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Anthony Ogbuli

Comparative Politics
Civil Liberties
Y 10
Y 10
Y - 10
N -3
X=Y: (Y=Democratic Regimes)
X1+X2+X3 = Y1: Economic Development + Civil Liberties + Education
= Democratic Regime
Indicators are ranked as a 0-10. 10 being the best, 0 being the worst.
10-7 = Y
7-5 = M
4-0 = N
Economic Development This isnt just GDP in general although that is
important, it also isnt just GDP per capita although that also has a
large implication in this. A prerequisite to an effective democracy is
making sure the populous has their basic needs met food, water,
shelter, health etc.. Statistically the strongest democracies have a well
sized middle class where the majority of people are economically taken
care and not in poverty, but also not extremely wealthy. This is a
middle ground that builds a populous whose economic needs are
satisfied enough to be able to focus on participation and oversight on
their own government. Most democratic countries are already well
developed, and development is a strong precursor to democratization
in many instances.
Civil Liberties This is the basic rights of their people, a free press, and
the ability to criticize the government and not free any repercussions.
It is also the ability to form political parties and be given access to fair
and free elections to try and gain power through popular demand.
Everyone having the right to vote this includes women and minorities,
as well as having all the votes count equally. The people need to be
able to live their lives freely and without duress from the government
or intimidation tactics that could force them into voting for the party
already in power.
Education Ive defined this as not only base literacy, but also basic
education which doesnt have to be high school level per say but
somewhere in the general facility. The people have to also be educated
about their rights, and the power that they can have over the

government. A democracy needs an educated populous to be able to

make decisions that can keep the government in check. More
importantly though the populous must be educated enough to know
when the government is abusing or expanding the power they have
unjustly so they can respond in kind.

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