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xOW YOUR OWN SPEAKERS! -See page 493 slementary Pcie Pot "€ ae = DIVI-K HERTZ ned A4OOINa A e2p b aSaHoayvn EPA? oa potion: or teste sean _—EICO Makes It Possible Uncompromising engineering—for value does it! You save up to 50% with Eico Kits and Wired Equipment. ortina:... ering excellence, 100% capability, striking V5 only TOTAL PERFORMANCE STEREO. Stlowest cost A Silica Sali State 70-Watt Stereo Amplifier for $5995 ki, 5138.95 ted ineluing eabinet Cortina 3070 A Sold-Stale FM Stereo Tuner for $9995 hit $139.95 wired theading caine Cora S03 E Iqgauiae 0 Walt Sali Slate 0 Stereo Receiver fr $1688 kt BUA AIAG © FRESE see sae Rese ses Eicocraft es a o Fun to build and use. Expandable, nterconne:table. Gi breed etched prime h a BROGRAFT 2° Electronic Siren $4.95, Burgia Inercom $3.95, Auaia Power Ary Tremoig $8 95, tight Flasher $3 arm $6.95, Fire Alarm $6.95, ile? $4.95, Metronome $3 Electronic "Mystiner" $4.95 Photo Cel Nite Lite $4.95, Power Suppy $7.95, Cade Oscilator $2.50, e FU Wireless Mike $9.98, An Wireless tke $8.55, fi Electronic vOX'$7.95. Fi Raaio $9.95 AM Radio $7.95, Electrane Bongos $7.9! eo ecu Citizen's Band anne! 5W Transceiver. 4 exclusives tystal aie fiter fr razor sharp selectivity ecient Werte frequency syibecaer for advanced stably DBrecision series mode tunaamental crystals Smali-oniy 3°H, BW, 84D, $169.95 wired only ‘The best buy in tube-type CB—Sentinel-Pro” 23;charne! dual Conversion SW Transceiver $169.95 wired ony EICO Trans/ Match (Mode! 715) is profes designed for compiete checking af harap ruvohm ("= Automotive Professional Portable Multimeters by E1C0, complete with batteries & test leads gee 24 Backe by famous E1CO warrenty Model 10084, 100,0c0n/v, $34.95, Model 3088, 20, Mode! 3083, 30,000n/V, $15.95, Model 2083, 20,000n/v, $12.95, Now you can keep you for sr bast engine in tiptop shape wih ihe ai ale porate, se cowared sniversal ET engine analyzer. Completely tests your foal inition’ eieenical systers Complete with 2 Tune-up & Trouble shooting Manual Mogel B88; $24.95 nit, $68.95 wired 100 best buys to quip from. Aiobotery erecsion ot lowest cost. | FREE 1968 CATALOG Model Aso Wideband Drect.coused | EEG Electonc stent Co Ine scilescape, G64. me ts Be aR ce GASenemR REE cation cesenbirg ne 1 ico Brae Ae Boshpul Ge tettican | Ura aBuasrbapn aoh Saree at tad age arp. bal se unbab inet Automatic | Name S100.98 it, 14998 iced ress ose 232 PeaktoPeak viv. A mua or coar or BAW TY an industral use. ony. Z:ton-ship ranges on all & functions. With exclusive Uni Probe 328588 et, $48.95 wired Model 1A1, 100001, $5.95, as . ‘ ie —, TOM McCAHILL SAYS: “There’s COLD CASH In Repairing These Things!” Each time a buddy of mine moans about the lousy repair job he got on his refrigerator or toaster or washing machine, I'm reminded of the fact that a good Appliance repairman is a mighty rare breed these days, This neighbor of mine had refrigerator trouble just, last month, and needed some speedy repair service. ‘After phoning half a dozen repairmen who were booked solid for days, he finally had to settle for a bum job from a guy who had no business calling himself an Appliance repairman. This brings me to an important point. No one who wants to eam money in Appliance repair needs to learn by trial and error. There’s a great, low-cost home study plan on the market that covers every type of Appliance re- pair in detail. The course was prepared by the Ap- pliance Division of the National Radio Institute, one ‘of the biggest and best schools in the field. Thousands fof guys like yourself have studied with NRI, and many of them have more than paid for the low tuition fee within their first couple months servicing Electric Appliances. If you want to make money (and who doesn’t) ina field that's crying for good talent, make certain you send for a free NRI catalog. Get the details on the well-illustrated lessons that teach you how to repair home, farm and commercial Appliances, and small gasoline engines. You'll be amazed at how little the training costs. And you'll even get a professional Appliance Tester without extra cost NRIhas been in the home study field since 1914, and they have a staff of 150 experts in Washington, D.C., who guide you through the course with more per- sonal attention than you'd find in some classrooms. If you're really out to learn, they can furnish a special course in air-conditioning arid refrigeration repair, too. Even if you've never tried to put a toaster in working, ‘order, even if your schooling never went beyond the tenth grade, I'm as certain as my name is McCahill that you can make money in the Appliance repair field with the help of this NRI course. Do yourself a favor right now. Send off the coupon below and NRI will send you a free catalog. If you don’t like the looks of this material, you can forget the entire deal, and you'll be out only one postage stamp. But remember, the Appliance repair field needs qualified men now. And you can qualify with NRI training. PLS. NRI won't send a representative t0 call on ‘you. They've never needed any with this great course! Vppuiance pivision, NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE AVATABLE UNDER NEW 6 SIL soooss I [3939 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, 0. €, 20016 81 Bid in Serice cheek Gi tine bale t ; OKI wanttote formyl. Send meth five Wok on Profetonl Appliance Servicing. Noaleman wil a : “= — Ace i pee a I 1% State Zip Code I [Accredited Member National Home Study Counc Check fr facts on new GI Bill, May-June, 1968 3 MAY/JUNE 1968 elementary “*’ _ Electronics Dedicated to America’s Electronics Hobbyists BONANZA CONSTRUCTION FEATURE Yr 39 Build Mariner V—Multi-band rece’ Small-boat skipper's eyes and ears! SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION FEATURE 3 64 OvicHerte Marker—Build it wth our free printed THEORY TOPICS FOR EVERYONE 71 The Much Misunderstood ionosphere 79 T eadly Dipoles—Antennas from soup to er is the ectricity and Electronics fanding Resistors BENCH TESTED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Tape Trigger—Add push-to-t ‘to your 9 Crystals—| ie—Vollage as yoi e your own Xtal speaker ON THE HUMAN SIDE 45 Cop Catling Comp he fuzz need fuses 46 Brain Scan sy way 56 Touch and an interest story 67 Your Next Accident~/t may be TV taped before Tape Hits the Road—Highway news with blues CONSUMER PRODUCT TESTS 59 Playtape Product Line—A new world of sound fayette H8.625 CB Transceiver HERE ARE THE REGULARS 22 Random Noise al chit-chat 24 Hey, look me over product showcase 26 DX Central Reporting—SWL news and views 29 En Passant—Chess column 31 e/e Etymology—Electrified word power 32 Literature Library—How to fill your mailbox | suuaN m stenxiewicz —maitor | wazcar/kmDa313 RICHARD A. FLANAGAN kao2566 W. KRAG BROTBY HELEN PARKER News Bditn KqQo7967, JIM MEDLER Art Bator ANTHONY MACCARRONE Ar pivecor EUGENE F. LANDINO It IRVING BERNSTEIN, BARBARA GABRIEL a JIM CAPPELLO ocean aoa CARL BARTEE ProdsetionStanae STEVE LEVINSON esatant Production Menno PAULA HELFANT WILFRED M4. BROWN 8. G. DAVIS JOEL OAVIS HERB LEAVY, KMD&S29 LEONARD F. PINTO VICTOR C. STABILE ¢< g Cover Photo by Leonard Helckien $e Cover Highlig AUTHORS IN THIS ISSUE Len Buckwalter-—K10HD/KBA4480, John W. Collins, Joe Craig, James A. Fred, Webb Garrison, Charles Green—W6FFQ, Jorma Hyypia, Marshall Lincoln—W7DQ5, william J. Millard, Marvin Townsend and the ELE MENTARY ELECTRONICS’ Editorial Staff. ear for ompe icon New Yor $18 Pon Aver 212 icigon Ava {820 Tor" Anges 3.387 town, mont Ra. NE 404 2.67 9 Gorden Sh, Groat Nest, N.Y Sle. 30 Tang fepresétonve, Jen Wright, AN 8M St, Exemenrary Evectkorcs a ays A241 [1) 0) RADIO SHACK RO V4 NX wal Read every one of the foll . following 18 pages can hayes ted yaa eae eee Radio Shack’s 200 retail stores coast to coast, or i mal FREE with any order: 50° COMPUTER! Buy anything (jn person or by mail) from the following Radio Shack pages using the oF Papier eee MCU aia pecfearekin PaCS aL Ma MILE" COMPUTERS. It's 7%2” long and made of tough stock to give years of use. Heer eee TE aC Re bata nee Cah Prey eee ca aaa kes shiner arr nn CRE a Senge ene Laer SPee ae Oa aA Rae eS a Cua aa fue consi Bier Sa ee a Ford eas stony See E RTT a Sn a as shown in the illustration. Complete de- eee Noa Rou aad BRC UR aes ‘Order Form, See Page 20 UP US tel eye [mat kD BY 8-WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER SEMI-KIT * Designed and Made in US.AL © ACinch to = Assemble — Just Add Leads! 95 ONLY 10 ‘ Accessory Kit] Your chance 10 scoop, up a sprewirel, 11 So ce. Sec agai ods? se ene ur 3 Gt eSch channel, plus 3 ‘ —* nob ¢ with frequency respor 1s © Diod TRhrur impedance is 00K ency sespanse Koby Diode tone seb. eps Oneatng ctvetion AC or Pi | 2 [londormer * Botte 20.0 capes 8 GH. speakers: cSt © tine Cora” * Sails ae rie of AM/EM stereo, tuner. Trans Switch” enaciios cera cate cecuit, You needn't shop around ccensory kit especially ores arts, Purchase the accessory esened for ‘the amplifier (see right) #30-1969 30-1966, Ship. wt. 1 tb. Net 3.95 THE COMPLETE STEREO SEMI-KIT PACKAGE! PHONOGRAPH MOTOR/TURNTABLE . ab 95 * 4Speeds!_ © Quiet! © Simple te Hook Up! Use with stereo amplifiers! Vibration:free AC opera: tion assured by rubber. shock-mounted friction drive Inotor. Speed changes controled. by idler driving. the e'meral turntable. 402. © 355” mounting cencerss 214" below base pate, $4129" #2701255, AC Line Cora, 39 net © 8-Wott Stereo Amplifier Semi-Kit Complete with Accessory Kit! © Turntable, Tone Arm and Stereo Cartridge! # Two 8:lnch Round Speakers! ® No Extras to Buy! 30.1933, Package, Wt. IT Ibs. Special ym, ‘ janufacturer’s Closeout! netams | Purchase! a 8” ROUND SPEAKER STEREO ARM/ ae # The Perfo Low-Cos CARTRIDGE 99 wD O° Eicon er Reploce. Be Use with semickit shown above! Our huge" 190-store buying power ‘brings © Straight Line Design? Modernistic 8" tone arm has offse, head. and high | YOu this quality speaker at sensational Output sterco crystal eapteidge (2/2V). with dual | Savings! Buy several — bring seereo to Synthetic sapphire sili, Stylus pressure is adjustable J Very room in your home! US-made Magnet weight 147 oz, 8 ohms. finger lite weer Wee Seae1 by variable spring tension. Comes with zane Store Addresses, Order Form, See Page 20 6 ELementary ELECTRONICS TINT WT Key eee SSM Se) TP ad 3-HOUR LONG PLAY PRE-RECORDED STEREO TAPES Top Arrangements! SEPARATELY: $5.95 EACH #7 Rec! # 3% IPS! In Sets of 3 (Quier saz: eof America’s EVENINGS ‘These 8 compl pieces ‘ HONY: allisne hie show TRIPLE PLAY 8 TRACK eee STEREO TAPE CARTRIDGES Available Only at Radio Shack © 3 Complete Stereo Albums — 95 EA. IN ONE CARTRIDGE! © 30 Full-Length Tunes! THE HERITAGE OF BROADWAY. f arta SAY. IT, WITH STAINGS: Marcel Lepafe, conducts — 30 belting ont" 30, show-wune greats of ou A family greats including “Tenderly, How ‘Deep is the favorite. 31-3 Geena." 351-3007 THE MELODIES OF LOVE: Caro! Lawrence, Lena H and more jours Of soothing, music FOREVER FAVORITES: Featuros a variety of songs by the Hilo's, Ink Spots, Pied Pipers, Fred. Asaire, . Hiss, of, Pore, Gershming ey played “by the Kingsbridge AND THEN THEY Lemer' and Loewe, Strings. 381-2009 ARMED FORCES SOUND EFFECTS 3 Record Stereo Set eines 4” ORGAN IN STEREO 3 Record Stereo Set 4° ) © Studio Quality! © 20-20,000 CPS! Studio Quality! 20-20,000 CPS! ours of emterininmcoc! #502000 For Store Addresses, Order Form, Seo Page 20 May-June, 1968 s What's your project for our “Build In” radio? Here's a wired transistor radio in 3 pieces. Dextrous do-it-yourselfers should have « field-day with this one. You carpenters, metal-workers and gift designers will really appreciate Radio Shack’s novel “Build In” —a 6-teansistor superhee that’s really a it that isn’t @ Hit, Confused? Part one is the radio, 100% wired, installed in a crystalline 2% x 1 x 3Y%C case with the cuning knob sticking out of one end, and 8 wires out of the other. Part swo is a separate volume con- trol with built-in switch, knob, and soldered leads. Part three is a 244” PM speaker installed in a plastic ‘case, with soldered leads. The three parts (plus a flat 9V battery, not in- ¢luded) can be installed in, on, or under anything, in just about any desired angle or position, And you don’t have to be an engineer — Radio Shack’s geniuses have provided a simple, idiot-proof lashup pictorial. Now all you need is the price (just $6.98, Cat No. 12-1150) and some Yankee ingenuity! ‘Whether you hide "Build In” in a jug of corn likker, junior's wagon ot Tillie’s sewing box, the result is sure to please. The basic radio itself looks like 2 little jewel, a teal work of art—our photo doesn't do it justice. And the “kit that isn’t a kit” is another of Radio Shacks's exciting exclusive products that can't be bought elsewhere. Get a “Build In” at your nearest Radio Shack store. For Store Addresses, Order Form, See Page 20 = = / VOLUME i te CONTROL Nomi AND SWITCH PM SPEAKER IN CASE RADIO SHACK PROJECT BOOKS (4 A PROJECT) “50 EASY TO BUILD Build your own tran- sistor radios, electronic organs, amplifiers, code oxillators, “megaphones, generators, etc. Ideal for hobbyists. 62-1050 Net 2.00 SOLID STATE PROJECTS” “A MODERN TRANSISTOR woregox" EACH BOOK Build your own wireless microphone, AM broad- cast tuner, audio pre- ELeMentany Ecectontcs amp, PA system, experi- menter’s. power supply, etc. 50 schematics. 62-2025 ecncnn.n Net 2.00 BUILD ‘“‘EI’S’? MIGHTY SUB-MINI SPEAKER 4" Acoustic Suspension FE-103 Speoker System! ‘The fabulous Realis- tic FE-103, complete ‘with eabinee conserve fon derails st pub 7 Tished ta. Eleewonics Illustrated! 30-17,000 ps 15 watts; 8 2. 40-1197, FE-103, Wt. 5 Ibs. Not 7.95 MINIATURE PM SPEAKERS FOR TRANSISTOR PROJECTS, RADIOS 8 Ohm Impedance Sell ingsize bat big i, sgund! The 10 choose from: 212". 214", or the same bare pice? fi Net 99 CONTOUR NETWORK KIT. Net 9 Wikh' insiractions Net 78 40.008, coll, copacitor, ote., Net 3.95 MIDGET EARPHONES 2S 98 Resp. 50:9000 cps, With replceble cuplug, cod Be Wi Net Bia wAbe oie, Net Ie CRYSTAL LAPEL MIKE © For Recorders, PA, i Scosiive, Coneealible!_ Re ONLY 98¢ EACH! FABULOUS THERMO-ELECTRIC GLUE GUN **Worxs: 60-Second Bonding Plus Instanf-set Caulking! No Clamping! No Cleaningl DUoFONE™ HEADPHONES 1 Seitcheble Mono/Stereo! =, 6% Wide-range’ dynamic phones for mono. oF Rrereo 1 89, matching 4-160, 32.196, Va Ib. £95 CRYSTAL MIKE CARTRIDGE @ 2 Precision made_ crystals! Response up to 7000 gy. 27.035, 8 oF Net 89 Makes all other kinds of 4840, Gun, 2 lbs Net 5 G42861, 7 Siue sticks, 1 iby Niet 199 (2064, 7'Seaier Sticks. | ib Net a POWERFUL CERAMIC MAGNETS 1,000's of Home, 45 25¢ LAVALIER DYNAMIC MIKE Office, Auto Uses! to iS 25 cei BO Gh pra Neck/Hand/Desk Use! Ca Pencitslim WiZ, for use at home, 2 Bk : stand. 30K, a, ae Low cost 25-w. | OUR OWN 60/40 SOLDERING IRON SOLDER a 6% Each 12 & UP Qe Each 64-1975 10 FOR 1° STEEL CATCH-ALL STORAGE BOX SH £814" 2 sy'w 15 ASSORTED ELECTRIC S HARDWARE 6"Hx814"Dx 50 99: Rrecision designed! Comes "compere ach OL Bit Goes 1 ‘Over 600 pieces! Somechin made with supersc- See pOrnr al aa | ieee US, ade vit spe: | « coon win ashnabe | See, te an at TI. Net 19 peared Bae Sh” pose “Comp wifi, "Eetne cope en, ibs et Las | ae le Pees per tip Net 25 Form, See Page 20 May-June, 1968 . 