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The Sleepover at Ninas house

It was a cold, peaceful night, me and Nina were in her room, and we were
excited because I was sleeping over. The view outside her window wasnt so
good because it was nighttime.
When we went into Ninas room I lay on her bed and her bed was as soft as
dogs fur. We played Monopoly for half an hour, when we packed up we played
Tic Tac Toe, I was the O and Nina was the X.
Yay I win! said Nina playfully. We were so bored so we played on Ninas Ipad,
which was really fun. Im bored, said Nina. So we read Dork Diaries tales of a
not so fabulous life.
Our final game was a round of I Spy, and Nina couldnt guess something
beginning with s, the answer was the screen from her computer. When we
finished Nina logged on to the computer and we watched Gravity Falls: Not
What He Seems. Its so interesting, I said. While I was watching I didnt know
Nina slept, so I started panicking because normally Im the one who has to
sleep first, if not the sleepover is cancelled. Nina, wake up, I said sort of
panicking. After a few minutes I felt homesick and really wanted to go home.
Once I got over it, I closed my eyes and counted to 1000 and I finally slept at 1
oclock in the morning. When it was morning Ninas little sister woke us up at
9:30 and we had cornflakes for breakfast.
The moral of this story is always believe in yourself.



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