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English 114B Portfolio

By: David Martinez

About me:
My name is David Martinez. I was born on
October 13, 1996 in Los Angeles. I currently
attend California State University, Northridge.
Im majoring in Kinesiology, and I wish to
have a career in the medical/sports field. A
huge reason I chose this dream is my love for
all sports. My favorites are soccer, football,
baseball, and swimming.

Brief Portfolio Info:

My portfolio consists of two essays I wrote
during the course of the semester. The very
first essay discusses the Project Space
assignment. I utilized various articles and peerreviewed papers as sources. For the second
paper, I discussed the growing issue of
Hypersexuality. Again, I used peer-reviewed
papers, along with a novel.
Each essay was vital in
my progression as a
writer as I developed
better habits, research
methods, and learned
more through criticism.

My Essays:
Essay 1: Project Space
My partner and
myself decided to
study the Santa
Monica Pier for our
Project Space
Assignment. We
examined every little
detail from the
location to the
placement of food.
The purpose of this essay was to broaden our thinking.
Foe example, why isnt the pier a dome, perhaps
Americans wish to enjoy the natural beautiful scenery.
The revisions made to this paper were aimed to
help it flow as easy as possible. I didnt want to
sound repetitive, which may be my biggest flaw in
my writing, however, I feel I have made strides in

Essay 2: Hypersexuality
Essay 2 truly challenged my
skills as a writer. The
Hypersexuality theme is
broad, so narrowing it down
to five sources covering one
topic was difficult.

This essay helped me

adress another one of
my writing flaws.
Structure. It assisted in
my progression, but I
know I still need some

The challenge in writing

was bringing all these
sources under one topic.
The revision process proved
to be difficult as well. In all
honesty, my first draft was a
mess. My ideas were all
over the place. My focus
while revising was making
my essay cohesive.

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