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Teaching and Learning Sequence – The Paradise Garden by Colin Thompson

Year Group CORE TEXT: Paradise Garden by Colin

Fiction Yr 6 N 1 Fiction Genres No. of Weeks 4
Yr 5/6 Thompson
Key learning Outcome
Key Outcome To plan, draft, and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features

All children must… Most children should… Some children could…

Imitate the structure of Paradise Garden to write Innovate upon Paradise Garden Invent their own version of Paradise Garden keeping the idea
own version of the text using own ideas about Build the story in paragraphs using adjectival phrases, of voyage and return
where they escape to adverbials and complex sentences to suit the subject Build the story in paragraphs using adjectival phrases,
matter. adverbials and complex sentences to suit the subject matter.

Teaching Guided Work linked to sequence Differentiation and scaffolding

(speaking & listening; reading, planning, ( include deployment of support
writing) staff )
Indicate group and focus for session and
link to pupil targets)
Familiarisation/ Immersion in text/Analysis
Book Talk guided group to extend ideas about Map in here the activities the
• Discuss with children where they like to go when things get too much. What likes, dislikes, patterns and puzzles children will do with support or
sorts of things send them there and how do they feel once they are there. independently
• Share Paradise Garden using a visualiser, allowing sufficient time for the Writer Talk guided group to analyse personal All activities need to be leading
children to explore the images. What are your first thoughts about this book? responses – give evidence and draw upon towards the outcome and children
• Using a likes/dislikes/patterns and puzzles grid, children make notes and then past experiences need to be aware of this.
share their thoughts in 2s and then 4s. (Book talk)
• As a class discuss puzzles and what some of the answers might be. (Book Guided group to collect words and phrases
talk) about a setting for the working wall, refining
• Construct a feelings graph for Peter in pairs (model drawing the first section). choices and responding to each other’s
At each point of the story pairs talk through why he might be feeling like that. opinions
(Book talk)
• This book has a voyage and return blueprint – what might that mean? Share
the principles of a voyage and return and ask the children how the story
follows that pattern making notes. (Book talk) See resource sheet 1
• Children write each pattern that they found in the book on a strip of paper. As
a class collect all of these together, group them for those that are the same
and then identify one pattern that they want to track through the book to see if
there is a pattern. Model how to do this using the pattern of the frames
around the pictures getting bigger and then disappearing and why that might
be. (Book talk/writer talk)
• Go back to the list of ways in which the book makes the children feel and ask
for each one – how did the author make you feel like that? Start to identify
some of the devices Thompson uses and record them for the working wall.
(Writer talk) TA to work with group to create
• Are there any patterns in the paragraphing? Explore the size of the their own poetry focusing on the
paragraphs mapping them in relation to what is happening in the story. skills of rereading and hearing the
• Found poetry – children record all the words and phrases which Thompson right ways to combine the phrases
uses to make this place sound like paradise. Record one phrase per piece of
paper. Use some of these words and phrases and rearrange into a poem.
Read poem out to the rest of the group exploring how the use of voices may Guided group to generate effective sentences
contribute to the poem. Stick poems on working wall. (Usual words in and phrases and to have the confidence to
unusual combinations) refine for the reader rather than taking the first
• Explore how Thompson uses adverbials to start sentences. Try changing the choice.
position of the adverbial and putting it back into the story. What effect does
this have? Why do you think Thompson did it the way he did? (Sentence
Guided group to map story and step it in a
• Choose one of the images from the story. In pairs create as many sentences
variety of ways to fix the sequence of important
as possible starting with adverbials to describe it. Record the best ones on
paper and stick around the images on the working wall. (sentence work)
• Discuss what effect the sentences ‘All day and all night and all around it Guided group to establish what changes each
roared.’ and ‘His mother shouted, the neighbours shouted and the city time they step the story and start a new section
roared.’ and how the pattern of 3ness to the effect. Use the constructions to e.g. time changes, speech, setting changes,
create your own sentences about something that you want to escape from. etc.
E.g. The silence shouted, emptiness whistled and the leaves dropped quietly.
Create them about the playground, assembly, a football game etc. (Sentence
level work)
• Learn the bare bones of the story. (see resource sheet 2) Over the next few
days children retell the story stepping it, with actions facing each other, side
by side, just with the actions etc until it is embedded. Stepping to indicate

Capturing Ideas
This is where the writer will be playing around with and refining their own ideas Guided groups challenged at this stage in their
for the final version they are going to create. planning
• Children picture in their heads where they go when they want to escape and
what they want to escape. Take them for a walk around the image thinking
about how they feel, how their heartbeat feels, temperature, colours and
unsusual things that they can see in both places. Jot down quickly all the
words and phrases that come to mind to describe each image on separate
pieces of paper. (Imaging) (Capturing content)
• Start to convert some of these words and phrases into sentences to describe
the place. Start some of the sentences with adverbials.
• Go back to the image of the place to escape and this time imagine how you
would live – eat, where you would sleep, what would you do all day? Share
ideas with a partner and jot them down. (Expandng an idea) (Capturing
• Take the learnt and rememberd text and model how you would start to turn it
into your own story using some of the ideas that you have jotted down. In
pairs children start to innovate upon the story (or the blueprint) to create their
own story. (Capturing structure)
• Model how to map the new story that is being created and then ask children to
do that for their own story. Talk it through all the time so that you are aware of
the parts that are working and those that don’t quite fit. (Capturing structure)
• On the map now drawn, annotate in a couple of places how you want you
reader to feel. Mode lhow to expand those sections trying to make the reader
feel that emotion. Retell those parts to a listener and see if you have the effect
you are after. (Capturing language features)
Modelling Writing
Model writing the introduction
Model expanding various sections to create a feeling in your reader. Draw upon the success criteria on the working wall to do this.
Model the process of reading and rereading as you are writing
Model ‘never ducking a good word’ even if we can’t spell it
Model making size of paragraph choices depending upon the effect you want on the reader
Model the use of patterns of 3 in sentences and starting sentences starting with adverbials and why you are doing that – effect on the reader.

Learning Objectives

Year Group 6 Fiction Yr 6 N 1 Unit Fiction Genres No. of Weeks 4-5 Core Text

Curricular Target:

Speaking and Listening (S 1 – 4) Text Level – reading (S 7 / 8) Text Level – writing (S 9 / 10)
• Tell a story using notes designed to cue • Infer writers' perspectives from what is • Experiment with different narrative form and styles
techniques, such as repetition, recap and written and from what is implied to write their own stories
humour Use a range of oral techniques to Understand underlying themes, causes Use different narrative techniques to engage
present persuasive arguments and and points of view and entertain the reader
engaging narratives
• Explore how writers use language for • Vary the pace and develop the viewpoint through
• Plan and manage a group task over time comic and dramatic effects Recognise the use of direct and reported speech, portrayal of
using different levels of planning Consider rhetorical devices used to argue, action and selection of detail
examples of conflict and resolution, persuade, mislead and sway the reader
exploring the language used • Experiment with the order of sections and
paragraphs to achieve different effects Use varied
• Understand different ways to take the lead structures to shape and organise text coherently
and support others in groups •

Sentence Level (S 11)

• Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers
• Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways
• Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes
• Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences

Word Level (S 6)
• Use a range of appropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correct spelling in their own work, on paper and on screen
Presentation (S 12)
• Use different styles of handwriting for different purposes with a range of media, developing a consistent and personal legible style
Key Outcome To plan, draft, and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features

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