9 THESE Parts PROJECTS HAVE aN 1a CASH AWARDS FOR RADIO SHACK CUSTOMERS Build Yourself — or Win Cash by Sending Us Your Own Ideas! D.c.M. BEEP BEEPER Nehari Produces Clocked One Second Pulses — : Ideal for Audible Timing Devices 7 y | PROJECT PARTS List ; te if ee 2 The basics of electronic clocks and timing devices are clearly illustrated with d pulsed oscillator. This circuit can be adjusted to generate pulses at the rate of one beep per second which can be synchronized to the sweep second hand of your watch. Also can be used as a basic trigger for other counting circuits. Continuously variable from .24 to 2.5 seconds. s.P. | VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY ema | Transistorized with a Bridge Rectifier. Delivers up to 24 Volts DC. Great for Experimenters! 2 pe "PROJECT PAR O-24V00 | Steck No, Tie £ - a RI = | 2761135 oiedes (0%, 02,09, 04) (Pak of 2 8 Bras Soe pone eo ce ete si ab vac ti i a ey Vat ie Here is a versatile power supply — that's easy to build! Delivers enough power to drive most solid state experiments and projects. Has a minimum output level_of . 200 milliamps of current. Features a heavy duty 117 to 24 volt AC line isolating transformer to eliminate shock hazard. Safe, efficient power supply for use in the shop or lab. $$ FOR YOUR ELECTRONIC IDEAS! Le EAL) Sa Leu Ceara We are looking for experiments bi It around Radio Shack or other electronic parts. These will be published regularly in our catalogs. If published by us WE WILL PAY YOU AN AUTHOR'S FEE and reimburse you for parts bought from us — maximum $50 cost. By submitting it, you state it's original with you. If we accept it, it is understood we can Publish it for use by our catalog, fiyer, book and magazine readers. Submissions cannot be returned Send description, parts list, stock numbers, and schematic. DO NOT SEND ACTUAL SAMPLE as wwe will build ic here to see if and how it works. Write coday! , Radio Shack, Atin: Lewis Kornfeld, Vice-President SEND TO: 736 ‘Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02215 10 Store Adresses, Order Form, See Page 20 eee ee ee Lewes sorties teem RADIO SHACK EXCLUSIVE! ADD A SLAVE “WALKIE” te iatheiistes Crystal-controlled superhet mcrae ONLY receiver ONLY! Add as 95 many ears to your network as 7 you want. Fits in a shirt pocket “Pr —an excellent paging or guided tour device! This unusual Radio Shack product, called che Realistic Microsonic 27MC Receiver, comes complete with a Ch. 11 CB crystal —and because it's a plug-in, it can be changed 0 any of the 23 channels. It's a teeny 344 x 1%". Ie includes an earphone with clip, and the phone's lead acts as the antenna. So if you want to hide it away as @ pager, thete’s nothing showing. For DX we've included a 16" telescopic whip to be used only if necessary. Let your imagination run wild with this novel device! 21-109 Microsonic 27MC Receiver Only 7.95 NEW IDEA #2—as a companion to the above, or a wite- less CB microphone (1), there's also the Realistic Micro- sonic CB transmitter. Same size, color, everything. But transmit only, 100mw of course, with plug-in crystal for Ch. 11. Uses? For example: one of these plus x-number of receivers and you have a guided tour technique thar'll never quit! 21-110 Microsonic CB Transmitter Only 7.95 FREE ACCESSORIES: ‘ronsmitter — 35” telescopic antenne fh apis include crystals ut secre, o 9¥ ie _Nonsister battery fo eparate, 2-404 STANDARD {ij maRHER~ | ARCHER» MICRO FULL SIZE SPACE ® «| SPACE PATROL PATROL Tak 2 pth le pal a tl 7 Double transformer talk- scopic, antennal Chan, fel 14 eryscal 8 battery included 62-3030, 3 tbs, Pair 11.98 40-3032, 2 Ibs. .. Pale 1495 14" PER PAIR il ‘May-June, 1968 + as CB’ers MOBILE —72<42/sz7-° TRANSCEIVERS reacrstrc® 12-CHANNEL SOLID STATE CB TRANSCEIVER FREE CRYSTAL BONUS! With Purchase of TRC-15 4 SETS WO OF CRYSTALS treet oe Asal TIONAL CHANNELS — FREE! ‘A Regular $19.92 Value When ‘Chytal Purchased Separately No Model TRC-15 g9* a ‘The $100-qualiey 2-w: lity 2-9 7 Ee ea ee ea 13 Silicon Tronsistors: 4 Diodes! se 12 Crystal- Bol oes ers rare LP are alae cat k iMluminated Channel Selec- ZA speaker, Complete with set of for! oe Adjustable Squelch! > Electronic Antenna racket, DC cable, instructions. | Swifching! 4k No Warm-Up Delay! e Die-Cast BPO Sh wie 8 ibe Blasi ke Net 67.95 Panel; Extruded Trim! Provision for PAY REALISTIC. 12 CHANNEL CB TRANSCEIVER Single Crystal Operation for Receive and Transmit 99% hnCatmagr® oki. © Solid State Circuitry! * Dual Conversion 6.2 MHZ and 455 KHZ for Greater Sensitivity & Selectivity! * Mechanical 455 KHZ Filter! © Push-to-talk Dynamic Mike! A try, xeraile communications package, corporates _ad- vehicle, Adiusuble, squelch coniol; automatic noise limiter Tole, the TRGIE crane aad ceesee whit enirroes fae "gray pao! gig gad mete, Sensi Oa eiysal per channel, Up 10 3-vas output with a full >) wats x Ge x 24 RE Input. Low barery drain in any 12 VDC neg. ground _ 2)-i20, Ship. Wt. 8 Ibt : Net 99.95 TRC-24 23-CHANNEL CRYSTAL-CONTROLLED TRANSCEIVER © 18 Transistors,4 Diodes! © Synthesizer Circuitry! ALL CRYSTALS © Low Battery Drain! _—@ II luminated S Meter SUPPLIED! © Antenna Changeorer 07d Channel Selector! Relay! © Chrome and Wood Grain Front Panel! 139° Qbsoleres all 23.channel_ crystal-controlled CB transceivers! 0.25 nv sensitivity at 10db S/NI "Tncludes adjustable squelch, auto. Matic series. pate noise Timiter = = all waned features! 12" VDC. neg.” ground. bate, teens fable DC cable ONLY 6"x7"x1%4" 2A She wh 6 Not 139.95 For Store Addresses, Order Form, See Page 20 7 a ' CB WALKIE TALKIE VALUES! i =) TRC-1B 7-Transistor Superhet ; © Low in Cost — High in Quality! 95 © Compact and Lightweight! © With Push-Pull Audio Output! 8 i © 100MW — No License Needed! Each — 6 Rugged Die-Cast Front Panel! More RF output power, more audio and greater sensitivity than More MMhets in its price class! Push-pull audio output modulator, 1 Foie on/off volume control switch, and 45” 10-section telescopic sivecins, Includes set of crystals for Channel 11, battery, and carry strap. 6 x 214 x 15". Tish, Ship. whe 2 Ibs Net 1395 NOW — SAVE UP TO 15% OFF OUR ‘ALREADY LOW, LOW PRICES! 1-WATT 3-CHANNEL TRC-44B Adjustable Squelch! © Avtometic Noise Limiter! @ Push-Pull Audio Output! 9 SAVE $5.00 REG. S445? 1'/2-WATT 2-CHANNEL TRC-66 © Center-Loaded Telescopic eat pic Antenna Increases SAVE $10 REG. $5995 SALE 4 95, # © Beep Signal! Each 1,000 OHMS/VOLT MULTITESTER spECIAL! 95 Factory Wired Our Regular $5.95 © Convenient Thumb-Set Zero Adjustment! © Reads AC/DC Volts in 3 Ronges: 0-8, 150, 1000! Only 3 x 2Y_ x1" Great for home or workshop! Pin jacks for all 5 ranges; 2-color 134” meter scale, DC Current 0-150 ‘ma, Resistance: 0-100,000 ohims. Accuracy Is +3% of full scale value on DC ranges, +49 of full scale on AC ranges. A rugied black bakelite case Comes with pair of color-coded test leads, instruc- tions, batery, 242}, Ship. Wi. 1 Ib. Net 398 50,000 OHMS/VOLT MULTITESTER|—=*1cAanra 61/2" VIVM METER 95 Factory Wired © 4" Full View Meter with Mirrored Seale! © Meter Protection Circuit! Precision Resistors! © 26-Ranges! Only 7 x SYp x SH" Great for technicians, mechanics and hobbyists. Specs: DC volts: 0-0.5-2.5-10-50-250-500-1000V @ 50,000 @/volts. AC volts: 0-2.5-10-50-250- 1000V'@ 12,500 /volts. DC current: 0-25ma- 2.5ma-250ma-1 amp-10 amps. DC Resistance: 0- 10,000/100,000/1 meg./10 meg-ohms. Center scale: 90/900/9000/900,000 ohms. Decibels: ~20 10 1.62 (5 Ranges). 22.150, Ship. Wt. Bia Ibs. For Store Addresses, Order Form, See Net 27.95 e 20, 4 EASY-TO-USE +1-<<2~7- TEST EQUIPMENT! 30,000 2/V 26-RANGE MULTITESTER 95 Factory Wired © 30,000 Oms/¥OC! © 15,000 Ohms/YACE © Single Knob Selector! © Easy-to-Read Meter! Makes easy work of the big jobs with precisida 19 resistors and recessed zero ohm adjuste ment! DC volts: 0-0.6/3/15/60/300/600/ 1200/3000; AC volts: 0-6/30/120/600/ 1200. Resistance: Rx 1/100/1000/10,000. Current (ma): 0-0.03/6/60/600. —2 to -+63db ia 5 ranges. With leads, instructions, battery. BO, Wh 2 Ibs Net 16.98 95 Factory Wired © Precision Resistors! (© Measures Peak-to-Peak and RMS (7 Ronges an Each Function)! © Frequency Response: 30 cps to 10 mel © Easy-to-Read 2-Color Fall View Mirrored Scale! Features a zero-center scale for alignment of FM- TV detector circuits. Specs: AC volts: RMS 0.1 to 1500 V. (7 ranges); DC volts: 0.1 to 1500 V. (7 ranges). Peak-to-peak 4-4000 V. (7 ranges). Out put —20 db to +65 db (7 ranges). Resistance: 0.28 to 1000 meg-ohms (7 ranges). Tubes: 12AU7, GACS and SR1A. Power: 117 VAC, 50/60 cycles. 72-08, Ship. We. 7 Ib Not 39.95 ‘Exementary Evscrronies 3 awarcveR> Replacement Transistors i Silicon Epoxy igh gain, Re nea nT SRDS ONDE, ENB ys.ann337, " IN3348 PNP TYPES For high frequency, RFF, and STI Canta, PENS: 2, 20930, BRAG, INGE N3Oe, THA. We 2 on. Net 8 3N309. 2N310. Silicon Epox mediom sun. fiesta, Wi 3 on tay Replaces: -2N1132, " 2N923- Replaces: 2N928, 2N2372,, 2N859, For mixer/oxcillator converter INI2 GAH, we. 2 on. Net 99 | INU: Hai We ber 2 NPN TYPES Bacnsterah te bea” Re, woes achd /Petiac cieseted fa NG ees, er (2N366, — 2N406, 3N333. * 2N234," 2N357, Baa, wi. 9 ot 90 PE tes oto 108 For 6 vole audio. circuits ONT: mie ner vega Fagg i ‘i , : Fe ict ATS: INI. RUG. 2N109. Shiga PHS NP aN as: RE we ay NLT, 2N148, 2149, For 12 vole udig creuig Ree ny 216009’ WE 9 ox Teel? ll Gy lA ali i Be ae i Peo tems ne Sam 10, a » Bor le amplifier cir- 276-408, Wt. 3 on. 9 2N556,' 2N3S57, 2N587. ANAS) op Soa ag” iat REE AAI iawn BUS NBR NBS ee Brent gts Feds," Wi 3 0%. juay 3N34152N3417, 23877, 272, Whe 3 ot, Ret [07 For high power AF circuits in Bato radion, Replaces: 2N173, Silicon Epoxy Medium gain BOTA NET NDT, Replaces: NTOGIPP, Nid, 2N442! 2N443; 2N3G6s, 2N3843A, 2N3900, 2N1515, ec, 2N3901, ec, ‘7re40T, Wt. 3 on, 229 276-423, WH 3 on, Net 9 R Integrated Circuit Specials! 98 Up © Ideal for the Hobbyist, Builder, Experimenter! © Fantastie Savings! New from Radio Shack! Resitor-Transistor Logic pe ICs are ideal for, builders, Robby labs, industry ete. Gustanceed 0, be 00% perfect electronically and Mrechvaically, Each comes complete with diagram and lead locations. Power 1e- Guirements:/3 vole, Flat Pak type. Sie 94 x 9/16 x 1/16", DUAL 3 INPUT GATE. Can be used as 4 6 input silcropbone mixer, Contains 12d Near a 8 weition tn pak. Bement ca Genused parallel co increase ‘arvens capabiiies areas, Wi. 3 ot Net 1.98 DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP. Construce your own binary computers, digital adding machines, etc, Contains up to 25 tfansistors and 32 resistors per pab WES Gees 8. a per pak Net 249 Tor Store Addresses, Order Form, See Poge 20 MI-CONDUCTORS FOR. THE HOBBYIST si on Field-Effect Transistors es High Impedance Input! | © Low Noise! High Gain! © Characteristics Similar \ to Pentode Vacuum Tubel 1000's of spplications where, pentode faves are ured ia ow, Level circuits BAS stent mbter, “este, dipper, FOS tue incides specications: Tests, $b. whe 2 Nei Hard-to-Find 1BM Component Boards eee. i fh 8 For Hgtate 00 if "Wy titel All qualiy American made pattie fot “board Gomesen” at ese ewe Ccanisoin, plot loads of thet come ponents” reetors, capacitors oly Erodes, modules,” ehakes, and eat Sinus sizes 218" 34" Sin 4 for 1.00 NEW! Twin-Pak Transistor Kit 1 98 Pak of 50 iit Wi \ ‘© 25.NPN © 25 PNP © Silicon & Plonars Included fh ds bas Set al corinne sensational ‘deal for Full-length RE on applications, use, Silicon and. planar eypes in eived 0° Grovide placements foe many. popular aumbers without cit ule change. ‘Thiak of it” less chan Ge pee transiscor! 27st Wh 2 ibs. Net 198 100-Pc. Jumbo Pak Assorted Transistors ni HI 35 i Includes Germanium & Silicon PINP and NPN’: ia assorted cases, TO.1,T0.5, 10-3, 10-22, ere. Ideal for KE, If, OSC, ‘audio and power. 276588, $h. wt. TT. Net 338 15 PHOTO-ELECTRIC RELAY SYSTEM © Ready to Operate —Not a Kit! * Complete with Exciter Lamp and Photo-Cell Receiver! Cc © Effective Range: up to 50 Feet! ae © Each Unit Is Separately Powered! ony 19% ‘The ideal mule-pscpose photo-rela for. Business, fetal sores Nome oF can be used. (with Bell or buzzer) {0" signal. when someone. enters room" and’ “breaks the’ bes RADIO SHACK “EXTRA-LIFE” BATTERIES '* 50% Longer Life! * Higher Lumen Output! * Higher MNO ‘ Content! © Steel Encased with Anti-Corrosive Caps! Radi Shacks ne 50% Tacs Ue ele rid ther, ones ie without sein shelf life” or adding weight. Ideal for ‘radios, recorders, fasmlightsy ete. Designe to exceed US: Government standards! Buy ‘em by the box save more! cat navio. Eg. eguaole th Per | ' Leio.| No. SHACK ready gest RCA__—Pack Box J let 18¥ T A | 23-1538 | “o" Cell | 950 | 2 | vso3s | 4/.98 | 24/5.59 18V, B | 23-478 | "AA" Cell | 915 | Z | VSO34A | 4/.69 72/9.95 © ey © | 23-153 | "cv" Cell | 935 | 1 | vsoasa | 4/.88 | 24/449 D | 23-152 | oVRect. | 216 | 2U6| vs323_ | 2/:98 | 50/19.95 AMAZING HOME BATTERY CHARGER 4” Don't Discard Your "Dead" Batteries! Accepts All These Types: © 11, "AA" Cells © "D" and "C" Cells sar acer ce eo ‘Count the number of batteries you use around the house right “ sep sk tua 2b ass mand hae te Be teh hogs we Sree ae" Be oat SSP IAG 16 Por Store Addresses, Order Form, See Page 20 ANY ARCHER-PAK On THIS a PAGE 20 Power Resistors Package consists of high: ‘quality vitreous, cand-ohim nd wire-wound Opes. In: 35 Precision 1% Resistors 2 Large assortment of, os wine eens a wate Values) includes encapsu 1 Sealand © 50 Tubular Capacitors ‘An assortment of quality tubular capacitors, 100 fmt to stmt t0 600 WVDC. Includes molded, IF Transformers Slug weed. made, for ym Bea Sine! a = BIVENS, Ye to. Not 1.00 Quality items, ideal for Shei’ phono! amplifiers, foners, recorders, ete Tike "advantage of this Wiig Shack Special low Net 1.00 a cludes. 5 (0 23-wact ated,” bobbin, ‘carbon power fesisiors; individual film, ete, Made by Aero: Paper and. porcelain Catalog net $10! Shetteross, IRC. aad types. $10. if purchased iiciaae, 2 Nat 1.00 famous names indi $4 nib. Net 1.00 15 4 Subminiature 455KC | 8 Sets-RCA Plugs & Jacks 40 Micro Resistors World's smallest Va-watt Carbon ‘pe resistors! All have axial leads; built for transistor and. submin ure. circuitry: | Asort Values, with resistor color code. chart TT1-18b6, I... Net 1.00 40 Coils and Chokes Shop assortment consist: ing of RF. OSC, IF, para sitte, peaking ind’ many more "ypes._ Individually usrchased, this would cost you $15" 373-1569, 1 tb, Net 1.00 Special! 50 Capacitors i t A + Note Sid leider top pe 48 Terminal Strips Seminal scrips with te 6 Tugs. Ousstanding value ites for the builder and Se this low peice! 101 ‘experimenter. 214-1555, 40 One-Watt Resistors ne Assortment of many types including aise, ceramic, mylar temperature, coe Gene, molded, paper, ol Vied. "You save $9 over Industrial net catalog prices! Basi, 1 tb... Net 1.00 You get a wide variety of Net 1.00 Jere ure resistors for hundreds of ‘uses! Asso ment has’ Allen Bradley and IRC carbons, “with $y values included, This pack is a regular $8.00 aes Fae. ee hes 1.0 eae sn 10 See eases Tic poe wan Rates| Ficae Get Eabagh jugs and Sockets 30 2-Watt Resistors |] Hiciton/cs, compo: eal bench assortment for servicemen, hams, et Subministure and princed Cieult types. included! ‘This assortment saves you S10 over individual cat log prices! 55 Mica Capacitors Famous mame micas — ‘Acrovox, Sangamo. CD, ce This asnorement in ludes popular values 100 frm o DL mk, wel K G10"catalog ‘nee value! Insn, Vibes 60 Half-Watt Resistors “must” for hobbyists and Made by tilen Bradley 4 kfebuilders Net 1.00 MdRe, Many Scand detent i, Nat 10 100%" tolerance. Color chare. All" most poy yalues, An abso 40 Disc Type Capacitors Pf 4 Transistor Transformers A varied assorument of Tncluding “NPO', N°730's, mylar and ceramic. 10 mmt co Ol ‘mf to 6 KV. A $10 cat log’ net value! 