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Weeks Agenda

(May 18th-21st)

*Each day this week will be non-uniform!*

Kids will be cleaning out desks and lockers. Please bring a bucket and rag or
sponge to clean with.
There will be an all school movie in the afternoon. Students will be watching
The Incredibles. If there are any issues with your child watching this movie
please let me know. Students will be allowed to bring snacks and a drink to the
movie (drinks must have lids). They can also bring blankets and a pillow to lie
Summer Send-Off! The Summer Send-Off lasts from 11:30-2:15 followed by a
2:30 dismissal (car-line will take place in the front of school). Wristbands will be
passed out in the morning. Students MUST check out with me before leaving
this day. Lunch will be hot dogs, chips, and a drink, and will be served from 1111:30 inside the gym. Students must stay in the gym until their lunch period is
over. From here they will be dismissed to the carnival.
The awards ceremony will begin at 8:15 followed by Mass with Fr. Pat. Students
will be dismissed after Mass for summer vacation! Woohoo!

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