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Martinez 1

David Martinez
Professor John Kubler
English 114B
10 February 2015
Fieldwork Ethnography of a Public Space
This past weekend, my partner and I visited the world famous Santa Monica Pier. We
decided to study the Pier because of its rich history in the media, and it also holds incredible
significance in the history of California. Its long history began September 9, 1909, but it was
never built with the intention of entertainment. It was initially built to guide the citys sewer
pipes past the breakers. A secondary pier was joined; this one was shorter and wider, and it
contains the amusement park in which we are familiar with today.
In 1916, Charles I .D. Looff and his son built the Pleasure Pier. The Looff family is
synonymous with amusement parks, which only heightened the excitement for the opening. The
family purchased a roller coaster from the now defunct amusement park Wonderland, located
in San Diego. Its initial amusement items consisted of a roller coaster, merry-go-rounds, and a
funhouse. The pier was an incredibly popular throughout the 20s, only to dip in popularity
leading up to the 30s, primarily due to The Great Depression. The 30s was a tough decade for
the historical landmark, nearly all of the amusement park attractions were shut down and sold to
whoever was willing to purchase, and its main function was to dock ferrys. The now world
famous sign at entry was constructed in 1938. The pier faced a threat when it was purchased by
the city Los Angeles, who proposed to tear it down, but a large group formed to preserve the
landmark. In 1983, the pier again came under attack by large swells, and destroyed

Martinez 2
approximately one-third of the pier. The city of Santa Monica came to the rescue by funding the
The Santa Monica Pier is one the main attractions for tourists, as well as residents in the
city of Los Angeles. All one must do is visit in order to grasp just how popular the site is. The
boardwalk is crowded with visitors, the parking is horrible, and the weekends are typically the
most jam packed days. The level of popularity truly stuck both my partner and I when we
interviewed a couple from Australia. If I remember correctly, the pier was one of the first spots
they chose to visit during their vacation. The pier does have its share of tourists, as evidenced by
the couple from Australia, and another pair from Arizona. Both interviews stated that the main
attraction to the pier was the extensive publicity it receives. The beautiful setting, the calm vibe,
and the wide array of activities are what bring them here.
The design elements include the natural setting of the beach. The pier utilizes the natural
beauty of the coastline, and it combines that with a fun atmosphere to make for a fun time with
your friends or family. Whoever visits usually heads to Pacific Park to enjoy the many festivities
offered. The only form of transportation throughout the pier is walking, which can be a struggle
at times due to the vast crowd occupying the space. The crowd itself may present a couple of
issues. If one bumps into another, or they feel their space is being violated, then some
confrontations may occur. It does not help that there is minimal security, but there are police
officers on duty. No problems will occur if people abide by the simple rules and guidelines.
Although fights arent very common, they do occur from time to time.

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