27-1567, Ya Ib. Nat 1.09 Made by UTC and Rem: ington Rand. Famous min: iatures,Hacludes sub ‘uncer, mike, input PEs. Color coded leads, ‘These quality 2-wate re Stor sre_non-inductive, magnetic {itm carbon Wives, Made by famous ame manufacturers BeeI B62, Fb, Net 1.00 May-June, 1968 Fret, Wy ib. Net 1.90 For Store Addresses, Order Form, See Poge 20 8 Volume Controls Most Popular Values Concains 8 assorced values Including tong and short shaft, Opes A” tremen- ous bargain for service: gk Net 1.09 50 Ceramic Capacitors Wide varies Values ‘by of popul trains and diner famousiname mak: re 10 mont to 04 mt to KV. "Assorcment. inchutes bulars ane, NPOS, temp. coefficient, etc 272.1866, 1 ib. Net 1.00 150’ of Hook-Up Wire Assortment consists of 6 Voile of 25) euch — sath nd ranged ice throvsl fect Gury for mulutude ‘of jobs ‘and always useful! 276025, Ys tb, Net 1-00 oy be Tt ‘PACKAGE! Loaded with nents to make your eyes pop! Resistors, eapacitors, condensers, diodes. your guess is as good as ours. The famous-make parts are ‘Worth af eas $25.00) Bt2s1, 1 1b, Net 1.00 NEW tromRADIO SHACK Science Fair" ELECTRONIC KITS CREATED BY RADIO SHACK ENGINEERS to let you build the way the pros build — by “‘breadboarding”” BUILD THIS 2-TRANSISTOR RADIO KIT ONLY 395 ‘An hour to assemble, even for first-time kit build- ers! Step-by-step numbered instructions, plus pi torials and schematics . . . a ground-floor intro- duction to basic solid state electronics. Then comes the fun of hearing your favorite AM sports, music and news on a radio you've built yourself! Radio Shack's ‘Science Fair’ kits feature perf- board construction to let you move or interchange parts, everi create additional experiments. Abso- lutely safe: no AC voltages; just add a 29¢ 9V battery (423-464) and you're on the air! added. We include such “extras” as po- tentiomerers, switches, speakers, etc, as required. No surplus parts. Performance is definitely superior to comparable products. [ 4, Only the battery (in DC kits) needs to be | | 8 KITS TO CHOOSE FROM: 26-102, 2-Transistor Radio Kit ... 3.95 28-100, 1-Tube DC Radio Kit .... 3.95 28-101, Transistor Organ Kit .... 5.95 28-103, Wireless AM Mike Kit ... 3.95 C-/ 28-104, AC/DC Power Supply Kit . 6.95 28-105, 3:Way Code Oscillator Kit 3.95 28-106, “OTL” Audio Amplifier Kit 4.95 28-112, Bell/Buzzer/Code Key Kit 1.49 In Stock ot Any One of the 200 Radio Shack Stores Coast to Coast 18 For Store Addresses] Order Farm, See Page 20 Now Everyone Can Own a Second Lie sonal Standard Desk Telephone Ready to Install 8” Enjoy the extra convenience of an extra phone! Our most popular syle; it’s modern, low-cost, and edsy 10. install, Each phone is factory reconditioned to give trouble-free service. Bakelite ‘body fnd handset, meral base. Dial, bell and oil included. (Note: use of ‘telephone A equipment not installed by a telephone For Private Phone Siabicy may be bien © lool ane) 279371, Sh. wt. 12 bs Nees and Intercom Systems. Carbon Type Handset For Mobile and Replacement Usef Great for use with mobiles & incercoms, 30 Ft. Telephone Extension Cord Hesetuaty kcondacee entle ard celephone Jack tad. plvg, intercom. Use 2 0¢ more for Not 298 Peratures. High output mike can be used tric Tow gin ergs Adgoe 0 your CB Sad Seconductor cord. wT SMPISE 379.1381, Shu wt I Net 299 Sound-Powered Elements Kie of wo! Talk withour, electricity — Jour voice powers ‘these. devices. them up.and clk up to 300 feet. Ship- gxez lenagh Bsci26i, Sh. wt. M4 lbs Telephone Plugs & Jacks 22) Tea! for making extentions, these plugs me dad jad cach weigh appro Fai, pug Net 1.25, 219367, fact Net 140 Coiled Phone Cords pepe gman ae Sereches up ¢0 sx feet. 3-conductor, Se Toe Me ah lt 100 Ft. 3-Conductor Telephone Wire Moltiuse 100° 3. conductor wire for: telephone work. “Ideal for” liaking ferporay hones for fel xe, 78370, Shr wt. 2 Ibs Net 3.49 Four conductor extends up ro fifteen fect. Skipping weight: VS. pound. 276.1389 Net 5.95 Shoulder Rest Frees_both hands! Spring mechanism ‘Enables arm 0 be_ folded ‘out of sight whee yc sy aah 2 ed inthe Unieed Sates Net La Handset Hanger Hang up your phone without cutee of arty on other end. Ideal for wall tee one, Azole bik somone. Tisza, She wt Yl et 125 Telephone Dials Standard Western Electric unit, Can be used with automade contol circuit, electronic combination lock circuits. DIFS89, Sh wh. Hg 185s oman Nek 29P Telephone Wall Jack 3, dowire systems. Fits standard al Sot Tors Tb. Biy.isor Net 9 ‘Store Addresses, Order Form, See Page 20 May-June, 1968 19 ORDER BY MAIL FROM YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE ARIZONA ROEM 2905 Eat Thoms Ra, 2731722 ARKANSAS AUNT cK Une Ps, $5200 CALIFORNIA AMINO SOT Gas tela ve AMKERSILO ste, Sate Sepp Gi 2/38 ing ee Sad own 1365 West Sadie. 6 Bet Stserané hspra Cote, 03 catoen “erove eh Sa) 30, [GUEAGALE iodnay & Chevy Chse Dr tt siie 40 3196 Garden Gove Bhd. 6523118 . S4¥ BIGD Gsnont Shopping Centr S900 Cee Or atta 6 S062 2 son aly ir WS inet ec plese Gove Sep. cu, SA23212 S40 naNcIEO 26 Gey See 96008 sini nw ua Paz Sop ci, 545900 Erie. 310108 S00 MEL Sa Nos Be a3 THEAAE 2259 vane et WEST COHNA 2516 fast Workman Ave, a1? ‘CoLoRADO eye, Dal Sot Santa Fe Welies Senne eee Wie aS di WEIGH orn Viey So CONNECTICUT Benger oat Loe Pass MINDEN onsen ae Seong ania 9505 Dal ae PR TSLE mince ie Soe ew Bin texte Pan, NOW vEN 20°cevn ote HER LINCON Hen Lone top. he 4a0s2 ORANGE Wai Sop. 7959731 STAMFORD 28 gh ice a $258 TORRINGTON evr Puna 82 Bo WEST HDRTF 3 se nn Si2985438 FLORIDA 04 BAC SH tie pibeizs goles fea a7 ia 35, MERE po Cu 12576 AML ra lw Sauae Sop te ak ib acxc8 in exch at, Bb s0? GEORGIA anv. a1) Pechee St 7068 Geers Sno 0751 Tbe Sop, Desa ILLINOIS MEUEVLE elle Pa Spl, asus CHER cree Pan a 508, ALG SP Ode He, 625536 Hey Oe Sas‘ Sn. Gt 383860 YAUREEAN Gebncre va, 108395 INDIANA IcMONO 735 Rhonda Stop. Gr, se 4878 20 sse00n2 KANSAS OVER PARE oh nt So Teswoodec9122 WGKA Fine Shain Cente, eeoaal KENTUCKY OMLING GREY Bowing ees 2 Mosse MENPORT Reset Paz, 70 Caeters Roe auiaiet LOUISIANA, attested Shap Ci 3607988 MONROE 81 owe” OP 87h 2 Pint, 2021282 SHREVEPOR 237 Sse City BS 88 MAINE ‘neon 220 Boa St, S958 FORTANG Pere Sop Cr 737071 MARYLAND SA IMGRE Pang Py Sep, LARGE Pe ape Laney AGERE ib Roche Fe 271302 MASSACHUSETTS ghee Hog BROCKTON Westgate St 3883327 va Fresh Pond hopin 1830 AUINer 221 aincy Ave, rel ata satus NE Sep cr 208990 Jol sa Ga Sy. asso sete 8" gh Pas oy wii 2 toe Bd pa them cate B.C worcetet Lac Sn 3) 9050 ‘MICHIGAN cern tho ol wi, ae s0 Ces ale sae Seve cn Po sity HIND APs Hoste Mt MINNESOTA, guy 2631 E Super Sinwtarbi TUE e.szazea ‘a Ch 55027 STHPLUL EP NS he 5 2088 Mississi ‘moxson 017 no. Sae St, 3666205 MIssoURI sagas or 23 Gand Aye. 4213030, iti i bles 32008 St eae 12 ie St. alter Ashe i} fas . scth baby Sesig cnt 82180 Nathioea Stoonng Crate 385190 Sous St hares ack 8d, tf aiiie NEBRASKA nana 302 bose st, 348 2482 NEVADA Us tats 855 Est on, 738285, NEW HAMPSHIRE IMancNSTER 1207 in St 6031303 NEW JERSEY os 58 New Sine Ae, 425959 PnQKEN he 30's Sonn Re rast 5200, {WERTON 1461 Namiton Av, $86 1006 NEW MEXICO scauauenaue nd ME, 28072 305 toms Si dapper Am 207308 NEW YORK Auman cele Snep. Ct, Coe, ao NGIAHON Ysa! Sopg Po, it "etn ee szenet Fernons Groton 63271 ew an 12 el the kee, 647482 seni we ga ROCHESTER Rdgemet Plaza (Greece, SCHEMEETAOYeperama ot, st ean 995730 srs S07 Cie Ba at, 6 4500 Fetmaut fu Ci 9875 Goceee shaaeoalt NORTH CAROLINA [MAMOTTE 110 Ger ave, S388 ‘OHIO Etcwnat 70 Satan te, 62.4570 Leu sects, i Spe 4550 Fetmond Mi ich Hs) 422065 Pato Sop ir 864512) oui £250 he iy St Pr sant tink a 35150 MLawick‘Sezle Sherine Cir, seed ‘OKLAHOMA onuaioun cit ayia Sho. Cie 938491 itso. ee 380 wise 2137 Sue Ras 180.2255, ‘OREGON FORANO 1925 4E, aS, 2814842 PENNSYLVANIA ‘caeenseune.ieezue tn, £370370 Panam. "BET Gian Ae asa Pas aia st, so 2198 rniiautel, 308 ols Wage i 362500 ita Mie Sop GHD PLYMOUIN WEEN Piya Heeog Hal ase RHODE ISLAND rowotnet 289 even ase 3673090 EES ace Shoppe Ton [WARWICK 296 Mian Ml, 20-48) TENNESSEE evens TZOH fotind Mal ier eater hitehven, RADIO SHACK’ «. For CATALOG ONLY — nal fu for ORDER pha CATALOG ne “ear xo [ avr | Er io NEW 1968 CATALOG - ' 1 { ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! { ' a ~ oe {ee eee 1 4 ri —?t ! i 1 = —~ 4 1 B30 Grder: op te $500: add Ser mod | Sather aes t 1 ‘Add STATE TAX where Applicable: — 4 | Gagaixcent — lewmmurneg|—— tae are ae = { | sete re 6 Net alo. 2727588 Elstae Shops Cr 6832985 ys lace Shen Case 1s Stina st, 30730 MBSHVLE 100 Oas Shop. Cr. 2973652 TEXAS snwent 2910 etn Ft St 6138168 ‘utc western Pass Sop. 2822 ARLINGTON Cli at Pak tow 2773151 AisTN vaca Sopp cen 96090 Aomsilt 87 St Eine 31, anPLs Ces 520 veh oats einen ar cet ae est 12 ler ing ep 3i Gs ett a epee spina tata ie ats appa atten Ce is se catet e5g fh len ebay, Hes tenn aie Be Ee On Bane ietenoy ta 1 vous a ay Fem 28 3 Bn Fc a Se orn al aya Beto 03 este a0 Si eam ee ee 285 ted imesh Pa Shop, 204m WBBOCK 6-10 Caprock Shop. City, oem) is ote 29 Be, sah ivr, ‘ute 520 fenay 7 Roh 8926553 TEN Tee cup ge 58232 whe 4300 hen csr, 752709 UTAH SALT URE ENV Catonnod al, 227 30689 VIRGINIA sauncton Fahl Sop, cels0asaz2 AMY arcane 6965200 ano <0 Grny 1622080 Pontsnouih 2108 Seth sh 2115 ‘HIND BEAGKPembrte ta Sp any WASHINGTON ear eS 14a st, 2423637 2uah Te, Gene lions aeeds70, WEST VIRGINIA AuRTIRSRUEG Chl Te FREE ‘Evementany ELEcrronics By Juttan M. Stenxtewicz, Editor ne of the big headaches car owners have is the installation of a new or replacement antenna, whether it be for the AM radio, the new FM rig, ham gear or CB. Putting a hole in the side of a cai is as easy as driving into a doorknob. But Detroit has a way of welding bodies together that makes the installation of an antenna almost impossible even for two men working on the same Hertz-grabber. The big problem is to affix the locking nut under the metal skin while inserting the threaded base of the antenna from the top. Ii’s an easy trick for a guy with a four-foot arm with two to three wrists Relax, someone has the answer. Hy-Gain Electronics Corp. hus come Op with a unique featdre to their new Hellcat CB antenna line that’s worth talking about. It’s called the “Claw,” and it enables the antenna to be Here's @ Hellcat you CBers should tangle with— it's the new Hy-Gain CB antenna with the "Claw." Thoze white boots won't be for walking if you scratch the back of your mobile with the Claw. May-June, 1968 electronic pliers € HOLD, BEND, CUT ALL FINE WIRES WITH EASE ‘new miniature | Pret Ptr (CUTTING PLIERS. Prenat 1 — Cony pe, Sa Ideal for electronic, radio/TV, electrical service Pra mre Precision machined, All have polished heads and Pea cs mere ee nd and coil spring openers speed work, reduce hand Crm eat eo eo Boe a complete line of reguiar Dliers and snips, too ee eee Peer tee Hroanrehctira pea Seo Aer ry ep renee Re Pre rune a ma sional quality t i Y xceure, ine i {£0 ank'st, Orcnact Pack, NW. 14127 t 1 send Catalog 182 with information on miniature and} Jf regular pliers and snips. i i ' 4 nama ' { sasiess, ' t t i i t i a1 RANDOM NOISE mounted in any existing hole from 94 to % in. —round or outof-round. The Claw grips the hole and is secured by screws from above. None of this jazz of crawling under the car and hav- ing road mud fall in your face as you tighten a hard-to-get-at_ nut Hy-Gain has applied for the patent for the ‘Claw. However, I'm sure other manufacturers will see the light of this development and either Purchase the right to use it on their products or Prod their research departments 1o come up with @ variation that'll be just as easy on antenna in- stallers. As for the Hy-Gain Hellcat CB line of antennas—they're good and worth knowing about ‘cause there is much more to them than just the Claw. Get the facts by writing to Hy- Gain Electronics Corp., N.E. Hwy. 6 at Stevens Creek, Lincoln, Neb. 68501. Tell the folks at Hy-Gain that you read all about it in ELEMEN- ‘TARY ELECTRONICS. Call! 11 Progress. A new corporate-wide com- munications program is in the works for RCA. ‘The new Jook will affect every facet of RCA’S @ppearance from trademark to office design. “This broad program has been planned to con- New Aiter 46 years RCA has called it quite i (on its round trademark ond switched to the emblem shown af the right. vey the modern character of RCA as a diversi- fied enterprise that has evolved over the last half century from a pioneering base in communica- tions and electronics to leadership in total in- formation technology,” are the very words used by RCA’s president, Robert W. Sarnoff. What most people will notice first will be the appear- ance of the new RCA trademark. The new trademark employs the three letters standing alone in a bold contemporary design to form a distinctive design unit. It replaces the 46-year- old design formed by the letters “RCA” under- Tined by a symbolic lightning flash and enclosed in a circle This Editor will mourn the passing of the old RCA emblem. Somehow, a dent has been placed in tradition. Many millions of Americans and foreigners will see the passing of an old friend and the introduction of a bold, brash trade sym- bol. This change may be labeled advancement or face-lifting, to which our British friends have a retort, “God save the Queen!” . ad abi NEWSCAN Solid Greek Pythagoras knew about the existence of all the regular polyhedrons except the dodecahe- dron. This geometrical solid was discovered in 470 B. C. by Hippasus, who, having boasted of his discovery, was drowned by the other Pytha- goreans. (Theirs was not a great society). The regular polyhedrons were supposed to have cer- tain magical properties and their study was ercatly emphasized by the Greeks. A very special dodecahedron was recently completed by carpentry students assigned to the Kilmer Job Corps Center model shop. Accord- ing to Dion Porzio, staff model-maker, it may well be the only one of its type in the country. Dodecahedrons are |2-sided figures, each side a pentagon. While solid dodecahedrons are not unusual (you frequently see small desk calen- dars made in this form), skeletal constructions Dion Porzio and student gare with pride at « 30-inch skeletal model of o dodecahedron made of the Kilmer Job Corps Center model shop. