity at school. This is interesting because most

High Tech students actually do not get 30-60 minutes of organized activity.
Peoples perceptions are better than reality. The second largest data set,
though, was for those people that felt their child receives no physical activity
which proves there needs to be improvement.
How satisfied are you with your child's overall physical activity?
( Rate from 1-5 )

Minimum: 1
Maximum: 5
Q1: 2
Median: 3
Q3: 4
Mean: 3.161458333
Standard Deviation: 1.314428173
Notes: There are more parents who are somewhat or very satisfied with the
physical education their child receives than ones who are not. This is
interesting because many also believe their child does not receive a lot. Do
they think physical activity is not important? Still, though, the percentage is
low as we want everyone to be in the 5s (really satisfied). That means we
need to do something.

Do you feel that Physical Education is an important part of schooling?

Notes: Amazingly, most everyone believes that Physical Activity is important so they are
somewhat educated on its benefits yet some (10 people) do not. Why is it like this?
What caused the people who said yes to respond that way. It would be interesting to
hear the perspective or justification of the few people who said no.

What suggestions do you have for improving physical and mental

health in your child's school?

We took the time to ask the parents about what they think should be added
to HTHNC to create a more physical environment for their children in their
liking. There were about 15-16 ideas given from the parents, which we either
clumped together or reworded in a way that we could categorize them. The
most popular categories were More physical activity options,
Yoga/meditation and other brain training exercises, and Mandatory
physical education and activity.
Note: I have noticed in this data that some people dont feel that physical
activity to be mandatory in a students school curriculum. Majority of parents
found that it should involved in a students life, but that it doesnt have to be
mandatory, but more of an option for them. I found it interesting that many
parents came up with different options of physical activity without making it
mandatory, yet majority consensus was to make PE mandatory.

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