Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami

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Thoku Earthquake and Tsunami (2011)

A 9.0 magnitude quake followed by tsunami waves hit the east coast of
Japan in March 11, 2011. With a depth of 24.4 km, this was the largest
earthquake to ever strike Japan in recorded history. Documented as the 7th
largest earthquake in the world, it led to about 15 million dead or injured,
and 2,814 people missing. It also affected 18 prefectures, with over
250,000 buildings damaged or destroyed and caused a near nuclear
disaster when there was a partial meltdown in 3 reactors of the Fukushima
nuclear plant, which is the 2nd largest nuclear disaster after Chernobyl.
Andrea Pauline Hernandez (8-Niyog)

Mara Quiela D. Santiago


Haiti Earthquake (2010)

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake that has a depth of 8.1 miles rocked Haiti on
January 12, 2010. Its epicenter was located just south west of Port-Au-Prince
with 59 aftershocks ranging from 4.2 to 5.9 magnitudes in strength. The
strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770, it had led to over 200,000
deaths, 2 million homeless, and 3 million people in need of emergency aid. At
least US $195 million have been given with another US $120 million pledges
from different countries, along with a large number of aid workers to help with
rescue operations.

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