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS are most uncommon. And when each of the 20 points is connected to all of the other points with colored thread, there’s just the one. Mr, Porzio became interested in “dodecas” several years ago while attending a scientific | meeting in San Francisco. A mathematician he met mentioned that strings connecting the points of a dodeca (that’s short for dodecahedron) | would form every geometric figure known—eX- cept, of course, for those with round sides. He started to build one at that time, but it was stolen before he finished it. Earlier this year he remembered the dodeca he had started, and thought that the mitering and careful measure- ments called for might make an excellent exer- cise for his students. After warming up on a couple of solid dodecas, they began construc- tion of the 30-inch skeletal model. It was built of 30 one-qoarter-inch dowels, with each joint carefully mitered and glued Two days were required to cut, bevel and as- semble the construction, not to’ mention many additional hours of figuring angles and building construction jigs. Stringing the model was a tedious job as each of the 20 points had to be connected to 16 other points. It worked out to be 320 strings, about 640 feet in all. Stringing took 25 hours. The finished model has attracted considerable attention from visitors, one of whom, a high schoo! math teacher, asked Mr. Porzio to have the corpsmen build one for his classroom. Por- zio told him it would cost at least $500 to duplicate the Kilmer model. What price educa- tion? School for Grease Monkeys A new training program for service special- ists of Ford dealerships across the nation is now being evaluated by the Ford Motor Company. Developed jointly by Ford and Raytheon Com- pany, the training program incorporates student Fesponders and specially prepared color slides projected simultaneously by two projectors on a split screen. The pictures and accompanying sound track introduce the serviceman to differ- ent aspects of the many electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems used in Ford cars and trucks. For instance, half the screen may show a wiring diagram, the other half the actual wiring as installed in a Mustang or Cougar. Or one half may be used to show, step by step, a trouble shooting schematic or action sequence while the other half shows the corresponding part of the automobile as a color photograph. Small parts are magnified to fill the screen. This makes it possible for a whole class to inspect closely a relay, or the face of a set of worn points, or the interior of a smafl vacuum valve Typical illustrations show wear patterns in differential gears, adjustment techniques and angle measurement techniques with dial read- ings on one screen opposite the indicated action May-June, 1968 SHOPPING MART Selection of products aveilable by mail. Money-bock ‘guarantee. Order by Stock No. Send check or M.0. | r 59.50 Prd. ‘DUPONT PLASTIC LIGHT GUIDE KIT Stock ho ; ISH” WITH A MAGNET r eee tating am. thg MR |) seen Pecans, SS Stock No, 70,5716K si2.s0 Fr WORKING MODEL DIGITAL ComPUTER Stock No, 70,6836K Sen seed I7's MERE—BIG, NEW DIGICOme nt Stock No. 70,046EK-—(Inte. $16.00 Pd. NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY BARGAINS. j od | stock No. 60,696K New electronic training system ures split screen illustrations, multiple choice questions, and push-button responders. Service technician students indicate their answers to the question: by pressing appropriate button on their responders. An instructor's console tallies the answers. fon the other. Many of the smaller parts and complex adjustment steps are shown much more effectively on the sereen than on an actual automobile After each key point is introduced the student is asked a multiple choice question which he answers by pressing the appropriate button on Raytheon’s Edex responder. This device records and scores the individual students and gives the instructor a continuous indication of their col- lective performance. This is accomplished with four meters on a console. Each represents one of the four possible answers to the question posed on the screen. The meters indicate what Percentage of the class selected each possible answer. Should a particular class score below an acceptable norm the instructor can stop the automatic projectors and personally take over the instruction explaining the point. There's still room for unwired, unprogrammed teachers. ' . « tight afier I switched to tape I noticed it didn't seem right!" De os Caer Process Your Voice If you want intelligible results in transmitting by wire or radio. Sentry’s TALKPOW’R will compress the ratio of peak level to lowest level, narrow the frequency range, and boost entire signals to high average level. TALKPOW'R is a 3+transistor unit that uses 9-volt drycell bat- Sentry TALKPOW'R Speech Processor tery power, whose only connection to trans- ceiver is the mike cable. It provides up to 20 dB clipping for average microphone and voice; up to 40 db voltage gain for soft voices. The out- put is adjustable from 0.3 to 3 V rms and can- not exceed 3 V rms. Input minimum is 3 mV rms, maximum 10 V rms. In wired form it sells for $17.95; the kit form goes for $14.95. If you want to know more about TALKPOW'R, write to Sentry Manufacturing Co., Box 12322, Okla- homa City, Okla., 73112, Be Anxiety-Free on the Freeway This new product, called the Radar Detector, is a miniature microwave receiver which clips to your car’s sun visor and alerts you of the approach to a controlled radar speed zohe well in advance of the law enforcement vehicle's Exemenrary ELecrronrcs critical clocked area, The Radar Detector >| ~ weighs 12 oz., operates on 2 penlite batteries, 9 hhas up 10 2-mile range and is completely tran- | 4 iq sistorized, It emits a steady beep to remind you | >| A e@ BRAND NEW . ¥ SPRING & SUMMER RADIO-TV ELECTRONICS CATALOG YOUR BUYING GUIDE FOR: Srey & HiFi Spates, Comenents tronie Paria, Tubes, Tools o"Phonos & ‘Records Ham Gear» Test In feruments & Kits © Cam ran & Film 6 PA ® Git | Ss Band ¢ Radio & TV Sats 'e‘MasicalInatru Multronic Products Radar Detector to slow down before the clocked zone is << reached. The Radar Detector has no radiation Dean ese erate Soe Ee of its own, will not interfere with any trans- Ph eee nr mitting beam and is completely noiseless when | } Name not picking up transmitted radar signals. The | 1 address Radar Detector is legal in all states except Vir- ginia and Massachusetts, and is available post- | paid for $44.95 from Mutronic Products, Dept. 170, Box 10306, Denver, Colo. 80210. City. State Progress on the Sands of Time The Knight All-Purpose Timer, with its in- | numerable applications in the home, shop, or plant, is designed to handle loads of up to 185 watts, and it turns lights and appliances on or | off at preset times. The operation automatically repeats every 24 hours. The unit can also be set | ° to “Skip-A-Day.” Minimum on interval is 15 minutes, maximum is 2344 hours. A manual ASSEMBLED KIT FORM $54.95 $44.95 $5 DOWN—$5 MONTH Walnut finished cabinet included / Shipped REA Collect Easy to build, easy to install, All transistor AUDIO- COLOR adds'a visual dimension to musical enjoy: ment. A brilliantly moving panorama ‘of color ‘asta dancing images on 2 soft frosted screen, reflecting fising and falling volume with each beat of the musi Here's a truly unique and exciting new musical expe: ‘ence, Make check or money order to CONAR. SEND FOR FREE CONAR CATALOG Dion of ati! tdi, CONAR fei csieae fain. Sehncn’ of els May-June, 1968 25 Knight All-Purpose Timer HEY, LOOK ME OVER: override provides complete control. So you can start your morning coffee, turn off the TV at night, operate an aquarium, or what have you. Unit measures 5 x 4 x 2% in., comes with 6 ft. cord, and the price is $8.77. Description and order blanks can be found in the 1968 Allied catalog which you can get by writing Allied Radio Corp, Dept. 20, 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60680 This Is a Public Service Coming along from Lafayette is the PF-175, a solid-state dual-band FM communications re- ceiver with crystal control or tuneable fre- quency selection, The unit has FM coverage of 30-50 MHz and 152-174 MHz segments of public service radio segments, There are four integrated circuits in four IF stages with com- ptementing tuned RF and mixer in front end. There's a built-in universal 117 VAC/12 VDC Lofeyette PF-175 Dual-Band FM Receiver power supply; variable squelch; illuminated dial; 4-in, speaker; external earphone jack; tape recording output jack. The size is 13% x 744 x 6 in. and the finish is simulated wood grain. Price is $99.95 at your nearest Layafette dealer, or write to Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp., 111 Jericho Tpke., Syosset, N.Y. 11791 Don't Try This on Your Dog! Maybe you saw this item demonstrated on the “Today” show. The Model LP-2 Ultrasonic Cleaner, to quote their brochure, “takes electri- cal energy from the line cord, converts it to mechanical energy at an ultrasonic frequency, and then puts the ultrasonic frequency mechan ical energy into the cleaning liquid.” The stain- less steel cabinet is 6 x 4 x 4 in, with a crystal beaker, and can be filled, emptied and objects rinsed without moving the basic cabinet. The process of ultrasonically forming. sub-micro- scopic bubbles which collapse and clean is called “cavitation.” Use the cleaner on rings, bracelets, diamonds, dentures, electric shaver heads. combs, paint brushes, These objects are placed in a glass receptacle 3-in. in diameter and 1'%4-in. deep where they are vibrated 90,000 times per second by the unit's 90 Hz ultrasonic energy. Retail price is $39.95 from Electromation Components Corp. (E/MC*), 84 Toledo St, Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735. Re Rr er ec Narr raviss S82 2 few od timers, too, are under the impression that stations in the newly independent African nations are hard to QSL, and that the only reliable DX targets, verification-wise, are stich old timers as R. S. Africa and R. Clube de Mocambique. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most newly independent African stations QSL all correct reports, Probably the best example of this is R. Sene- gal at Dakar. Although they have nothing to gain from North American reports (Dakar has no transmission beamed our way and, except for a brief 20 minute English session at 1340 EST, broadcasts entirely in French), they have sent thousands of attractive QSLs to American DXers. Their transmission to Europe and other parts of Africa is widely heard on this side of the Atlantic. For this beam, a 19-meter channel is currently used, with 15115 kHz last reported, S/Off for this transmission is 1900 EST. Meanwhile, if the SWL doesn’t mind staying up late, their 7210 kHz transmitter is even stronger at 0100 EST S/On. Or, if the DXer is going to log Africa on the ‘medium-wave BCB at all, his best bet is Dahar’s 764 kHz Full color QSLs are the mark of Africans. Exementary ELEcTRoNics oe ee ee ee powerhouse and right now is the best time to try for it Although the staff has been completely re- vamped and many new powerful transmitters added to its arsenal, the station at Dakar dates back to colonial days and at one time was the only broadcast voice in what was then the vast territory of French West Africa. Ironically, | Dakar has been a much better verifier since independence than in those good old days. The Ultimate in Aero DX. Of late, you've heard a lot in this column about various pieces of aeronautical DX, simply because it makes available a bonanza of rare locations which otherwise would be out of reach for many | SWLs using inexpensive equipment (Francis- town is a good example of this). But now we'll let you in on a spot which is even rarer than all the others so far covered—Carp. Never heard of it? Well, that's not exactly surprising as Carp appears on no map except those used! for aeronautical purposes. It belongs to no country and has no permanent population. ‘ADDRESS In fact, usually no population at all and no cry. radio stations—except, of course, when an air- Give ZIP CODE craft passes overhead. Carp is due East of Jack- If you have o friend interested in electronics send sonville, Florida and due North of the Bahamas. his’nome and’ oddress for @ FREE subscription Sounds like an ideal spot for a ham DXpedi: tion, doesn't it? But Aero DXers will have no ET trouble at all bagging it as Carp is located on Ma Sh asd the New York-Nassau route and planes regu- 61 5. Forge Street Akron, Ohio 44308 larly pass over 24 hours a day. See the chart for frequencies. Also, to be logged on these same channels are other exotic targets like Trout (just East of Carp), and Smelt which is due North of Trout You may however run into difficulties with oan non-Aero DXers who will probably refuse to | done it again! Our fourth free accept Carp and its neighbors as legitimate offer of a printed circuit board countries. Jealousy? Well, maybe. On the other | & for your, project building Printed Circuit Board Elementary Electronics has Bisutiice ater (ule auc Gary ana tas Be ecnaia eile (ot guint. hey tla pleasure! See pages 28 and 64 to 66! More next issue! “4 FREE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD OFFER As a special service to readers, the Editors of ELEMENTARY ELECTRO} ICS have arranged for you to receive a Free Divi Hertz Marker PC Board from Sentry Manufacturing Company. Just fill out and mail the coupon on the next page so it's postmarked on or before July 1, 1968 Should you desire to purchase the complete parts-package, place an X in the appropriate box and include a check or money order tor $7.50 (price includes postage). Make checks payable to Sentry Mfg, Co. The Editors ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS “THIS FREE OFFER IS NOT VALID UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THIS COUPON Photostats, Xerox copies, ete., cannot be accepted! May-June, 1968 i ah ih lid Lt YOU GET 3 BIE KITS WHEN YOU ENROLL! ETO Rm | OX CENTRAL REPORTING "42% more Draltsmen needed next 10 years, CARP FREQUENCIES reports U.S, Labor Dept. Easy home-study Y r at aie prestige, Why not you? Send for big itie tm BRP) reetreawnstaneseertee | | EEO ant i YOUR SCIENCE FAIR bitrary reporting points selected by the Inter PROJECT STARTS HERE | cational Civii Aviation Organization for traffic as control purposes. Needless to say, as a dedi- Now Available! | cated Aero DX man, you won't let that argu- * FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ment stop you. After all, what could possibly 1968 Edition | be rarer than @ country made up of nothing but SCIENCE EXPERIMENTER only 15¢ | More African DX. From all that publicity Dozens of Science Fair projects, countless | | which has been given the BBC's anti-Rhodesian ideas for further original’ vresearch and ex. | | station at Francistown (Botswana), most SWLs Berimentation cram the big 1968 edition of | | should be under the impression that these two Science Experimenter—now at your news- | | nations, Botswana and Rhodesia, must be just stand. Typical of the fabulous construction | | short of a state of war. It is, therefore, a little projects and features are: a solar motor, a] | disconcerting to tune in the aeronautical chan- HEE Ce ane OF courees ire eit ius | | nels used in that part of Africa, 6352 and 8956 ribbon projects you -can"build, FOR YOUR | | Sz, and ear Francistown Acradio calmly HOME DELIVERED COPY SEND $1.00 To: oe pen polar somatic rm caeeSea | operation with the rebel regime's own Sali SCIENCE EXPERIMENTER, | Aeradio. Dept. EE5-68 ‘While it may not be true, this whole bit gives 505 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 | | shortwave listeners an eerie impression that the = | Botswana (BBC)/Rhodesia confrontation is [=] . : Ss | some kind of bizzare practical joke which ends Printed Circuit Board | at the toundaries of those SW broadcast bands. ma i ‘4... | Whether the impression is false or not, 6552 Get on the Project Builder's | and 8956 kHz provide listeners with some ex- 2G band Wagon! The Editors of | cellen DX from enst and south central Africa Fiiet Elementary Floctonies and | Ai tess on thee eens, when con Sentry Manufacturing Co. will | (their SWBC station currently does not operate send a free PC board! See fees Tiekeeesfoenad 2 21) a and Tambora. . Pages 27 and 64 to 66! eve CUT HERE® FREE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD: DIVI-K HERTZ MARKER ww Sentry Manufacturing Co. Box 12322, Oklahoma City, Okla, 73112 Please send the Free Printed Circuit Board for the Divi-k Hertz Marker as described In the May/June 1968 issue of ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS. eeoee Please send the Sentry parts package and the Free Printed Circuit Board for the Divi-k Hertz Marker. | am enclosing a check or money order for the sum of exactly $7.50, payable to Sentry Manufacturing Co. THIS FREE OFFER IS NOT VALID UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THIS COUPON Photostats, Xerox copies, etc., cannot be accepted! 