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Alyssa Lindsey

Solar Decathlon Project
Second Semester/ 2014-2015

Project Description:

The goal of this design project was to design an affordable house using the Solar
Decathlon guidelines, universal design features and sustainable design features for the
client. Taking into account key aspects such as sun placement, wind currents, and
changing seasonal temperatures, students were to create structures that blend as
seamlessly as possible into the surrounding area. The project site is located off of Bee
Hive Road in the Charleston Area. Flanked on the North and West by Highway 17 and
Bee Hive Road, the site is also backed by a wooded area to the East. The South
property line meets the property line of a neighboring lot. There are few trees in the
setback and the property is relatively flat, having a slope of only 2 ft over the entire site.

Solar Decathlon Project Constraints and Criteria:

1. 1 or 2 bedroom(1 bathroom per bedroom) home for a get-away house for you and a
2. Minimum Square Footage 600sq.ft and Maximum Square Footage of 1,000sq.ft.(see
6-2 solardecathlon2015_rules)
3. Must have a minimum of 3 sustainable features
4. Must have a space that can convert to another space
5. Must follow all ADA/Universal Guidelines
6. Must follow applicable building codes
7. The design should follow a portion of the solar decathlon guidelines and adhere to
residential design building codes.
8. Universal design features must be incorporated into the design.
9.Green and sustainable features must be incorporated into the design.

The house has been designed with many green, sustainable, and universal
design features in mind. The large open floor plan provides easy access to any space
on the first floor while minimizing building materials necessary for construction. The lack
of obstructing interior walls allows sunlight to reach all parts of the space as it comes
through the many large windows. The large french and pocket doors, while letting in
light, also allow for ventilation in the warmer seasons, as opening the opposite doors
allows air currents to blow directly though the space. The low energy use, Energy Star
appliances and fixtures coupled with the toilet that is fed with used shower water reduce
the energy consumption of the building. Combined, all these features and appliance
create a getaway house thats not only aesthetically pleasing, but energy efficient as

Conclusion (Type answers in complete sentences)


What new career or careers did you discover? Would you be interested in a

career related to residential design and construction?

Electrical and plumbing careers were careers that I took an in depth look into for
the first time. I enjoy the energy efficient aspects of residential design and construction,
but I doubt I would enjoy designing and building houses for clients.


What element(s) of the design and building process were not included in the

activity that would be crucial for the process of creating a successful residential
Heating and air conditioning are key components to building a successful
residential structure and are not included in this activity.


Describe a characteristic of one geographic location different from your

residential design location and describe and example of how it would affect the design
and construction process.
If my residential design location was the site of my house the design would have
to be modified to fit flood zone regulations, meaning I would have to raise my house.

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