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Story Boarder Questions

Ian 1. What are the most important events in the section that you read?
Answer: When Billy Joe and Ma get burned badly. (Pg. 60-61)
Another important event is when Man dies giving birth soon after the baby dies
too. (Pg.69-70)
Ian 2. What is the main conflict in the section?
Answer: When Billie Joe loses her hands by melting them in a flaming pale of
kerosene she can no longer play the piano. Forever frightened by the burns she
no longer plays the piano and is afraid of fire.
Miguela 3. Who is most affected by the conflict?
Answer: Billie Joe was the most scarred by the conflict because she is burned
badly not only physically but mentally. She associates her fear of fire with playing
the piano because your mother played the piano and she feels responsible for
her mothers death. Her physical pain is the burns she obtained during the
Lauren 4. Is there a resolution of the conflict in this section? Explain
Answer: I don't think there is a resolution to the problem because Ma and baby
Franklin died and there is really nothing they can do about that. Billie Jo and her
dad are left sad and lonely after their death.
Miguela 5. Based on the plot so far, what predictions can be made about
characters and events in the story?
Answer: So Far Billie Joe has had a pretty tough life with her mother dead, her
father being so stiff and nonsocial, and the thought of a little brother haunting her
thoughts, but I think thats all going to change. I predict that Billie Joe is going to
start to forgive her father and are going to get along with each other and Billie
Joe is going to start to play the piano again!

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