3 Name = 2 ee) address = = st Ss city, : 5 State ee ce expires July 1, 1968 eee pooes 28 Exemenrary ELecrronics BY JOHN W. COLLINS EL As I stated in an earlier column, study of the middle-game should begin with a thorough examination of its tactical motifs and I have presented five typical examples. Here are two more—more next issue. Overworked Piece. This occurs when a piece or a Pawn has too many jobs to do—protecting two other pieces, or protecting a piece and a vital square. Black moves. White’s Rook at KI has the double duty of preventing |... R-K7 and of protecting his brother Rook. It's too heavy a load. So, Black exploits the situation with 1 R-K7! Now if 2 RxR (Black was threatening 2... QRP mate) QxR mate. Breaking Communication. Contact between forces is usually vital. When it is broken some- thing often drops. See diagram top of next page. Black moves. Black breaks the line of com- munication between the White Queen and its King Rook Pawn with | R-Q6! Now if 2 BXR, QxP# 3 K-NI, Q-N7 mate. Or if 2 QxR, NxQ 3 BKN, Q-Q3# (remember Double Attack?) 4 P-B4, QxB wins. (Turn page) May-June, 1968, a eT Live Better Electronically With LAFAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS Now OFF PRESS BETTER THAN EVER Over 500 Pages Stereo HiFi _@ citizens Band © Kam Geer @ Tape Recorders Test “Equip ment @ TV Snd Radio Tubes and. Parts @. Cameras © Auto Accessories © Musical Instruments © Tools Books Featuring Everything in Electronics for HOME ‘© INDUSTRY » LABORATORY from the “World's Hi-Fi & Electronics Center” LAFAVETTE A: Dept. DEE, 0. Sse LW. World Famed BREVETTATA TEAR GAS PISTOL S Guncants st 3594 | unity ab $35.16 of en fro oh UNITED SAFETY SUPPLY Co. 310 West 9th Street Kansas City 3EE, Missouri 64105, 5g rN pee 144 LL BRAND-NEW, First Quailly. All Types Available, + Orders Shipped First Class Same Day Rec'd. « Unconditionaly Guar anteed, © 24 Month Warranty. Send $1.50 for ea. tube + 50¢ postage E handling of entice order. FREE: Write for TV Test Chart and Tube List to Dep't The Bomber! Anyone who can write his name can send for detailed instructions on building lethal explo- sive weapons—whether he's a demented “mad bomber” or a 10-year-old grade schooler with just a bit of curiosity and $1. This alarming situation results in tremendous property dam- age each year. But far more terrible is the physical toll it takes of the experimenters— all too often our brightest youngsters—that is measured in lost sight, lost arms, lost legs, and even lost lives! Why is this state of affairs allowed to con- tinue? What can and is being done about it? An exclusive and shocking story in the next issue of Science & Mechanics pulls no punches in laying the blame where it belongs! Don't miss the May 1968 S&M, at your newsstand NOW! Or use the order blank below to enter your subscription now! . SS | SCIENCE & MECHANICS FESS | \ 505 Park Ave., N. Y., N. ¥. 10022 1 J 12 ties $424 issues 58, 36 sues $12, (Foren: Aad | St o'yecr) | | rleose enter my-—yacrs) subscription. 1 eae. Cate a 7 ! Wiease Print) I [Aden sae jl | ! | EN PASSANT Solu Problem 12 By J. Paul Taylot England Black White White to move and mate in two. Solution in next issue. This unique two-mover is No. 48 in “Ele- mentary Chess Problems” by J. Paul Taylor, published by G. C. Heywood, London, 1880. “News and Views. Bent Larsen of Denmark won the Interzonal Tournament at Sousse, Tunisia, with the grand score of 1514-514. This qualified him, along with Geller, Gligoric, and Korchnoi, 14-7, to take part in the Challengers Tournament, the winner of which will play a maich with Tigran Petrosian of the USSR for the World Championship. Hort, Reshevsky (USA), and Stein tied at 13-8 for the 6th and They will have a playoff to deter- th qualifier. Leading the field with 814-1%, U. S. Champion Fischer withdrew and/or was ruled out because of a dispuite over | scheduling. . Exementary ELECTRONICS ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS ETYMOLOGY By Webb Garrison SS == =—3 Tellurometer A Though it’s an ultra-sophisticated product of the electronic age, the high-sounding name of the tellurometer is simply a shorthand symbol 10 indicate “an earth-measuring device Until recent decades, surveyors had no instru- ments sufficiently refined to make accurate measurements at considerable distances, Be- cause the speed of radio waves is precisely Known, engineers conceived the idea of using them to measure distances—by converting. time into units of length. Principles that govern radar made possible the development of the tellurometer. Waves are directed from one operator (0 another and then bounced back. Elapsed time thus becomes a measure of distance. Accuracy of the instrument is so great that the margin of error in a 0-mile measurement is less than eight inches. Lightweight and portable, this surveying de- vice can be used in daylight or darkness, in clear ‘or murky weather. Pioneer makers and users named the electronic instrument for surveying the earth from Latin ¢ellur (“earth”) plus the common suffix indicating a measuring device. Ml Tesla Coil A Nikola Tesla, born in Austria-Hungry of Yugoslavian parents, came to the U. S. in 1884 when he was 28. He poured almost all of his creative energy into a life-long study of elec- tricity. One of the few authentic geniuses of all time, Tesla was concerned with both theoretical and practical matters. He solved many complex problems in his sleep. When working on an in- vention he could visualize all its components (with dimensions stipulated precisely) without producing any working drawings The rise of the cleciric railway had given a great boost to development of generators and motors. But until late in the 1880's only direct current was in commercial use. In a theoretical analysis Tesla criticized this state of affairs and May-June, 1968 suggested that AC motors be developed Then he tackled the problem of actually oper- ating a motor with alternating current. He solved it with an induction motor in which volt- age was induced in the rotor by a rotating mag- netic field. Crude as it was by today’s standards, this break-through paved the way to virtually universal adoption of AC motors. He perfected hundreds of major processes and inventions. Yet his naine survives in common speech only because his tesla coil, greatly modi- fied from its original form, is a perennial Favorite at science fairs and exhibits. Current of high voltage and high frequency that is produced by the coil was for a time employed in medical therapy. Today such “tesla current,” like the name of the emigrant whose achievements rivalled those of Edison, is unknown to the aver: age American . Spectrum ‘A Sir Isaac Newion’s fame rests largely upon his development of the theory of gravitation. But his earliest significant work was in the study of light and its characteristics During a three-year period that began in 1666, he purchased a number of prisms and lenses. With no other equipment, he sei out to deter- mine the nature of light. Newton's most remarkable results were achieved by making a hole “in the shut of a window” and then placing a prism in the beam of light in such fashion that it was spread into a band of colors. Later he learned how to place a telescope lens about three feet in radius at just the right spot to cause the band of colors 10 con- verge and form white light indistinguishable from that admitted through the hole in his shut- ter. From Latin for “image or specter” Newton called his ghostly band of colors the spectrum. Publication of his experiments with it ted in 1672 to a great hue and cry among scientists. Some noted physicists and mathematicians (who didn't bother to repeat his experiments) chal- enged his conclusions on theoretical grounds, The spectrum, they said, existed only in New: ton’s imagination Such a commotion was created that by 1676 the Englishman had given up all attempts to convince skeptics. Otherwise, he said, he would have spent his entire time answering his critics and would have had to give up his search for new knowledge Eventually the eerie phenomenon that Newton had named came to be universally familiar. Be- cause it includes all colors visible to man ar- nged in an orderly sequence, the notion of “a complete spread” attached to the term initially used to designate a spooky visual phenomenon. ‘Continued on page 38 31. ‘PTT C8_AMATEUR RADIO— SHORTWAVE RADIO 102. No never mind what brand Your CB set ia, Seniry has the erystal You need. Same goes for ham rigs Seeing is. believing, So get Seniry's eatalog today. Circle 102. 130._ Bone upon the CB with the tat- ft Sama bosks. Tides. range from SABCs of CB Radio® to “9 Ways to Improve Sour CB Ratio.” So Clr= ele 130 and get the facts from Sams. 107, Went a deluxe CB base station? cn get the specs on Tran all new Titan TI—it's he SSB/AM rip you've ‘een waiting fort 1. AE i's @ CB prodbet, chances fre International Crystal has Mt sted in*aieir colori caaiog, Whether kit 9f wired, accessory of ‘est geaty this Go'orienied company can be felled ‘00 to fil the bill 96. i 2 rugaed low-cost business/ Industrial tworway radio. Is. what you've been looking for, be sure to Rind for the brochure on EF, John. Son Cos brand new Messenger "402." 103. Squires-Sanders would like you fo Know about their CB transceivers, the "23'er 8 accessor their Sewatters 46. A long-time builder of ham equipment, Hallierafters wil send you fois of unio on ham, CB and con ‘mercial radio equipment, 4129. Boy, oh boy—if you want 10 Yead about 4 flock of CB winners, get yout hangs on Lafayeite’s new 1668 Extalog. Lafayedte has CB sets for al pocketbooks. 122, Discover, the most Inexpensive CB’ mobile, CithFone A by Mult Elmac Company. Get the facts plus gther CB” product data before you id the new “S38.” Also, that add versatility 13 10. Get your cony of Amphenol’s User's Guide to CB Radio" 18 ages packed with CB know-how and Chitchat. Also, “Amphenol will tet you kno what's Acw on tele prod: et Line 121. Going CB? Then go CB Center Of America, Get. their catalog and ‘over the big bonus offered with ach major product—serves all” 50 116. Pep-up your CB ris's perfor ance. sath’ Turners Meta Raobile Milerophone, Get complete spec shects find data on other Turner taikes. 48, _Hy-Galn's new CB antenna cata: og is packed full of useful informa: tion ahd product data that. every ‘Cher should know. Get'a cory. TH. Ge the , scoop on Versax Tronlet Verss-Teana” with instant eencle mounting, “Antensa models available for CBers, hams and mobile ‘unlts from 27 MHz to 1000 Miz, 45. Hams, CBers, _experimenterst World Radio Labs’ 1968 catalog Is. a Dargain hunter's delight. Get your copy—it’s free, US. Get the full, story on Poly tronics Laboratories’ latest CB entty “Carey-Comm.. Full S-watts, great for mobile, base of portable “Use. Works on 12 VBC or 117 VAC. 100. You can get increased CB range and clarity usine the “Cobra” cr ceiver with speech "compressor~ iver sensi is excelent. Catalog ‘shegt will be mailed by Bak Division (0b Bynascan Corporatton. 54. A catalog for CBers, hams and experimenters, with outstanding. vale tee, Terrie buys on Grove Electron TSF sotentas, mikes and accessories, ELECTRONIC PARTS 132, Discover 18 new and different professional quality amplifiers, tuners End_ preamps completely assembied on PC-boards now offered by Amper- fer, Prices will amaze You! 1, Allied’s catalog is so widely used as © elerence book, that it's te Garded as a standard by people in the lectronies Industry. Don’t you, have the 1968 Allied Radio catalog? The Surprising hing ts that i's free! 442, The new 1968 Edition of Lafay- Bice “catalog, Yeatures ‘sections "a stereo hi-fi, GB, ham gear, test equip: ‘ment, cameras, optics, tools and much ‘more, Get Jour copy today. 8. Get it now! John Meshna, Jr's Bew 46-page catalog is Jam packed ‘with “surplus “buys—surplus Tadios, ‘ew parts, Computer parts, ete. #23. No electronics bargain hunter thouid "be ‘caught without the 1968 copy of Radio Shack’s catalog, Some Equipment and kit offers are so om, ieyriook ike muspnints, “Busing 5, Edmund Scientific's new cata- Tog Contains over 4000 products that fembrace many interests and Belds. Its S'lispage buyers” Buide for Science Fair fans 4108. With 70 million TV and 240 frllioa_radlos somebody somewhere Wil need a vacuum tobe replacement Bat the rate of one a second! Get Uni- Nersal Tube Cos Troubleshooting Chart and facts oo thelr $1 flat rate per tube: 44, Olson's catalog is) a _multi- Colored newspaper that's packed with ‘more bargains than a plione book has ames. Don't believe us? Get @ Copy. 7, Before you, build from scratch Chock the Fair Radio Sales 1atest cat- alog for electronle gear that can be modified fo your needs Fair Way 10 6. Bargains galore, that’s what's Sioret Bot-Pakr Co, wil end you Wiese in avallable: merchandise, Ine cluding 2 giant $1 special sale, 10, BursteinAppebee offers new Bia aie eect S058 3 Fart ‘Ctnghed with Sivinpy ine FaeSacGR'! trent oth ets, PETS Shes and part 11, Now available from EDI (Elec- fronts Biriurors, nc} 3 catalog containing hundreds “of electronic ems. EBT will be happy to Place you oo their malling list. 120. Tab's new electronics parts cat- Aloe is now off the press ang yours Welcome to have a ‘copy. Some. of Tab's bargains and odd-bail items are lunbelievable offers. 117. Married by the high, cost of parts for projecis? Examine Biselow's [Bun Anaiversary catalog packed with Mucky 13" specials. ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS “4442. Here's a colorful 108:page cat Mog ‘containing a wide assoitment of flectronie Kits. You'll Gad something for any interest, any ‘budget. AD Heat Co. will happily send” you a ‘copy. #44. Get your copy of EICO's Colorful 36-pase calaion on 200 “best buys" products. Ham radio, CB, hi- 4 est gear, both wired and kit, are iljustrated, 128, If you can hammer a nail and iss yous ium, you ean, as: Semble a Schober organ. To prove the point, Schober. will send. You thelr Extalog anc a 7a, disc recording. 126, Delta Products new capacitive Aischarge ignition ‘system in kit form Will pep up your ‘ear. Designed 1 ut gas costs’ and Teduce point and Plug'wear. Get Delta's detalls in full folor literature. 66. ‘Try instant Jetering to mark ‘control panels and component parts. Darak's "booklets and. sample show this“casy dry transfer method 109. Seco offers a line of special ined, and. standard test_equipment that’s ideal for the home experimenter land pro. ‘Get specs and prices toda) Too1s 7B, Color-coded, regular, and hol- Towsinatt Zeer hutdriver ses. ate ‘ow offered in sturdy, molded plastic Gases great for stowing. Get Xeelire's bulleun N36? for details. ‘ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS 7 M18, Secure coax cables, speaker wires, phone wires. ete., with Arrow staple gun tackers. 3 models for wires and cables trom 3/lo" to 4" dia Get factstutl Arrow literature, SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL 74. Whiz through math and ele fronies problems without penetl and Barer, Get the facts on we amazing Electronics Slide Rule and lesson instruction. course ‘offered ‘by Cleve: land Lustinie of Electronics. "No charee! G1. ICS (International Correspond- enee Schools) wants 10 send You. GiSFage Booklet “om the ‘most ‘often asked questions on preparing for 30 electronics career. You also 4et “How to Succeed” and a sample IC lesson. 