Week 2

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Useful Technologies in Education

Mentimeter is an online polling site. You put up a question and
students access it on their devices. This site is different than others
because you can offer a broad range of answers. This can be done in a
spectrum format where students can respond to where they most
relate with, because often times there is a much greater spectrum of
beliefs than yes or no. The responses show up anonymously on the
screen in a bar graph format, and shows the range of responses and
viewpoints on the question posed. This technology could be very useful
at any level of schooling where devices are accessible as well as in
multiple subject areas. Mentimeter polling gives students an
opportunity to anonymously give their viewpoints, and see where
others views align as well which creates opportunity for discussion,
debates, and creates open minded students who know their values and
beliefs, but also value and recognize others opinions.
Here is a link to the website. www.mentimeter.com
Outcomes linked to mentimeter:
C2 3.2: assemble and organize different viewpoints in order to assess their
C3 2.1: identify and distinguish points of view expressed in electronic sources on
a particular topic.
P6 4.1: select and use the appropriate technologies to communicate effectively
with a targeted audience
F3 1.1: demonstrate courtesy and follow classroom procedures when making
appropriate use of computer technologies
Powerpoint presentations are very useful for teachers to provide
opportunities to visualize what they are saying to differentiate their
instruction, but can also be very beneficial for students to learn how to
use. By providing opportunities for students to make powerpoints they
have another way to learn and express their learning. This also easily
provides opportunities for students to be able to present their work in
front of their peers, and develop life skills applicable to workplace
situations. This can also be beneficial throughout all subject types and
grade ranges.
Outcomes linked to powerpoint:
P3, Students will communicate through multimedia.

2.1 create a multimedia presentation, incorporating such features as visual

images (clip art, video clips), sounds (live recordings, sound clips) and animated
images, appropriate to a variety of audiences and purposes
3.1 create multimedia presentations that take into account audiences of diverse
size, age, gender, ethnicity and geographic location
3.2 create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio,
video and text gathered from remote sources
4.1 select and use, independently, multimedia capabilities for presentations in
various subject areas
4.2 support communication with appropriate images, sounds and music
4.3 apply general principles of graphic layout and design to a document in
Link to all of the outcomes

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