194. Prepare for tomorrow by suidying “at. home. with Technical rate Tizervatonak Gt te facts today on how you ‘can’ step up in Sour” present Jod. ° 5%. For a complete rundown on Curricilum, lesson outtines, and full details from a” leading electronic Sohool, ask for this brochure from th Indiana Home Study Institute 105. Get the tow-down on the latest fp tduentional electronic. kits from Trans-Tek. Build light dimmers, ‘amplifiers, metronomes, and many More. Trans-Tek veips you to Tearn Mitte butlding 43. Get alt the facts on Progressive Fau-kits Home Kauio Course. Bulld Bic 134. Discover PlayTape—America’s newest tape cartidge and ‘ane play: rs, Units priced. at under $17 ‘with aitrilges at 4S-dise prices. PlayTape fas one. of America’s largest recor the Ribraries 19. Empire's new 16:page, full-color calalog features. speaker ystems in da shapes for beauliful rom decor ‘Also, rediscover Empire's "quality furatable ine and cartridges. Dept. 568 Indicate total number of booklets requested J © 505 Park Avenue r 1 New York, N. Y. 10022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 1 Please arrange to have the iit 16 17 19 23 26 27 31 32 34 35 t Hl erature whose numbers | have 1 Circled sent to me as soon as 42 44 45 46 48 50 S54 59 G61 66 4 1 possible. lam enclosing 25; for 70-74 «78 85 95 96 97 99 100 101 5 1 ites ee A Chiinnt? Ro 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 111 112 114 4 1 stamps, please. 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 f i ‘raoiems 126-127 128-129 130 131 132 134 1 11.20 items “ 1 ' ; NAME (Print clearly) = ' 1 t 1 ADDRESS__ la. 1 ' 1! 1 city. 1 ' 1 1 STATE _21P__ ' See eee oe May-June, 1968 124, Now, Sonotone offers you young ‘ideas in. microphone. use’ in theit new catalog. Mikes for talk sea sions, swinging combos, home record: ing, PA'systems and many more Uses, 26. Always a teader, #1. H. Scott Introduces 9. new ‘concent in’ stereo console catalogs. ‘The. information: Packed 1968 Stereo Guide and catalog fre required reading for audio. fans 85. Write the specs for, an ideal Preamp and ‘amp, and you've spelled ute Byraco’s stereo. 130 amp and PAS-3X' preamp. So why not get all the facts from Dynaco! 119. Kenwood puts it right on the line: The allcnew Kenwood stereo-FM feceivers ave descrined ins colorful Teenage booklet complete with easy: loveabandcompare Spee data, “Get your copy today! 131. Let Elpg send you “The Ree. gid Omibook.” It's a’ great buy and Elpa wants you 0 have i free, You records will thank you when the ma man delivers i 16. Garrard’s Comparator Guide lies you in on the new Synchro-Lab turntabe/changer "series. “Dacover 19W Garrard locks On lo the correc aise speed, 17, Mikes, speakers, — amps, re- ceivers-you, name. it” Elecio-Voice makes it and Makes 1 good, Get the Straight poop ‘from E-P’ today. 27.12 pases of Sherwood receiver, iuners,_ Smuisers. "speater “systems, nd. cabinetry make up a. colstfal Booklet every A buy’ should see. 95. Confused sbout stereo? Want to eat the high cost of heh without compromising. on the results? “Thuea You need the new 24:page estalog 6 Jensen Manufacturing ¥¥, Get the inside info. on why Felextdenusteh!e ude ap fiers are’ the rage of te experts Col Sra hrochure answers all Your ques: TAPE RECORDERS AND TAPE 123. Yours for the asking—Elpa’s new “The” Tape ‘Recording Om book." 16 jam-packed pages on facts and ‘ips you should know about be fore you buy 2 tape recorder, 31. All the facts about Concord Electronies Corp. tape recorders. a yours for the asking’ ins free hook: let. Portable. battery operated to Tout track, fully transistorized stereos Cor erevery recording need, 32. “Everybody's Tape Recording Handbook" ig the title of a booklet Ghat, Sarkes-Tarzian will send you. Ie 2é-pages jam-packed with info for the home recording enthusiast. Ine cludes a) valuable table of recording times for Warious tapes. 34. “All the Best from Sony" is an B-page booklet describing Sony-Super= scope produes—tape recorders. Crophones, tape and accessories. Get 2 copy before you buy! 35. If you are a serious tape audio Phite. you will be interested int all-new Viking/Tetes tine of quality tape recorders. HLFL ACCESSORIES 12. Telex would like you to know about their improved Serenata Head: Set—and.theit enure line of quailty Stereo headsets, 106. You can’t hear FM stereo une less your PM antenna can pull able from Finco's 6-pager ‘mensional Sound.” TELEVISION 70, Need a new TY set? Then as: Semble a Heart TV kit Heath has All’ sizes. B&W. and color. portable and fixed. Why not build the next FV you watch? 127. National Sehoots will help you learn all" about color TV "as you fissemble their 251, color TV_ i Just"one of Navional’s many exciting and rewarding courses. 97, Interesting, helpful brochures describing the TY antenna discovery fof the decadethe log periodic ane tenna for VHE and UHE-TV, and FMstereo. Get it from JFD ‘Elec. tronies Corporation. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS — 10 New Kits From Heath... New Deluxe Heathkit “227” Color TV ache Heathkit SeltServiing Features. Like the famous He S295" and "180" color TV's, the new Heathkit "227" features 2 dor generator plus Tull color photos and simple instructions so 70W can Set-up converge and maintain the best color pictures at al times. Add to athe detailed rouble shooting chars the manual, and you put an eng tocostly FV service calls for penoie pietute convergence and minor Fepaits Nother brand of color TWinas ths money-saving selbservicin feature, ‘Agxanced Features. Top quality American brand color whe... 227 9. i. lar viewing area +, 24000, replated picture power -_ improved Dhosphors for bilan, iseie colors. new improved low voltage power Eupply with boovied BY for best Operation -.. automatic degaussing ‘exclusive Heath Magno-Shisi to protect ainst stray ngnetc (elds and maintain color purty... ACE and AGC to reduce color fade and insure Steady, uterfree prcurés under all conditions ..prensembled & aligned Te with 9 sages stead ofthe sual 2. preassenbed & aligned 2-speed transistor UNE tuner. deluse VHF tuzet tuner wih “memory” fine Tuning. 300 4.75 ohm VBE asienna inputs. two hifi sound outputs MP8 68 ohin speaker «choice of insaiaion— wal, custom OF ‘piional Heath factory assembled eabines, Bul in 25 hours Kit GR-227, (everything except cabines)...194 bs....$42 dn. slow 35 825 mo. $819.98 GRA-227.1, Walnut cabinet, 54 Ibs. no money dn., $6 mo... 959.95 GRA.227.2, Meciterranean Oak cabinet (shown above) 7016s. ser n0 money on, 310 mo, 04. Kit GR-295 $479.95 (less cabinet) Deluxe Heathkit “295” Color TV ‘Color TV's largest picture... 295-8. in. viewing area. Same features Sand ballin servicing facts a8 Sew GR-227, Universal main control Dane! for versie newal tstallaion 6X9" speaker it GR-295, (everything except cabinet), 131 Ibs. $48 dn, $22 mo. 7 £479.95 GRA-795-4, Mediteranean cabinet (shown above), 80 Ibs ‘no money dn. $11 mo, #11250, ‘Other cabineis trom $62.95. $419.95 “wasnt? re wit GRA.27 $19.95 New Remote Control For Heathiee Color TV ‘Now change chases and turn yout Heathkit eplor TV off and on from the comfort of your armehai with this nes ferote contcol kit. Ure wih. Heathkit G27, GR-29Sand GR-1N0 color TV's Tees 20° able Deluxe Heathkit “180” Color TV Same high performance festures and exclusive seiservicng faites 135 new GR227 (above) except for 1806 in. viewing area Kit GR-180, (everything except cabinet). 102 Ibs $26 dn. as low a8 822 mo. 9359.95 GRS-180-5, table model cabinet & mobile cart (shown, above), § monay dn. 35 mo. “639.95, ‘Other cabinets from $2498. ‘New! Heathkit /Kraft 5-Channel Digital Proportional System withjVariable Capacitor Servos. ~ Py i exes f BS ‘System Kit GD-47 ' $219.95 fh aye ‘This Heathkit version of the internationally famous Kraft sysiem saves Jouover £200. The system includes solid-state transmits with bul Sieger and rechargable battery solibstae ecever, receiver rechatBe- Able tte, four sariabie caractor servos, and all cables. 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Exposure: Probe scans shadows and highlights: exposure scale ‘on Computer indicates proper extrait for enlor and b/ printing. Get Started tn color the raht way, Quickly, sly. Kit PM-17, 6 Ibs.. no money dn., $9 mo. $29.95 Assembled PMW-17, 6 lbs.,.no money dn, 913 mo... 8125.00 Exementary Execrrontcs See 300 More in FREE Catalog ‘What would you expect to pay for a Vox “Jaguar” Combo organ with a 180-watt 3-channel amp? $1000? 81250? $1500? More? You can get both for only $598 during this Special Heathkit Offer! [Now you can gt this famous professional como organ with a versatile high-power piggy: back a i sheaker ystems for Just Ite more ta y9u'd exp (elaguar" atone! The Li/Vox "Hayate soldstney two ourputs for mincd oF Dae and tebe reverse bass keys for full 9 hey range oF separate bass notes; bass value costal; wibrato1ab; lass ehon! a four once fats (ute bright, brass, lion), heyboard range C2 to Ce in our Detavers factory assenshed neybourd, rua ca stand with cise luo sealable separately” youll “onter Ki To. $335.95, The Heat TA-L7 Deture Super-Powse Amplifise & Speaker has 180 sais peak power into onc apesker (240 walt peak ito. pat); ela nels with 2 npts each: “Tuna brightness switch: baes boost: temoloy fxerb: covet contrals for cach eat; TOO switchs 2 Reavy duty TE speakers lus Hoon driver. Al aynable sparately hit Or factory (kit Anplifier TA, S875, Ascoblod 8295, Kit Speaker ‘120: Atsemieu S150; Kit TASIT.2 atop. fe two speakers Bibs; Assembled TAW"17-2, amp. &e two speakers S849), Kietos 1 spear Rie (240186) $598.00 Arpt e Speaker (300s) $698.00 New! Solid-State Portable So tands, Se tow Cost sees) -—-»-VOlt-Ohm-Meter 50 every" man's seus ht for homeowners, hobby fats boatouners, Cher, ans seven sophia icemdoe Weng Rag fons iene AAC RADE IMT alreonsee'# ci ranges; 1 $19.95 Iegohim input on DC, | meg ‘ohm input on AC» $1,200 ga Easy 3 0r 4 hour kit assembly, NEW | Benen Hato, i ier] cerca oe | Gat a May-June, 1968 [ HEATH COMPANY ben. 395 022 in Canada, Dayte New! Heathkit Guitar Headphone Amplifier $9.95 Now you can play and practice your electeonicguitae in private! Just Dg this minitute ample ito the jack af your guitar and Re a pa Sr heptonss. Sole sials circu ins tsldred response: automate erratic ‘meghalins. eal for pracuee or instruction. Easy to build, Kit TA-88, 2 Ios. ia electronics? —then get your clectronics cool with this introductory’ offer to the two leading elec- tronics magazines! Use coupon: po----~-~--~--—------ ! DAVIS PUBLICATIONS, INC. EE-S6 | 1 S05 Park Avenue/New York, N.Y. 10022 1 | Yest 1 want to find the key to electronics. ! ' ig Begin my subscription to both RADIO-TV | | EXPERIMENTER and ELEMENTARY ELECTRON- | [ICS at your special low-subscription rate of | 1 $7.00 1 Bill me tater. Name 1 Addiess: 1 City. 1D Check enclosed. «State, al | use USA Canada aad $150 pate, & tain | | —Now, both of these fine magazines will be delivered to you at the special subscription rate of just $7.00 . . , save $2 from newsstand price. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS The magazine that serves up electronics theory in pleasant spoonfuls and reinforces the knowledge you gain with exciting and useful projects. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER The magazine dedicated to the hobbyist—the man who wants to obtain a fuller and broader knowledge of electronics through the applications of his hobby. fae ae ae Continued from page 31 Today, in spite of the fact that they involve the ears rather than the eyes, “radio spectrum” and “sound spectrum” are often used inter- changeably. Spread of this band of waves is from about near zero cycles to more than 30,000,000,- 000 cycles. j A far greater spread is involved in the “elec- tro-magnetie spectrum,” which includes waves ranging from the shortest cosmic rays to the longest radio waves. Only a tiny fiaction of the total number of waves within the band of elec- tromagnetic radiation stimulate the human eye in such fashion that vision results. In spite of this factor, the name that Newton modelled on that of a vistal apparition is still in universal use. 7 Walkie-Talkie A No one knows why, but in every age and epoch persons have tended to form two-part words which are like miniature rhymes. Psy- chologists think that in some way this gives pleasure related to that of writing or reading poetry. Modern Americans have spontaneously and joyfully coined such rhyming terms as: chitchat, claptrap, deadhead, gyp joint, honky-tonk, nit- wit, plug ugly, slap-happy, and dozens of others. So it was natural rather than unusual for some user of a portable radio-telephone to rebel at so formal a name. Spontaneously and without premeditation it was dubbed the Walkie-talkie. Like many other rhyming terms, this one has a pleasant thythm and is also descriptively accu- rate, If the present trend continues—as seems in- evitable—school children a few years hence will use “walkie-talkie” as standard Enatish just as acceptable as words inherited from Shakespeare and the King James Version of the Bible, “You were doing 60 in a 50-mile zone!” | / | { : i ' : mt ELEMENTARY Er | Build Mariner IV _ By Charles Green, W6FFQ Since the early spark-gap days, radio op- erators have been filling the marine bands with messages from ship-to- ship and ship-to-shore. And these are exciting mes- sages, filled with the salty talk of the sea. Tugs, fishing boats, cargo vessels, and small pleasure craft are busy around the clock with their radio transmissions. You can (Continued overleaf) Q/@ mariner wv listen in on these marine band goings-on with our Mariner IV transistorized port able receiver. Coverage includes recep- tion on the low-frequency (150 to 420 kHz), broadcast (550 to 1700 kHz), shortwave (1.6 to 4.3 MHz), and the VHF (144 to 162 MHz) bands. Mariner IV makes an ideal receiver for the yachtsman, too. A telescoping whip antenna is used for reception on all bands, and a rotatahle broad- ast-band loop antenna can. be used for di- rection finding. The VHF band can be re- ceived on the whip antenna, or an external VHF antenna can be connected. A BFO circuit allows CW reception, and coverage is included for the 160-, 80-, and 2-meter ham bands. IF and AF modules are used to make re- ceiver construction easier. Four transistors are used for the RF amplifier, convertor, BFO, and VHF detector circuits. Six D-cells supply power to the receiver, making it por- table. One word of caution, though: a project of this complexity shouldn't be at- tempted as a first construction effort. The Circuit. Look at Subassembly 2. LF, BC, and SW signals from the whip antenna are fed through choke L201 to the preselector tuned circuits and the loop antenna. The preselector’s operating band is selected by switch S201, and the low-impe- dance output signal is fed to the emitter of RF amplifier transistor Q301 in Subassem- bly 3. The amplified signals are fed through ANT TNPUT TT) Subossembly 1, the VHF Detector Stage. Single transistor operates as o super detector for converting 144-162 MHr signals info ‘oudio. Output at A ond B (right) connects fo 6 SUBASSENBLY 3 SUBASSEMBLY ou Com TRIMER CaPACTTORS Top view of completed receiver with cover removed. Note relative position of the four major sub- ‘assemblies, Other components fasten directly fo case. band-switch $401's tuned circuits (Subas- sembly 4) to the base of the autodyne-con- vertor transistor Q302. The oscillator cir- cuit of Q302 is tuned 455 kHz above the incoming signals. The resultant 455-kHz IF output signal is amplified and detected by the IF module. The detected audio signals are fed to the AF module and the speaker. For CW reception, ‘the BFO circuit (Q303) is turned on by $301. Transformer T301 is preset close to the 455-kHz IF frequency to produce an audio beat on CW signals. The wiring ca pacity between the circuits couples the BFO and the IF module When the bandswitch is set to the VHF 102 0 SUBASSEMBLY #4) \ jenerative some points marked on Subassembly 4. VHF a Detector stage mounts on its own circuit board. ta Lworsttcx ANT Pete. 203, (10 201) (10 202) 720 OOK org 9 S201 SUBASSEMBLY. #3) Subassembly 2, the RF Amplifier Tuning circuit. Loopitick antenna af top rotates on receiver lid for direction-inding functions. It plugs directly into circuit via jacks J201 and J202. i position, $401 disconnects the power circuit from the RF, convertor, BFO, and IF module, and energizes the VHF superregen detector circuit of QHOL shown in Subas- sembly 1. VHF signals are tuned by C105, C106, and 1.102. The detected audio is then fed through TI01 via S401 to the AF am- plifier module. Getting Started. The receiver is built into a 7- x 12- x 8-in. cowl-type chassis-hox, which holds the four subassemblies. To get started, fasten a sheet of block paper on the front panel and lay out the control locations as shown in the photos. Cut the holes and mount the controls using lock-washers. Do not install the dial glass at this time. Remove the trimmer capacitors from Front-pane! view of receiver reveals position of tuning controls and speak- er. After alignment is done, the face ‘of main tuning dial (C406) may be calibrated with euitoble frequency in- dications. Both switches (S201 ond 401) must be hand set fo the appropri- ‘ate frequency bond during operation. Wouue RB May-June, 1968 AF anton S201 C406, then mount the variable capacitor on 4-in, long x 2M%4-in. wide heavy sheet- aluminum bracket. Use @ flexible coupling between the capacitor's shaft and the vernier dial. Full-capacity position should be 0 on the vernier logging scale. The coil assembly is mounted on a 4- x 1%4- x %-in, aluminum bracket fastened on the top of the capacitor’s mounting bracket. Before mounting the coil bracket, wind three turns of hookup wire around each coil in the same direction as the coil winding. Install a 3% x 2+in. perf-board section on the edge of the coil bracket with a small bracket at each end as shown in the photos. Mount the trimmer capacitors on push-in terminals on the top of the perf-board sec way TURKS HE TuNIN iy Crt Pe TUNIN uy 8FD. S301 emgsiarot FS 4a MARINER IV tion, Wire the perf board as shown in sche- matic of Subassembly 4. Note that the oscil- tor circuit (3-turn coupling) coil wind- ings are brought out to separate terminals on the perf-board so their connections can be reversed if any coil won't oscillate. AF And IF, Cut a 3% x 5%-in, perf board section and mount the amplifier mod- ule at one end as shown in the photos. Use insulated spacing washers to prevent wiring shorts, Carefully solder four solder lugs on the sides of the IF module, bend them out, and mount the module on the perf-board below the amplifier module. Cut holes in the board and box rear for IF tuning access. Mount the other components on the perf- board with push-in terminals, and wire the board as shown in the schematic drawing. Bend a U bracket approximately 1 x 1 x 1-in, for the whip antenna. Mount the an- tenna in rubber grommets fitted into holes cut in the bracket ends. The antenna wire is fed through a rubber grommet to the termi- nal strip fastened with one of the bracket’s mounting screws. (10 su8- ASSEMBLY #2) na with two 1-x 1%-in, balsa wood sections. The wood sections are shaped so that a length of split plastic tubing will fit snugly over them. The wood sections are cemented to the ends of the hardboard strip supplied with the loop antenna, A %-in. threaded bushing fastened to the center of the hard- board strip allows the loop to rotate. Mount a screw on the top of the receiver box lid to act as a stop for the loop antenna rotation. Match it with another screw mounted in the bottom of the loop strip, so the loop will stop after one rotation. This is necessary to prevent breaking the loop connecting wires to the receiver. Use light- weight stranded hookup wire for connecting the loop. Remove one rotor blade from C106. Then cut a 2% x 2%-in, section of perf-board and mount it to the bottom of C106. Wire the components on the board, using push-in clips, and cut the clip ends to prevent short- ing to the capacitor's frame. Coil L102 is made by winding 3% turns of #20 buss wire around a %-in, drill, then stretching it ‘out to %4-in, and cutting the leads so they are %4-in. long Aligning It. Install the batteries in the (TO SuBAssenaLy #4) Subossembly 3, the RF-Convertor-BFO circuit. These three transistors mount on @ single board and operate for all bands except VHF. Two additional circuits appear in this schematic ‘are factory-wired prinfed circuit board components installed according to je IF and AF modules. Both "ber and color codes given. View looking into right side of receiver (a2 seen from front). Front panel is com Tale caPacrToRs suasssioar we portally visible of top left af photo. Note position of prewired IF and AF modules. They're mounted on larger boord which forms Subassembly 3. The board is raised fram rear panel of metal cabinet by spacers (three pasts visible under baard at bottom of photo). 1 PNPLIFIER mooie TF SeQULE receiver and place the box lid adjacent to the unit, with the loop antenna leads plugged into 1201 and 3202. Set the preselector switch and bandswitch to LF position. Ad- just the signal generator for a 455-kHz (modulated) signal and loosely couple it to the receiver's antenna by connecting to a Jength of wire alongside the rear of the set. Turn the volume control clockwise and peak up the IF module adjustment tuning screw. Rock the signal-generator frequency control back and forth to make sure you are on the exact frequency the module is tuned to. Turn BFO switch $301 on and tune the adjustment screw on T301 until you hear an audio beat note in the speaker. Then switch the BFO off. For easier coil alignment, set the coil tun- ing screws to the following lengths out from the top of the coil forms: L254 in., L3— ¥ in., LS—4 in., L6—% in. L7—% in, L8—% in., LI—"% in, LIO—% in, *) see Ter is BR cm fA = ‘SUBASSEMBLY #1) Subossembly 4, Coils for Convertor Tuning. Where an asterisk (*) is shown next to a winding it signifies @ 3-turn coil of plastic-insulated hookup wire wound by hand over the main winding. If the local oscillator doesn't work on a band, reverse connections fo the 3-turn coil for obtaining feedback in proper direction, May-June, 1968 43 a MARINER IV Set the tuning dial to 28 on the logging scale and adjust the generator for a 150-kHz signal. Peak L401 and L404 tuning screws for maximum output in the speaker. Set the tuning dial to 170 on the logging scale and the generator 10 420 kHz. Peak C403 and C408 ‘i adjustments onc and bandswitch to BC position. Adjust the tuning dial to 12 on the logging scale and the generator to 550 kHz. Peak L402 and L405 for maximum output. Set the tuning dial to 170 and the generator to 1700 kHz. Peak C404 and C410 for maximum output. Repeat these adjustments, too. Set the preselector and bandswitches to SW position. Adjust the tuning dial to 10 on PARTS LIST FOR MARINER IV RECEIVER VHF Detector Circuit, Subassembly No. 1 C101, C104—3-pF capacitor €102—5-uF, 15-VOC electrolytic capacitor €103—.002uF capacitor €105—10-pF capacitor €106—5- to 20-pF variable capacitor Johnson 149-1 or equiv.) €107—470-pF capacitor €108—100-uF 15-VDC electrolytic capacitor €109—.05-uF capacitor J101—Fhono jack (RCA type) L101—1.7-0H RF choke L102—4 twins #20 wire, %-in. dia. x Ya-in. ong, Ya-in. leads Q101—2N1743 transistor R101, R104—1000-ohm, Y4-walt resistor R102—180,000-ohm, Ya-watt resistor R103—330-ohm, Vo-walt resistor T101—Trensistor_driver transformer, 10,000- ohm pri. fo 2000-chm sec. (Radio Shack 8731378 or equiv.) RF Amplifier Tuning Circuit, Subassembly No. 2 €201—10-pF capacitor €202—13- to 365-pF, single-gong variable ca- F (Lafayette 99C6217 or equiv.) 1201—1.7-0H RF choke 1202—240-uH loopstick antenna (Miller 2000 or equiv.) 1203—Low-frequency antenna coil with throe turns added for secondary—see toxt (Miller X-5495-A or equiv.) 1204—Shortwave antenna coil with three turns added for secondary—see text 5495-A or equiv.) 201, P203—Phono plug IRCA type) P202——Phone tip plug 5201—Double-pole, triple-throw, non-shor rotary switch (Centralab 1472 or equiv.) RF, Mixer, IF And AF Circuit, ‘Subassembly No. 3 B301—6 D-cells in holders, series connected €301, €302, C303, C304, C305, C306, C309, €311—.05-uF capacitor €307—5-uF 15-VDC electrolytic copacitor €308—100-uF capacitor 15-VDC €310—.01-uF copacitor 301, 302, 0303—SK3006 transistor R301, R304, R307, R312—1000-ohm, Y/2-watt tehistor R302, R306, R310—2700.chm, Y-watt re sistor R303, R309—10,000-chm, Y-wat R305—5600-ohm, /4-watt resi R3C8—5000-ohm potentiometer R311—22,000-ohm, Y2-welt resistor $301—S.p's.t. rotary switch (Centralab 1460 oF equiv.) $302—D.p.s.t. switch on R308 1301—IF transformer (supplied with IF module! 1—Audio-frequency amplifier module (Lafayett 99¢9042 or Mixer Tuning Circuit, Subassembly No. 4 €401—.01-uF capacitor €402—.05-uF capacitor C403, C404, C405, C408, C410, C411—2- to 30-pF mica trimmer cap €406—10- to 365-pF dual-section variable co- pacitor (Lofayette 32C1102 or equiv.) €407—120-pF capacitor 409—420-pF capacitor 1401—Low-frequency RF coil (Miller X-5495-RF) 1402—Broadcost-band RF coil (Miller A-5495-RF) 1403—Shortwave RF coil (Miller B-5495-A) 1404—Low-frequency oscillator coil (Miller X-5495-C) 1405—Broadcast-band oscillator coil (Miller 5495-C) 1406—Shortwave oscillator ¢-5495-C) R401—1000-chm, Y-walt resistor R402, R403—470-chm, ¥/2-watt resistor R404—100-chm, Y4-walt resistor $401—Six-pole, four-throw, non-shorting rom tory switch Miscellaneous Parts 52-in. long telescoping whip entenne (Le- fayette 99C3008 or equiv.) 1—3-in. dia. 8-ohm speaker IIT RI2 bin. cowltype chesse-box (Bud 1—Bog push-in clips for perf-boord 1—Flexible shaft coupling for C406 1—Vernier dial (Lafayette 99€2566 or ea 6—"h-in. spacers for mounting perf board ‘Misc.—Shielded cable, RG58/U coox cable, elu- minum for brackets, mounti wire, solder, grommets, etc. the logging scale, and the generator to 1.6 MHz. Peak 1404 and 1406 for maximum output. Set the tuning dial to 170 on the logging scale and the generator to 4.3 MHz. Peak C405 and C411 for maximum output. Repeat the adjustments. VHF Tune-Up. Set the bandswitch to VHF and listen for the typical super-regen- erative hiss. This should occur over the en- tire dial range of C106. Set the VHF tuning control to full capacity and the signal gen- erator to 144 MHz, Squeeze or stretch L102 until you hear the signal in the speaker. Note: output on the VHF band will not be as great as on the other bands. Install the box cover on the receiver and calibrate the VHF band with the generator. The prototype covered from 144 to 164 MHz. If your coverage is not the same, change the value of C105. A dial with a log- ging scale only was used for the VHF range, but you can cement a paper scule on the panel and use a pointer knob. Calibrate the other bands with the signal generator and install the verier dial glass. Operation. For best reception on the LF and SW bands, the whip antenna should be fully extended. You may find better re- ception for VHF if the whip antenna length is slowly adjusted to peak the signal recep- Cop Calling Computer Digital communications techniques will add more privacy in police communications systems, as well as provide means for speeding mes- sige traffic to mobile radios in police cars, Greater security is one of several ways digital systems can improve the performance of law enforcement agencies. Basically, digital overlay (a concept GE engineers have developed) sends discrete bits of information in coded form over a voice radio channel. The coded information occupies only a portion of the voice channel, and voice could be sent simultaneously on the sume channel, Voice would be used primarily for emergency calling, while coded traffic would be for routine or special-function communications. Digital techniques can be used for both one-way and two-way systems. The one-way, base-to-mobile system will pro- vide message security to the extent that snoopers who might intercept are not equipped with decoders nd printers. In a more sophisticated form, the codes themselves could be modified ‘on a periodic basis. It will also conserve spec- trum time assuming that voice and data are transmitted simultaneously. Dispatching can be ‘May-June, 1968. tion. The BC band can be received with either the whip or loop antenna. Rotate the loop for best reception. ‘The LF, BC, and SW bands can be peaked for best reception by tuning the preselector control. For greater range, connect an out- side antenna on the base of the whip an- tenna. Note that images of strong BC sta- tions might be received on the LF band Set the preselector switch for each band (except the VHF band) when you set the bandswitch. The preselector switch, for ex- ample, should be set to BC when the band- switch is set to BC. The preselector tuning can then be adjusted to peak up weak signals on the LF, BC, and SW bands. The preselector tuning is not used on the VHF band. Setting the bandswitch to VHF connects the VHF detector circuit to the audio stages and disconnects the lower-fre- quency circuits. The BFO circuit will not work on the VHF portion of the Mariner IV receiver. Strong VHF stations can be received by plugging in the whip antenna. Weaker sta- tions can be received by disconnecting the whip and plugging in a high outside VHF antenna. Good results can be achieved by using a TV antenna for horizontally polar- ized VHF signals. . improved because routine messages can be coded and sent at any time and their receipt is assured even if the mobile unit is temporarily vacant. (Cops drink coffee, you know!) The voice capabilities of the system are preserved for emergencies and response time may. there- fore, be expected to improve. A police officer is informed that the car he spotted and ‘phoned in isa stolen vehicle. 46 ‘Brain Scanning= the easy Bas A CG Exploring the human brain got a big elec- tric boost back in 1954. A Swedish doctor discovered that sound waves—safe and simple—could enter the head, ripple through the brain, then emerge to paint a revealing picture on an oscilloscope. It could spot a dangerous tumor or other disease. But it took an expert to make it work. Only the sharp eye of a surgeon could study the picture and know whether to prescribe a brain operation or just a few aspiri Thanks to Arthur Hudson of Canada’s N tional Research Council, a new scanning sys- tem will vastly reduce the skill needed to take what’s called an “A-scan echo-gn- cephalogram.” The basic system applies a burst of ultra- sonic sound to the head. This is marked on the scope by a dab of light. So long as vi- brations travel through uniform brain tis- sue, they’re barely affected. But a change in the nature of the tissue bounces back a portion of the sound energy. The reflection is heard by a microphone-type transducer, and a second dab of light appears on the way 4 ‘of Canada scope. The doctor knows where in the brain the bounceback occurs by noting the space between pips of light on the screen. The big problem came from a multitude of misleading echoes from normal separa- tions in the brain. Hudson’s apparatus, in the photo above, solves much of the con- fusion. Instead of one transducer, there are two (those cylinders near the patient’s ears) The transducers are mounted on a mechani- cal assembly, being adjusted by Hudson Both transducers can be moved around the head without losing their positions relative to each other. In operation, each transducer fires a pulse of sound toward its partner. And each picks up the other’s echoes. By comparing four resulting scope patterns, it’s now possible to ignore false reflections and tell whether two echoes are arriving from the same object. So accurate and simple is the new device that it can be handled by a technician—and remove one more headache from the busy brain surgeon. 2 ELEmEntary ELECTRONICS By Marshall Lincoln, W7DQS Handy little control box allows most any mike to be used with that tape recorder cpa coe a forever finding new uses for their recorders. They're big on new gadgets that extend the recorder’s versatility, too. In fact, rare is the tape en- thusiast who doesn’t have a box filled with patch cords, adapter plugs, mixers, and vari- ‘ous other accessory gadgetry. But since nearly every recorder manu- facturer has his own system of input, out- put, and control plugs, many accessories can't easily be adapted to a specific recorder. Mikes, especially, are generally fitted with connectors that plug into a particular piece of equipment and are unusable with other gear. Another difficulty for the experimenter who wants to use a favorite push-to-talk mike with a recorder for which it is not intended, is the fact that the on/off control circuits in recorders are not all alike. While most mikes have normally-open contacts in their internal push-to-talk cir- cuits, some recorders require special mikes having normally-closed contacts. If this is the case, you have the unnatural situation of pushing the mike button to stop the re- Vertatile Tope Trigger lets just about any push-to-talk mike be used with any recorder. May-June, 1968 corder, and releasing it when you want to record. This can be a nuisance at best, and may cause the operator to miss much of the material he intended to record because he pushed the mike button when he should have released it Tape Trigger eliminates this nuisance fac~ tor while enabling a recorder enthusiast to use his favorite push-to-talk mike with any recorder. All's Under Control. Essentially, Tape a @ @ TAPE TRIGGER — Trigger matches the particular control ci cuit of any recorder so as to trigger the re- corder into operation whenever a push-to- talk mike with the conventional normally- ‘open contacts is used. No matter whether the recorder requires normally-open or nor- mally-closed switching of the motor circuit, Tape Trigger keeps everything under con- trol. \ 4, new walt on =e ori ale ae > Tape Trigger. PARTS LIST BI—5 pen-cells connected N—Cennector to mate with being used KI—Sp.dt, 6-VDC reley (Sigma 65FIA- 6DC, Newark 24F1981, or equiv.) P1—Connector (see text S1—S.p.d.t. toggle switch 1—2-cell bottery clip (see text) 1-2 x2 x 4-in. motel or bokeli chossis box ‘As can be seen from the wiring diagram, the key parts of Tape Trigger are a small Telay, which is sensitive enough to be oper- ated by flashlight pen-cells, and a single-pole double-throw switch, In use, pushing the mike button operates the relay which has single-pole double-throw contacts. The relay arm is connected to one termi- nal of the recorder motor-control plug, and the switch arm of the toggle switch is con- nected to the other terminal of this plug. The other two switch contacts are then con- nected across the fixed relay contacts. With this arrangement, the toggle switch deter- mines whether the recorder is looking into set of normally-closed or normally-open contacts. When the switch is in the up position in the wiring diagram, the recorder sees nor- mally-closed contacts. If the switch arm is in the down position, the recorder sees nor- mally-open contacts. Nothing cvitical about Tape Trigger and any chassis and parts layout can be used. Mike Matching. The completed unit shown in the photos was built to allow a GE communications-type mike to be used with a Uher recorder, which requires a normally- closed motor-control switch. The same trig- get unit can be used with recorders requiring a normally-open set of contacts merely by throwing the toggle switch to the opposite position, Additional versatility is provided by using a removable cable to connect the trigger unit to the recorder. This allows you to prepare extra cables in case you want to use the unit with another recorder having a different type of control plug, or differing connections in the control plug. For example, it was desired (0 use the unit shown with a Norelco recorder. This record- er uses the same type of connectors as the Uher, but the control circuit is wired to d ferent pins in the connector. By preparing a second cable, with wiring matching that of the Norelco connectors, the change from one recorder to the other can easily be made by using the correct cable. Any polarized connector with at least four terminals can be used for this cable conn; tion to Tape Trigger. An eight-pin chassi type connector was installed in the unit shown because one was available in the author's junk box. However, only four of the pins are used Wiring It Up. In wiring Tape Trigger, use a short piece of shielded cable to run from the input connector to the output con- nector. A2x 2x 4in. metal utility box was used for the prototype, but any metal or plastic box of adequate size may be used since parts layout is not critical and a shielded box is not required. If a metal box is used, the relay should : (Continued on page 118) SIngIng low about growing a speaker? That's right, growing a speaker! Not the en- tire speaker, of course, just the unit that drives the large paper cone. It won't out- perform commercial speakers in power or in fidelity, but it will perform creditably and it requires only simple skills or techniques. In addition to being an unusual conversation piece, it's an elegant experiment in piezo- electricity for the Science Fair bug and a natural for the dedicated do-it-yourself experimenter. ‘We've become so accustomed to the dy- namic speaker that we forget there are other ways to transform electrical impulses into sound, One of these is piezo- (or pressure-) electricity, an impressive name for the tiny electrical currents that pressure generates in certain crystalline substances. The action is also reversible—a voltage applied to the ‘May-June, 1968 Grow your own speaker system! Piezoelectric crystal that you sire wiggles in step with an audio signal! By William J. Millard crystal causes physical distortion or vibra- tion to take place in the crystal. It is the latter effect which makes the crystal work as a reproducer of sound. Of the many crystals which exhibit the piezoelectric effect, quartz is one of the most familiar, It is possible to grow artificial quartz crystals—if you have access to a well- equipped research lab. Tf you don't havé, there is another piezoelectric material that can be produced in the home workshop with nothing more exotic than some Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate—KNaC,H.0,* 4H.O) dissolved in distilled water. Consid- ering the fact that Rochelle salt crystals are so easy to grow, it’s a pleasant surprise to find that they are also one of the most potent performers of the entire piezoelectric family. And the Rochelle salt crystal you grow will be the swinging heart of a home-brew piezo- 4 @ @ SINGING CRYSTALS electric speaker. Here are alll the details. How Crystals Grow. Crystal-growing is not as difficult a task as it may seem. All that is necessary is to provide the right environment and let nature do the rest. Essentially, the process is no more complex than stacking blocks one upon another ex- cept that it's done on an infinitely tiny scale. Starting with a single molecule, nature oblig- ingly piles layer upon layer of identical mole- cules until the crystal grows to harvesting size, Regardless of its size, however, when the crystal grows in an orderly fashion, will have the same shape or “habit” that its molecule has. Each crystalline substance has its own distinctive habit. For example, ordi- nary table salt (sodium chloride—NaCl) crystals are always cubical. Rochelle salt crystals have an “orthorhombic” system and will inevitably grow to approximate the shapes shown in Fig. 1 At one time or another everyone has noticed that things seem to be more soluble in warm than in cold water—the warmer the water, the more molecules of a substance it can hold in solution. When water at a given temperature holds the maximum num- ber of molecules, it is “saturated.” If the temperature drops even a fraction of a de- gree, the solution contains more molecules than it can accommodate and it becomes “supersaturated.” Immediately the excess molecules try to precipitate out of solution and it is this characteristic that causes crys- tals to grow. If a small seed crystal is suspended in the Fig. 1. Rochelle salt erystals foke on an orthorhombic shape a: they grow (drawing af lett). Shopes will,vary slightly from crystal to crystal as seen at above right. Near-pertect home-grown crystal is in center of photo. supersaturated solution, the excess molecules are deposited on the seed in uniform layers until there is mo longer an excess and the solution is no longer supersaturated. The growing process can be continued through many cycles by successively lowering the temperature of the solution to re-establish the supersaturated condition. Temperature Control. Obviously tem- perature control is the single, most important environmental factor. It is entirely possible to grow small crystals without such control, but the superior results gained from using a temperature-regulated enclosure make the small additional effort well worthwhile. Probably, the simplest method is to fill beforehand an abandoned aquarium, laun- dry tub or other large container with water and let it stand until it reaches room tem- perature. Then, when you have prepared the jar of Rochelle salt solution, set it in the water, taking care to keep the cap above water. The large volume of water acts as a thermal ballast (heat sink) and counteracts minute fluctuations in room temperature. This arrangement keeps the temperature fairly constant but permits no actual control. Constant temperature can be accomplished by using an immersion heater used to heat aquariums. Start out with water several de- grees ahove room temperature and gradually reduce the thermostat setting as the crystal grows, Another method of control, although a little more elaborate, is extremely flexible and entirely within the realm of the electron- ics experimenter. Line a small wooden or cardboard box with some insulating ma- terial such as old ceiling tile. Cut a hole in the side and insert a piece of glass or plastic sheet as an observation window. Mount a ‘ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS it and a lamp soc! 25-watt lamp inside the box and wire them as shown in Fig. 2, Note the override push- button across the thermostat. The pushbut- ton permits the light to be turned on for ‘momentary observation when the thermostat is not calling for heat Preparing the Seeds. Once the tem- perature control problem is settled you can start on the first phase of the actual growing process, Heat 1% cups of distilled water until it’s pleasantly warm (140° F) and dis- solve one pound of Rochelle salt in it. You can buy the latter at almost any drugstore. Always use a pyrex, stainless steel or en- ameled pan to prevent contamination of the solution. Pour three or four tablespoonfuls of the solution into a small glass jar and the re- mainder into a clean mason jar. Seal the mason jar and place it in the enclosure which should be six or eight degrees above room temperature, The small amount of solution in the separate container should be left out to cool down to the room temperature, As it does so, the solution becomes supersatu- rated and the excess molecules usually start to crystallize spontaneously. However, if nothing happens within a few hours, drop a Title powder from the original container into the solution. The powder forms a nucleous around which crystallization proceeds apace. Keep an eye on the process and as soon ‘as you detect some small crystals growing, use a magnilying glass to select two or three of the shapeliest crystals. (See Fig. I.) Pour the solution into a temporary contain- er, clean the crystal debris from the hottom, replace the solution and put the selected few crystals back in to continue their growth. ‘As the water slowly evaporates the solution continually supersaturates and provides ex- cess molecules for deposit on the seeds. When the seeds are Y% in. long or more they are ready to be planted in the mason jar, Their actual size is not too important excep! that the smaller they are the better. Obtain a small spool of I-Ib. nylon line from. a sporting goods store for use in suspending the seed in the growing solution. The smoothness of the monofilament aylon dis- courages the growth of unwanted debris that accumulates so readily on ordinary cotton thread. Tie the seed securely to the end of a twelve-inch length of nylon line, cutting off the short end us closely as possible to the seed. By the time the seed crystal is ready for x-JONE, 1968 should have precipitated the ‘excess salt to. the bottom. If nothing has happened after 6 or 8 hours, sprinkle a few grains of powder into the jar. That will start the process and within minutes you'll see crystals falling to the bottom. Shake the jar occasionally to hasten crystallization. oven ae 25 WATT UP bj enwostar TC Fig. 2. Temperature control circuit anyone can build. Thermostat is kind found in most homes. It is important that all the excess salt crystallize out so that the solution reaches equilibrium at 100 percent saturation for the growing temperature you have selected. Naturally, you can’t look at the jar and tell when this condition is reached but, if you follow the routine described, in two or three days you can be fairly sure the solution is at saturation. The next step is to add a precisely con- trolled amount of salt to the saturated solu- tion. Pour the liquid carefully into another jar, making sure that the debris from the bottom is excluded. Scrape the debris into a flat glass baking dish (clean glass ash tray will do) and warm them in an oven to drive off the moisture, Weigh out one ounce of dry crystals. (You can use an inexpensive mail scale or spring balance.) Warm up the solution once more and dissolve the ounce of crystals. Clean the mason jar once again and pour the liquid into it using a filter paper of the type used in coffee makers to keep out contaminants. Seal the jar and set it in the heated enclosure Hang it! While the growing solution is cooling to the desired temperature, drill a small hole in a spare jar cap and thread the nylon line through it. Adjust the length of the line so that the seed crystal will hang about an inch above the bottom of the jar and hold it in place with a piece of tape as shown in Fig. 3. Once the solution has cooled to the grow- ing temperature it will be supersaturated by the amount of Rochelle salt just added. Sus- pend the seed crystal in the solution, reseal the jar and do not disturb. Growing the Crystal. If all conditions

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